World's 10 most livable cities in 2017

Anglo superiority confirmed once again

if your city is not in the list then you're not alive

More like most diverse cities
Hellsinki is full of niggers and commies

Kek. Vienna is full of immigrants. I'd never want to move there.

I would kill myself if i had to live in one of the bigger cities.

Most of those cities have a lower percentage of MENA & Black than Swedish villages

hey it's not that bad
t.15 million

*most livable cities for brown people 2017

Sure, but i am just stating my opinion on the thread's subject. And its your future as well unless you do something about it pekka.

i cant take this list seriously with Wien being second place

31 tomorrow in the depths of winter

I'd rather be in melbourne


>Australian ""winters""

I'd only want to live in 4 of those cities. Why the fuck is Calgary there?


Cool 100% legit graph made by some fucking autist.

I live in one of the biggest cities in the world and it's the best place I have ever lived [spoiler]it's not Paris of course[/spoiler]

looks very objective

White people shouldnt live in those conditions

Calm down Tyrone

>anglo superiority enrages the slavshit

Isn't Bratislava just a suburb of Vienna?

>luxembourg not on the list

no, those cities dont interact that much

Meme list, Toronto is expensive due to house prices. Good thing it went down 40% recently.

another meme ranking, this time so retarded they couldn't come up with a better word than "livable" to describe it

Wanna be surrounded by cute bois in Helsinki

>sydeny. toronto and vancouver
you mean yellow people

yeah but at least you don't have to deal with as many fucking bushfires as us during summer in melbourne

Anglos are beady eyed subhumanoids

Average Helsinkian

Bönde inferiority complex knows no limits.

>Bönde inferiority complex knows no limits.

Feels good to be superior Anglo-Saxon White Protestant Male

Muh heritage!


kek maybe if you live in a gated community


>no Leeds
Shit list

The most livable cities are quiet holes nI one cares about not the big ones

Fuck you

I have never seen more homeless people in one place.

I prefer Newcastle

>not a single american city on the list

too many non-whites in this country. disgusting



Considering we have a huge economy but third world problems it's kind of an anomaly m8

faggots everywhere. how come you guys pulled of that defense against russians 70 years ago?

Fucking Calgary? Why?

Australian-Canadian super empire when?

wtf does most livable even mean? Meme list.

Dont worry, youre still #1 for refugees ahmed

Nice meme leaf, I don't care about swedish cities not being on the list. but the way they score the cities is retarded.

>i don't care but i totally care

The biggest homo of the world, Tom Of Finland, was an Anti-Air officer in winter war. That also tells everything there is to know about Anti-Air as a MOS.

You seems to care more about this list. Most major cities sucks.

>""""""""holy"""""""""" land

>nuh uh its you that cares
Dude, just stop


>question how reliable this list is

you guys require us to get a visa to enter your country, we don't even need one from you guys. get your shit together mate.

>The Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) publishes an annual Global Liveability Ranking, which ranks 140 cities for their urban quality of life based on assessments of stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.[1]

It shouldn't be that hard to figure out what "livability" means

Don't blame me for the visa requirement. We just don't want your highly contagious Australian autism

same in Melbourne, I think they only take the inner city into consideration