The European Union is ___

The European Union is ___.

better off without the UK


Going to destroy the rebels.

*The Fourth United Holy Roman Reich

stupid and gay

*The First United Eurabian Caliphate

The true third Rome

a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe

*First Holy Caliphate of the Fourth United Roman-German Empire

like a failed version of the USA

piece of shit trash

better than what Europe deserves, but still not as good as what it needs


Wh*Toid subhuman nation, E*urope belongs to the rmtrue rqce ofvthis earth the blackoids,EU should be called AFRICA union.


...the continuation of Germany by other means. (referring to Clausewitz's "On War")

>Implying the USA isn't failed already


...our homeland.

supported by (Fuck) Trump

a union that would work if it was European kids club only


Could not give less of a shit if I tried

thats why you post here butthurt nigel chavington