
Pre-Raphaelite edition

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You mirin?
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just made a new tinder i.imgur.com/6gsD9dS.png any thoughts?

Shall I have a wank?

bizarro jan

honestly no idea how people learn to cook

watch these cunts on youtube or get out a recipe and it's like 'chop your onion then add your coriander then your herbs de provence'

how many fucking ingredients do i need for fucks sake

joke shop

based edition
VERY happy with this pseudo intellectual outlook x


nanny officially hates leftypol

hello clegg

where does janny lie on the political spectrum?

why hasn't the labour party been proscribed by the government yet?

good edition

Lei Feng


theresa may is shit


because they're not guilty of anything you dumb twat

>"All agency CVs will be discarded, no agency applicants please"
>Company posted their job ad through a recruitment agency, so I can't see their identity and if I want to work for them

One rule for you one for me eh? Fucking runtoids



apparently rorke because he left about 300 shitty 50 post early rorke threads up today


Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Cause these dentists be trippin'
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called High Wycombe

In Marlow I was spending most of my days
Flat Spracklen House was the place that I stayed
Chillin' out relaxin' and being a NEET
And shooting some videos outside on my street
When a delivery guy who was up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and Oxford health start flippin'
They said, "You're movin' to a brand new flat in High Wycombe".

I whistled for a taxi and when it came near
The license plate said "Swiper" and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this taxi was shitty
But I thought, "Nah, forget it."
– "Yo, home to High Wycombe."

Pulled up to the house about 8 or 9
I said, "Don't ever mess me around sunshine."
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally sittin'
On my throne as the Prince of High Wycombe

imagine voting for tories, brexit or scottish independence aha


rorketistic teenagers are here to whine about art and architecture again


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I'm so lonely

>>Company posted their job ad through a recruitment agency,
the company didn't give it to them, the recruitment agency harvests them in mass. if you use a resume farm you're a gimp

got a real love/hate relationship with that fat kot

Business proposition: When you make a post on /brit/, avoid newlines and whitespace of all forms. You don't want to make your post easy to read in any form or people will think that you are from the social networking site known as reddit. Infact real Sup Forums veterans have been known to eschew carriage returns altogether, some going as far as to remove the key from their keyboard entirely.

voted for 2 of these things

voted for scottish independence, brexit and UKIP

anime actually has big eyes

>job application requires you to write up your cv and then give tedious amounts of detail on your work history and key skills

fuck off

janny is a rorke

when did ant get so JUST lads

okinawan nigger

voted for 2 of them

Big'uns, found three without searching hard
Don't feel ok

voted for brexit and labour xx

>job listing is a photo of a poster in a window
fuck off

and they'll still ask you why you want to work for their company in particular at the interview

Get the threading together lads, had to wait several minutes to figure out which one you were actually using.

Please endeavour to do better next time. Your mother and I are disappointed.

bet it reminds you of yourself you fat yank rodent


ate gone off soup mix. feel sick


no clue who he is

haha yeah
*walks off and hires someone else*

voted UKIP, Leave, and Yes respectively


Voted for all of those.

I am not joking.

he had to go rehab to deal with his alcoholism and depression

>job application asks for references
>never worked before
>won't let me continue without entering in references

ah yes the so-called work

you never heard of ant and dec?



hate chink threads
hate commies
love ham
love pints

>Emma Watson will never defecate in my mouth

honestly no idea how people learn to cook

watch these cunts on youtube or get out a recipe and it's like 'chop your onion then add your coriander then your herbs de provence'

how many fucking ingredients do i need for fucks sake

joke shop

heard of them but never knew what they do

state of yanks these days

hmm yes


wait are these children

Nary a word

miss zyzz lads

bit shocked really, everyone knows about ant and dec

just got $4k credited to my bank account to take 9 in-person credit hours this semester, 3 self study. being a college student is even better than being a NEET

>Coffee loving programming ninja required
>"You may pass the time at our employee bar, or with a round of pool or darts in our employee lounge! There's even a PS4 in there, and we go for frequent team outings! Look how hip and cool we are!"
>We are an inclusive workplace, and particularly encourage applicants from BME and all gender and sexual identities
>Salary: competitive



professors and mentors are the first references

poor bloke

might be planning to get a cheki with sue just to post it here


whats got ya down kiddo?

tell me about ant

if I remove the cast will it hurt?

me and three other people took over the xbox at work, no one else can use it at lunch but us haha

a reminder why you don't take roids

Marry me, John, marry me, John
I'll be so good to you
You won't realize I'm gone
Marry me, John, marry me, John
I'll be so sweet to you
You won't realize I'm gone
You won't realize I'm gone
Many people wanna make money, make love
Make friends, make peace with death
But most mainly wanna win the game
They came to win, they want to come out ahead

Yeah ;)



haha its like in that film with the plane and the guy who wears a mask

Their buddha dance is really cute.

just a flu shot bro

very cute moff sitting on the outside of my window lads :) he's yellow and has a big puffy chest

Small brain
>Not knowing how to cook and eating ready meals
Medium brain
>Knowing how to cook and cooking yourself food
Ascended elder god
>Knowing how to cook but instead just eating the base ingredients



I got fired from my job today

thats jackie chan not a moth mate

*eats your cat*

Why is the Union Jack such a popular symbol abroad? Especially East Asia.

I thought that this meant the people were Anglophiles, but no, they just like the flag.

giant brain: just eating meat

nice edition m8

impressionism was the aesthic of the 19th century
like a proto-vapor

see a doctor

wouldn't even piss on a yank if he was on fire

thats a shame, i'm getting my contract renewed tommorow, at least another year of xbox just for me