Should I spend my hard earned shekels on this intentionally bad movie...

Should I spend my hard earned shekels on this intentionally bad movie? I love RLM but most of their scripted jokes aren't even funny.

Is it like the intro and ending of half in the bag but for 90 minutes?

why don't you pirate it you dumb loser?

I bought the online version. The movie is okay, its fun. I bought it mostly because i enjoy all their other content and besides my views this is a way i could support them financially (im not about to donate)

Its legit crap, they always talk about about when people try to make a bad movie on purpose its always bad. Then they went out and did it them selves and didn't know why it flopped....

I'm pretty sure you can torrent it. I've watched pretty much all of RLM's content and never paid a cent for it. One of the few things I haven't watched is The Recovered, I just can't seem to find a copy.

Yes it's exactly that.

>Its legit crap, they always talk about about when people try to make a bad movie on purpose its always bad
This is what baffled me. They always say this (and it's true 99 percent of the time) then they make this, a self referential intentionally bad movie.

I guess they viewed themselves as making somethign more akin to Blazing saddles, a parody of an entire genre. The difference is Mel Brooks movies are still made well even if their plots are obviously a joke/satire.

>2 space cops on the poster

Are there supposed to be space cop clones or is that a gigantic fuck up?

Yep, that's it exactly what it is.

If you find those skits "hilarious" then you'll love Space Cop.

To quote Mike and Jay

>Bad comedy isn't just bad it's miserable

Space Cop is beyond fucking miserable

>the difference is that mel brooks movies had a budget while space cop didn't


That poster is higher quality than anything in the movie

>I love RLM


Are we stuck in 2007 or something?

I'm not really surprised since Feeding Frenzy was that too.

If you don't find RLM funny then why would you come on Sup Forums? It's the same level of humor.


>why don't you like what I like if you're on the same board as me

wow full autism, RLM is shit

>Invest money into making an legit bad movie
Yeah, no.
Not buying it, they tried to make a parody and they failed beyond belief.
Why the fuck does this place treat these losers as some kind of authority on film, i never know.

Nah, Mel Brooks had talent and passion for film making.

considering most of this board consistently shits on RLM, I don't think anyone thinks of them as an "authority on film". They're schlubs that worship Robocop and Terminator, nobody thinks of them as anything more than that.

Yeah, Sup Forums doesn't worship their opinion as much as obsess over them and their personal life.

Yeah, Sup Forums is one person.

Will RLM ever make something that isn't "intentionally" bad