It's so edgy, hip and autistic to make fun of Grimes. Yes...

It's so edgy, hip and autistic to make fun of Grimes. Yes...Art Angels was dumb but Visions is one of the best spacey electronic pop albums ever made. If you could put aside your edgy autistim for a little while and listen to it you might see this (you're retarded if you don't). Visiting Statue, Be A Body, Colour of Moonlight, Symphonia IX and Nightmusic are some of the best spacey electronic pop songs ever made. Of course the entire album is good but these songs in particular are just phenomenal. My Sister Says the Saddest Things is literally the best song ever written and the anti-grimes brainlets are too slow to understand such magnificent songwriting.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why should I even care? Grimes this, Grimes that. It's not like she is hot or extremely talented. This ride just needs to stop at some point.

>It's not like she is hot
Imagine being so stupid that you care about their appearance above all else. She is the Mozart of electronic music. Her first three albums are godtier. It's a shame that you're too stupid and childish to appreciate her music.


It is dumb though lol. It's not like I don't love the album or anything, it's just that AA is no where near as good as Visions or Halfaxa. So when I make my Grimes defense thread if I acknowledge that AA is dumb, I have the upperhand over the h8rs because their only valid point is that AA is dumb. With that out of the way, there is nothing that they can say because her first three albums are godtier.



christ this thread makes me sick

Crimes cures all, unless you're a retard.


claire is everything i need in my life

OP why do you make this thread so much?



>being so stupid that you think that the appearance of a female musician influences the quality of her music
Must be rough being retarded, kid.

What I don't understand is how people dislike grimes.

>this pasta again
that thread with 2 replies that you killed wouldve been better than this

pasta is important

Can we all just be friends and agree that Grimes is luv and Grimes is lyfe?

Wow lol


It's not that she's awful, it's that you other autists keep spamming her on this board, so everyone gets tired of it.

one thread in a catalog is not really a spamming

I love Grimes.

grimes is so fire i fuck with vanessa OD

I have new music if your tired of people spamming grimes, yes its come to this soundcloud rappers are on Sup Forums.


test post please ignore

Nigga there's usually like 3-4 threads, and yea, some of them are not solely focused on grimes, but the point still stands