Who could stop them?

Who could stop them?

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What is this

I think it's from that new Godzilla movie. The Japanese one.

A dragon dildo

is this bloodborne

Godzilla fifth form

A bunch of humans and some cold water did the job just fine in the movie


why are there aliens in godzilla tail?

We don't know what kind of abilities they'd have.

I personally like to think each and everyone of them would become a Godzilla suicide bomber. Shin Godzilla was already very politically charged, no reason it couldn't go further.

Shin Godzilla was about a flabby, defenseless Japanese government having to suck it up and come together to defend against an otherwise unsurmountable threat. Godzilla adapts to become like the thing that defeated it, a bunch of much smaller, craftier beings. So, the Godzilla People (Gojirajin? Gojin?) become smaller, craftier versions of what they were before with the same purely destructive nature. Something that size might not be a laser cannon monster, but they could leak radiation and lumber into inhabited areas to blow themselves.

I saw someone somewhere joke that a sequel ought to be 2 hours of tense negotiations with the new Godzilla People. Honestly, I'd watch that, too.

best movie 2016 hands down, it is most likely anno's version of sequel bait bu hopefully toho goes a vs route with their next live action godzilla film in about 2 years

the mighty morphin power rangers
or the teenage mutant ninja turtles
or the big time rush
or your mom
your pick, OP

this guy

What's the chink speak say? As far as I know, we still have no clue what the fuck that is.

It reminds me of Biolantte

looks like a faggot, desu

who is the original bodybuilder who became giga nigga

epib post

what if the thing got in contact with a xenomorph

Paul Dillett

dillett this



marada uchiha with edo tensei and the kyubbi

do we get to see something like this in the actual movie?

no, the actual film ends with a brief haunting shot that teases pic related

Ahh Kos!

be gone gigga nigga

>not kosm

That was godzillas tail right?