Tfw your country shares a border with a slavic country

>tfw your country shares a border with a slavic country
>tfw there are Slavs living in your country and they have rights to preserve their language and traditions

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw your country doesn't shares a border with Albania
>tfw there are Albaninans living in your country anyway and they have rights to preserve their language and traditions

>tfw there is no such thing as a Rhaeto-Romance country
>tfw there are people claiming to be Rhaeto-Romance living in your country and for some reason they have rights to preserve their "language" and "traditions"

Protect your borders from sandnigger flood instead of complaining about Slavs, you fucking luigi faggot.

this actually. immigration is normal. With limits...

The sandniggers constantly landing on your beach is not immigration ,its a cultural invasion.

The sandniggers here don't cry and shout about having their made up language taught in school, they just want to go to France and Germoney
t. 56% (including Arabs, "white" Latinos and quadroons)

>tfw your country shares a border with Germany
>tfw still no refugees

I am only 75% european(im a castizo). I dont really care about native Mexicans, if they are legal they tend to be hard workers. Our borders suck though. I would rather have slavs than mexicans desu.

Give back Trst to its rightful owners mario

Then, why don't you follow your own advice and help stopping the cultural invasion by moving back to Mexico?

Austria-Hungary doesn't exist anymore, so we'll have to hold it to protect the local residents from the Slavic menace

Was born here. Parents were born here. Their parents killed italians and germans. Their parents were born here as well. Why would I move back to a country I never belonged to? Mexicans call me gringo anyway.

>Their parents killed italians and germans
Gotta love how Shartistani need to bring WW2 into everything.
Still, think about your own white minority country before chastising any European country for "cultural invasion"

I mean you're the one who said I didnt belong in my own country. Obviously I need to bring up the fact that my family did indeed give the ultimate sacrifice when it was called upon.

We are not the ones with the muslim problem. You are. We dont have Mexicans blowing up and trucking people.

>Italians move to your country

its not even immigration, those Slovenians have lived in the area for centuries

>We are not the ones with the muslim problem
Weird, considering you had multiple muslim terror attacks and we have yet to see one

Yeah thats true. Probably just means no one really pays Italy any notice.

>scandi country with noscandi neighbors
>immigrants from fucking everywhere is replacing scandibro's as second largest ethnicity groups

Its like all my nightmares at once.

I'm glad you agree Italy doesn't have a muslim problem, unlike you

>*with scandi neighbors

>56% (including Arabs, "white" Latinos and quadroons)
Less than 1%
Lol no the 56% is non-Hispanic white
absolutely not maybe in Sicily and Calabria but they aren't white here.


These are not even immigrants. Why did every other nation state eradicate their ethnic minorities but we didn't? We still have people talking Greek from the days of Magna Grecia for fuck's sake

>absolutely not maybe in Sicily and Calabria but they aren't white here.
Sure thing

You do realize a lot of Italians probably have african ancestry. Italians colonized parts of Africa.

>Italians colonized parts of Africa
Sure, only for a short time and there was never much immigration to or from those colonies, as testified by the fact that no one uses Italian in Somalia, Libya or Eritrea

>Weird, considering you had multiple muslim terror attacks and we have yet to see one
Do you realize how many are stopped and how many people are in the court system now?

That just means that our police is more competent than yours and that is able to keep the muslim problem at bay

*immigrates to you*
*founds political party*
*teaches romanian in schools*

But ROMAnians are fratii mei and not Slavs

shhh sto baitando fratele meu

modern Italians

>American police still manages to be less competent than Italian police

Too many spics amirite

>1% or more
A lot of Europeans probably do as well. In fact I'm pretty sure some of the Euros who posted their results on Sup Forums did. Based on how long most whites have been here a low percentage would have to come from Europe. As an Italian there's a strong likelihood you do.

>the genetic ancestry of about 78,000 customers likely to consider themselves as entirely of European ancestry and found that somewhere between 3 percent and 4 percent of those people have “hidden” African ancestry.The percent of African ancestry is relatively low with the majority of individuals having just 0.5 percent to 0.75 percent – which suggests that those people have an African ancestor who lived about six generations, or about 200 years, ago.

>that just means that our police is more competent than yours and that is able to keep the muslim problem at bay
Not even close we are the golden Target and your just a highway to Northern Europe. Having said that your police are competent but mainly from experiences dealing with the mafia.

>Not even close we are the golden Target and your just a highway to Northern Europe.
And thank God for that
>Having said that your police are competent but mainly from experiences dealing with the mafia.
That and rampant domestic terrorism in the '70s

Redpill me on Slavs
Why do Italians hate them?

normal people dont, only autists on Sup Forums

Nobody hates slavs, it's just weird having all these minorities

they don't observe the law