Any Sup Forumss here former servicemen?

Any Sup Forumss here former servicemen?

If so, good on you. If not, are you too cowardly to join or are you not joining because the military isn't "ethical"?

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3d armored cav

I'm not joining because I have a career in a skilled trade, and want to keep my skills current?

Respect for milfags, but tbqh I think you guys have been overpaid as fuck since 9/11, especially when it comes to dependent benefits

civ life is too comfy
food, unlim pussy, music and drugs
and i dont answer to anybody

services is complete and utter dog shit compared to my current life

Army medic from 02-10

19A cav scout here.

You mean i should join so that im a pawn for those scheming kikes and their evil plans?
Ya right GTFO m8. Id join if we fought wars that actually mattered.

I didn't join cause I didn't fucking want to. Literally everyone I know who joined only did it because they had nothing else, was either that or some shitty minimum wage job. I didn't goto college but I got a great job right out of high school so fuck all that stuff.

>Cav uber alles

I made just over 20k spending 15 months in Iraq. Overpaid. Get fucked.

I assume its not like in the movies otherwise I would probably join. I don't want to be a tool for the kikes though so if I were to join I would go reserves so at least I have a choice whether or not to ship out

Why would I bother?

also literally everybody I know except for one person joined because they had nowhere else and where incredibly bluepilled/stupid

Current service. Service guarantees citizenship.

0203 USMC deployed in the sandbox

Watching BBC with some British lads at the FOB

Vote leave!

Pretty much this. If i got drafted during WWII I would happily have served, or maybe even joined up. But what, get shot at by sand people for walking on their sand? Screw that

I am thinking about joining but I am trying to at least get my Associate degree before joining the chair force to do something electronics/avionics related. Then after 4 years after saving up all that money by eating at the DCAF. Go get that contractor dosh from LMT, RTN, and Grumman.

But I am an unfit guy who hasn't done a push up in 4 years since high school, can barely do 3 now and I wouldn't join with an open contract. Also who know what new obstacle could be presented in front of me in the next year or 2?

>Literally everyone I know who joined only did it because they had nothing else


If you spent any time in country inhaling literal shit, I suggest you document it on the VA Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry

It takes a bit to fill out, but it may be worth your time. I just filled it out for my one year stay in Kuwait at Camp Spearhead (aka Camp Cancer).

welfare queens get out


Also to clarify the guys who joined the military, especially the Marines were drug dealers who didn't get caught.

The USAF guys were pretty average and ended up mostly in security positions. I get pretty jelly because they are all off driving Cadillac in North Dakota, shooting out into the frozen wasteland and doing other cool shit.

>Also heard form a friend in the mil, one of the guys at tech school had so much money saved up
>spent all of it on high priced Jordan's
>Could barely fit them all in his closet and when it was time for him to leave he couldn't move all of them and left a bunch behind

idk Hearing shit like that makes me question the type of people I'd be serving with for 4-6 years, but also how much money could be save. Is it worth it mil bros?

Bro did you miss the last plane out of there are something?
Are you and a friend pulling a "The man who would be king" type deal?

Still active here, slightly drunk and dropping a friend off the airport for leave

correct me if im off base but you guys burn your shit, like thats a well known thing. so why would you have to file for it or whatever?

Mother fuckers won't let me join.

I'm not joining because I don't want to fight for the zionist elite.

US Army 173rd/1-91 CAV
Don't think they're still in Germany though.

Honestly, I respect most service men and intend to join once I finished college. A soldier shouldn't be cucked their views on politics.

In the great words of The Boss:
>Politics are a living breathing thing and change with the times. A soldier has no business questioning them

>le jews XD

the US army fights for the interests of corporations and the elite who own them with that elite happening to be mostly Jewish

The fedora meme has completely lost all meaning at this point. Go back to rebbit and stay there.

They had a nice size burn pit next to our FOB, who knows what they were burning but that shit was always going.

>If not,
4 star lesbian generals with no battlefield experience.

Former 101st Airborne Rakkasan reporting in.


I'm in the National Guard so I can soak up benefits while going to college and enjoying civilian life. Active duty fags can bitch and moan at me for being a "pussy", but they're just mad that some of us have lives outside the army and aren't defined by it.

I rather finish my science degree and do research. I wouldn't get in anyways, permanent nerve damage from an autoimmune disorder as a child and congenital heart defect.

You may not be a pussy, but most of you Nasty Girls are.

Comm Faggot reporting in.

Its a database to help track health problems and correlate them to locations and dates. Regular burns probably weren't that bad, but certain events like burning batteries and other toxic stuff will. Early on they were blowing up old Iraqi weapon stockpiles, not realizing that Iraqis hid 40 year old mustard gas within the conventional weapons.

I was in Kuwait so we had to deal with living in an industrial zone in a country that has zero environmental or worker safety laws.

I joined, but I didnt fought in any war.

I dunno, I'm not more brave than the fags that do not allisted

I always wanted to join the army since I was a kid. But I goof'd and became a registered sex offender.

Navy, Parachute Rigger 2nd class

why not?

pick one

I did actually try to join the military at one point. They said my eyes were too shitty + I am colorblind. I'm pretty /fit/.

Didn't want to die for israel. If shit went down domestic I'd join in a heartbeat. I've got no stake in the desert.

>tfw I couldn't join because my feet are slightly flatter than average


im hoping to join the royal marines in the next year or so

You misunderstand. Look at my flag and then reread what I said.

>became a registered sex offender.
what did you do?

>If so, good on you. If not, are you too cowardly to join or are you not joining because the military isn't "ethical"?

>join the Cucknadian military
>fight for feminism and multiculturalism


>became a registered sex offender.

That was my dream.

Never came true.

Fair play for standing by your principles. Trudeau and co. are destroying your country.

>too cowardly
Sorry I was a fortunate son XDDDDDDDDD

1st Armored Div here, 2008-2011

Joined the US Navy, enlisted in the nuclear field, and volunteered for submarine service.
I ship in november, any former sailors have advice?

>not wanting serve refugees food in recommissioned military barracks.
>not wanting to lead a gay parade in the diversity tank mobile.

B-but you'll miss out on so much user!


actually, i get what you mean, im from kilkenny (dunno why my flag is britbong) and i wouldnt bother joining the irish defence forces, they're a disgrace.

0204 HUMINT here.

Can't talk about it.

U.S. Navy 1989 -1995

Dont drop the soap.

ex int. fuck the military. fuck dying for politicians

0341 good times, college is better

fuck that

Also, it's not gay if you're underway.

Eh, I wouldn't call them a disgrace. The army is top class at peacekeeping and our Special Forces are ranked highly. But the Irish armed forces do little of relevance and their equipment is largely shite.

If I had to join the military, I'd love to be a pilot. But I'm sure you've seen the joke that is our Air Force

Agreed, I was offered subs bit declined.

They say on the sun's that 160 men go down and 80 couples come up.

I'm not joining because I'm pee-shy.

I still have a driver license from ft hood when I was in the barracks, address is on old ironsides.
Uncle was in the 1st back in the day.
Did a shadow box for him, took months to get all that old shit.

Nobody likes a meat gazer.