The Young Pope

So is this show suppose to be good?

Because I'm two episodes in and I'm really unimpressed.

Its premise makes no sense, there is no way this person would get elected Pope, it just seems like an American Atheist's fantasy or something, a secret atheist who is american gets elected Pope and easy controls and takes over an ancient conservative heavily entrenched bureaucracy

More than that I have yet to meet a single likable character. I sometimes think that writers confuse people enjoying shows about bad people with people enjoying shows about unlikable people

should I keep going? Am I missing something? Its not awful but is it worth my time?

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the show is certainly not for you. Better wait walking dead and game of thrones' new seasons.

>there is no way this person would get elected Pope
If you'd continue watching, you'd learn he was elected by the hand of God .
>More than that I have yet to meet a single likable character
I feel you here. Worst of all, literally every second character is inexplicably homosexual, seemingly just for the sake of the plot.

frigin americans

You are probably atheist am I right ?

I'm atheist and I love the show desu

The Young Pepe

>not liking Sorrenkino

I didn't like it either, OP. Really boring. Main character is a corrupt piece of shit.

Have you ever checked the medieval Popes?