Emma Stone made a powerpoint at age 14 on how she would become an actress
Unquestionably best emma
Technically Emily.
Pedantically, you mean. Emma is her stage name
I really feel like she must post here.
Oh man imagine how prime her feet were back then
Let me guess it went something like this:
Step 1: Have a vagina -- Check
Step 2: Get affluent parents to pay for acting school
Step 3: Become an actress.
I made a power point at age 14 on how i'd become a superhero and still hasn't happened.
That's not a stage name, it's called a nick name.
>fortune estimated at $8 million.
thanks bill gates for making my dick hard for a half-decade
Wow. Who fucking cares.
Girls don't have that...
This is something you'd find on reddit. You stoneshills are gay. Bitch can't act for shit. And has a busted face
There are dogs with better careers than you
What the fuck. At 14 I had to make a power point on carbon dioxide and why heroin is bad.
What country are you in that you do personal shit like that for school at 14?
>Emily Jean Stone was born on November 6, 1988, in Scottsdale, Arizona, to Krista Jean Stone (née Yeager), a homemaker, and Jeffrey Charles Stone, the founder and CEO of a general-contracting company.
>The founder and CEO of a general-contracting company.
This may have had something to do with it.
You post the exact same garbage everytime, Watson/Disney shill, try harder.
i'm not surprised, just look at that dog. she oozes charisma.
I love how this movie is bringing out all this wave of hilariously cynical dishonesty from the people involved with it and Hollywood in general.
Former Stonehead here, it's fucking hilarious watching her crash and burn, but in all seriousness we shouldn't let her win an Oscar
>it's fucking hilarious watching her crash and burn
what's happening?
She just announced she is going to appear in Facial Abuse.
Easy peasy, then. The fucking article title makes it seem like it was this difficult task.
And saged
damn she was an ugly kid
sometimes periets r late heh
fuck youuuu, fag, how cood you say such a thing looken @ her biutiful smiel & eyes? she has her poop together!! shut up. I molotov cocktail your basement, slut! Screens burning melting making awful smell wafting into the house, room goes crumple when I am done with it how dare you.
so young, so innocent, so free of STDs
Nice contribution.
Best character in Paterson, which is understandable since Paterson was a crock of shit.
I wonder what she goes by with family and friends.