Comfy Landscape Thread

ITT: Let's post comfy landscape pictures from our countries and enjoy others.




Saxon Switzerland in East Germany


I'll just post pics from the area I live in then.

Can you kick an american football between those?


If you got a strong leg I guess haha. But the strong winds might make it difficult. Most of the time there is storm level winds blowing through there.



looks like from a different planet

>different planet
Just Swedish Lapland.
Nature is different above the arctic circle.
And for the last one.
A tiny but super deep lake. Over 50 meters deep in the deepest place.

What the fuck, is that the whole thing - and it's 50m deep?

Pic: Posting something else than just our numerous fjords.

>What the fuck, is that the whole thing - and it's 50m deep?
For you

Ok getting slightly outmatched by all those glorious northern landscapes but my back window view isn't half bad. Right?
Southern Sweden.


>50m deep?
Yeah it's a pretty odd little puddle.
It's an old fracture (in lack of better words) in the ground from the ice age that's full of water.
The water is ice cold even in summer so most likely some kind of underground spring comes up from beneath.
They cleaned it out about 20 years ago, local farmers used to dump shit in there. They even pulled out an old tractor (a "Grålle" ) from it..
Now it's super clean.

It's nice and comfy. Heres mine. WP master race btw (I'm getting rid of my WP tho).

Tractor. TOP KEK.
>hmmm I wonder where I can hide this thing... oh I know that 50m deep puddle!

är det du klockanon?

Perfect place to hide bodies kek.
Found another pic of the area, perfectly captures the feel of our winters.

Klokken fikk uheldigvis fokus.

I look forward to winter again now.


I live just by the main path all the cruise ships takes out of/into Stockholm.
>fun to go swimming just 20-30 meters from massive ships

Can't remember having seen the Thüringer Wald in one of these threads so far. We make our fjords ourselves.

Cruise ships are the worst thing ever to approach this land.

Isn't this more like creating a lake?

why is it always the scandies posting these, yes we know your countries are butifel

don't you ruin my imagination

We like to see other places.




MOO hehe.

Also nice to see us northern folk here.

I make these threads sometimes so that I can see landscape from other countries. Swedes are good contributers to these threads. I want more countries to post tho.

Wow, that's really cool.


do any tourists ever end up in places like this?


Very frequently.Most don't come to explore nature they just come to see the historic sites.

Sorry, meant to say non-frequently.

why did you never tell you were hiding alps somewhere, turk?

seems like all of Norrlands population is in this thread
can I join?

>main road home I drive everyday, best in winter


I don't see you contributing, Netherlands.

driving this always makes me comfy

I see your viking ship and raise you a bear.
My area is full of them, literally just sit in my backyard and take pics of them sometimes.

Hmmm. Embracing the nature is the essence of a landscape thread, I think. And here you post your taming and destruction of nature instead. Why do the dutch hate nature?
Pic related, Norway does it too desu.

there is no such thing as nature here

everything was created from scatch





If we work together, can we put a bear in a viking ship floating in a fjord? My area doesn't have bears, but we have bears in inland norway. Guess they don't like the coast.



Hm, interesting that a formation like that occurred in a crater. Do you have some info about it at top of your head?

Netherlands is such a boring place



>t a bear in a viking ship floating in a fjord
Must teach him how to fight as well.

stop making these threads

Contribute with what Denmark has to offer. Don't feel insecure just because you're flat.


Yea the whole north east region has places like that the further you go away from the sea.You can see many Arab tourists there nowadays.

>nongeometric landschapes
so barbarian


not bad

could use some more geometry though

but denmark is fucking hideous


Ousside muh town

Shitty in comparison to ITT but who cares

We don't have that much diverse landscape
It's pretty much a different variation of this

another example

This looks absolutely amazing, too bad you need a helicopter or a plane to see it IRL. Or a tall tower.

This picture is Denmark.

We could, look at this shit just long ass stripes.

anotha one


This are good.
It looks like textures haven't downloadeed properly. But still nice.




Is it always so hill-y? No flat land?

anotha 1

mons klint is an exception since it's the only thing worth seeing here, and even then it's really underwhelming. I wish I was born in norway with all its beautiful fjords or sweden with its great forests and wildlife.


this is in Lebanon

this is probably the comfiest nature we have in denmark



what parts of Turkey do you think have the best nature? im thinking of planning an /out/ing

well, does it counts as lanscape?

Something about this place I find very appealing, although I have not been there.



Norilsk counts as hellscape


Just leave this board you fucking autist. You're the most annoying poster on Sup Forums I have ever seen, you don't have to post your """""comfy"""" frozen commiehell to every single thread containing landscapes/cities.

Nordic cities may look cool during winter, but they are gray and muddy shitholes for rest of the year.