6ix9ine is basically ZillaKami for soyboys

6ix9ine is basically ZillaKami for soyboys
this shit is wild niguh

Other urls found in this thread:


They're all ripping off XXX style

Godzilla is too hard for those normie-ass niggas out there

Not sure if ironic or not but xxx wasnt the first to mix rap and rock and obviously wasnt the last

Whats up with taking drugs being associated with being cool?

t.iffy nigga too scared to get drugs

because drugs are good. you should try some.

basically put, a combination of the mystique the media deliberately puts on them (e.g. cocaine is classy, LSD will turn you into a wonderful enlightened human being, ect.) and the fact that despite this being a falsehood, the fact that a lot of creative types people look up to do/did drugs, so there is the real, non-manufactured aspect where if someone you personally think of as talented, cool, whatever, does something you might think doing that thing is cool too

drugs are a coping method

some druggies are cowards who don't even cope

This is so bad

Literally scene shit of the 10s

you got shitty taste nigga

rap is embarrassing

oh my.....this is hard.

We both know anyone that likes this isnt black, and is a probably a suburban white guy. Please don't use the term nigga.

He has a weak voice. I know people act like this shit is all about image but the primary reason that 69 is successful is that he has a clear, booming voice that stands out tracks. In contrast, this guy sounds like sounds like a generic screamo faggot. Voice is damn near everything in Hip Hop, which is why someone like Rick Ross can reach the pinnacle of the genre while a million "real niggas" with better flow and lyricism toil away in obscurity.

>death note sample
>mob psycho 100 reference
Is this ironic or genuine edginess??

U gay

>pls don't use the term nigga
Where do you think we are?

>We both know anyone that likes this isnt black, and is a probably a suburban white guy
got a black friend who jams this but whatever niggas can't listen hard shit because you said so.

nigga is a legit weeb

>He has a weak voice
>Voice is damn near everything in Hip Hop


i like the mix of heavy trap beats and screaming vocals but the lyrics and the whole level of edginess make me cringe. can you recommend me something in similar style but less cringey?



>He has a weak voice

lol what? hes better than most modern metal vocalists

you act as if being influenced by someone is an insult to them

soundcloud: hikariultra

for anyone interested. ''jet grind radio'' and ''shrimp'' are my fav

this post is actually hardcore cringe

boi ur so wronggg

This is heroic, thank you

because it's illegal

literally that's it, niggas wouldn't be acting hard if they could buy coke at the supermarket

Literally this.


soyboys don't like pedophiles, one would assume

lmao no sweetie. that insecure manlet wasnt the first to do shit like this.

mfw i enjoy this
it's edgy af but the weebery tapers it off to make it absurd

>can't argue or prove his point

god youre retarded... whats your point exactly, that its not cringy for your white ass to say nigga cause youre on Sup Forums? great arguementative point im sorry


lmao look at this soy nigga

everybody says nigga here. are you new or something? maybe its stupid but thats it.


>are you new or something?
is not a fucking arguement you retard. been here for 4 years btw. your autistic behaviour is cringy no matter where you are buddy-o


you'll cowards don't even smoke PCP

you told some shit like niggas dont listen dark trap and asked me to stop using the word nigga. i told you that saying nigga is pretty trivial, especially here. you started this awkward shitty discussion.

meant for:

im telling you youre a lil bitch and you wouldnt say nigga irl so why front on the net


>you wouldnt say nigga irl so why front on the net
i doubt you know me irl


i dont have to know you. i know your type. id bet money on it


then you will be even more broke than your family

Is this the hardest opening to a rap song ever

>removed the 4k upload from the other channel


breaking newa, normies got shit taste in music.