When was it that "Indie" stopped referring to Velvet Underground soundalikes and instead to soft rock bands for teenage...

When was it that "Indie" stopped referring to Velvet Underground soundalikes and instead to soft rock bands for teenage girls?

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in the 90s when garbage like modest mouse or built to spill (derivative indie rock) came popular in college spaces

it just kinda lost its edge around the 2000s when it became more radio adult contemporary oriented and shit like portugal the man, bon iver, cage the elephant, kings of leon got called indie

What's the difference?

your living all over me was the last good "indie" album. Everything since then has been utter shit

how the fuck isn't this 'soft rock for teenage girls'



Bug was hardly a step down from YLAOM though

around the same time "folk" became synonymous with "the same old four chords but on an acoustic guitar"

Unironically it started with Mac Demarco

nah it was before that with some of the soft mom rock bs in the late 2000s

No, he came about after it, I'm sure of it, not that he isn't something of a symptom of the problem and an instigator of a certain type of bland "indeh" music

beat happening

bell and sebastian

the decemberists

Certainly a distant precursor, but they still had a rawness and "indieness" to their sound. If I was to point to the turning point from that and now it would probably be Belle and Sebastian, but even then that's a far cry from shit like the 1975.

You could argue The Strokes, Arcade Fire, or Arctic Monkeys

indie is not a genre


I would say ed sheeran was certainly a major step in that process

They both suck ass, so I can see the confusion.

So do diarrhea and choking but you don't want to mix them

have a (You) because nothing else in your fucking life matters

Nothing has changed


my friend and i make indie music soundcloud.com/a679679679o/sets/beautiful-blasphemy

he's right though
listen to this shit

I'm glad it stopped being such a ubiquitous term for any rock music that was played on NPR.

Being in college during peak "indie" was hell.

The "indie is my favorite genre" is finally dead.