Tunisians come in all shapes, sizes — and colors

Tunisians come in all shapes, sizes — and colors

So they come in white

Are tunisians arabs?

some would be considered "white"

my neigbhours :)

The official language is Arabic so i guess

only egypt is arab. and its partially arab. rest of na isnt arab

Can I have tunisian gril?

They don't like white guys

Im as brown as they come fa.m

Non blackoid subhumans need to leave north africa

I've been your arm. pure Aryan


Its brown

you must be this shade of brown to be considered brown

Go back to E*rope wh*teoid subhuman, northbafrica belongs to blackoids, scientists say so.

never refer to me as wh*te ever again, negroid

>tunisians come in all sizes
fake and gay you all look anorexic
Yes, Tunisia is a Phoenico-Arab colony

>you all look anorexic

never mind I thought you said I look anorexic

Tunisians tend to be really skinny and lanky looking
except for the 2 "berber" tunisians that I know, both are chubby

It's better to be skinny than fat

Yeah true, but not anorexic tier skinny

Iberian are the real berbers, you are just a bunch of Arabs larping as something you are not, stop pls.

they are national-islamists look at flag


there's a white Vandal minority though, they have light coloured hair and blue eyes and are Europeans

they don't exist anymore lad

yes they do, but they're in denial, brainwashed by their fellow M**rs in order to pacify their natural superiority

post one example

this what a pure Tunisian looks like

disgusting desu

t. Geiseric al-Bougnouli

Mom and Dad were born in the very south of Morroco. No pigskins were there

pic are two tunisians
you can check the them to verify if you don't believe me
in the same family you can find the pale and the browny even between brother and sisters

how can you be a pure Tunisian then?

anyway, probably descended from Vandal ancestors who wandered off

I can see only Vandals

All vandals were relentlessly slaughtered by my ancestors