Is this movie the most accurate depiction of a Muslim in any film?
The answer is yes
Is this movie the most accurate depiction of a Muslim in any film?
The answer is yes
>dude all muslims are terrorists lmao
looks like a flick, i'll pass
Aren't they? I mean, they hold up a terroristic, barbaric warlord as the ideal man.
>9-11 was a conspiracy meant to smear the names of good Muslims
What in the genuine fuck did he mean by this?
Warlords are cool though.
Besides america is the modern day barbarian nation.
True, they're only 60% white.
maybe not terrorist but a burden not doubt
the boston marathon
>showing Muslims in a bad light
How did Hollywood let this one slide
ITT: Boston wishes it was a real city like NYC, the movie
They are both equally limp wristed
>How did the jew capital of the world let this filth slide while we have a president that loves Israel and would sacrifice the lives of his nation for them.
It really fires up your neurons.
Reminder the city of Boston shutdown the city and violated the rights of its citizens in the manhunt for two wannabe jihadists
oh look another "Dude its a film set in boston, I'll take my award now lmao" movie
t. cuckifornian
t. Not a lawyer
>that surburban shootout
>that slow mo body slam at the end
>that mawk wawlbewg
t. eurocuck
Vietnam fucking shit
What did Tommy mean by this?
He meant Check muh dubs muslim fucking shit