YLYL Sup Forums edition

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t. average memelord

See guys
Austin isn't that bad
We also have Based Morrow


that some cringe there.

>Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance
My vote goes for this one.

inb4 Sup Forumsananas

who tf let this weeaboo have a twitter??

luckily that type of cancer is banned here.

I was a fan of "The Elementary School formerly known as Robert E. Lee"


Full list of submitted names
There are some good ones

>schoolie mcschoolface

Any man knows how to do this correctly


Haha wow just like Obama did that one time! She's just like us


Who am I to judge a happy couple

Just imagine all the other things she'll do as poorly once she gets railroaded into office.

I'm praying she'll have an emotional meltdown during a turbulent situation

No bully, she's on a diet. You know how many calories there are in beer?




they don't belong there though
I hope she didn't flush
never flush plastic

I'd say that's damn well guaranteed, yeah?

The only real question is how the media will spin it, if they report it at all.

That would be fair just punishment. A plumbing catastrophe.