Does this board serve a purpose anymore? Looking over the threads and the discussions in threads it's just memes. There is little to no real discussion of television or movies.
>blacked >roganposting >baneposting >is it kino >kinoposting >what did X mean by this? >/ourguy/ >etc, etc, etc
How is this board not just /s4s/ is cosplay?
Luis Foster
editfag makes this board special.
Adam Walker
Luke Peterson
God. I want to impregnate vj so badly.
Austin Miller
whats next for her career?
Julian Garcia
foot porn!!!
Sebastian Clark
I'm sure you'll find yourself in the position to impregnate a lot of women with your mentally ill fetish.
Brody Phillips
>foot porn!!! In the same tier as diaperfags, fartfags, shitfags, and pissfags
Dylan Hill
>being anti-footfriend on Sup Forums Apologize to him. He said nothing wrong.
Grayson Russell
/film/ when?
Noah Cooper
Elijah Powell
Angel Allen
Sup Forums is a reddit board that unlike Sup Forums, is in denial about being reddit.
Connor Adams
if there was /film/ would capeshit be banned?
Robert Harris
>"kys" Hello Sup Forumseddit.
Josiah Jackson
>its a tourist redditor whines about the way Sup Forums has been for almost a decade now mini series on BBC
Xavier Kelly
hello loser with a fucked up fetish
Christian Myers
Go back to Sup Forumseddit. Your tour of Sup Forums is now over.
Joshua Jones
>Calling people losers on a website made for losers
Colton Bell
Thomas Phillips
/film/ would become a capeshit containment board that's clogging up Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Juan Bailey
hopefully >decade >literally all of this xposting and easily digestible meme spam that can be posted anywhere on the internet and isn't just Sup Forumscore only started in 2014