Is Pakistan white?

Is Pakistan white?


Is pakistan hispanic?


Is pakistan ameri-indian?


Is pakistan iberian?


Is pakistan latino?

no, pakistan is........well, it's.......paki

Is pakistan arab?

No but it wants to be

We're whiter than arabs though

You're literally just Indians who became Muslims. Come on mate, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.


is this your cousin? can I marry her?

Is pakistan turkic?

>We're whiter than arabs though
The Levant, Kurds and Turks are all apparently whiter.

and you clearly don't know what arab means


Turks and kurds aren't arabs and kurds aren't white

You can have my cousin
Is pakistan mestizo

Pakistan is sicillian

das rite, paisano

leave the Sup Forums, take the cannoli