>8 episode """seasons"""
8 episode """seasons"""
>penis inspection episode
i blame GOT honestly. at least cable shows used to have 12-13 episode seasons. now practically every HBO show has 10 episode seasons instead. now GOT is only doing 7 episodes in season 7 and 6 in season 8.
i imagine we'll eventually be down to 6 episode seasons.
inb4 then there's no filler. i never got this argument. a tv show is a tv show. it's not like they just have one story that they could tell in 2 episodes and everything else is filler.
>Its a mid season recap episode
>BBC seasons are 6 episodes
What are Brits so fucking lazy?
i don't mind shorter seasons if the quality is bumped up
>6 in season 8
Has this been confirmed?
I remember when a season used to have between 20 and 24 episodes. The best example would be the first seasons of Prison Break, which managed to do it without any filler at all.
network shows always had 20-24 episode seasons though. then once cable shows started the standard was between 12-13. now it seems the vast majority are between 6-10. at least netflix still has a few 13 episode season shows. HBO doesn't have any these days.
oh, and i don't know if it's been officially confirmed but that's what was being reported everywhere.