Race Relations getting worse in America

Race Relations getting worse in America.


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Sup Forums happened

Too much liberal propaganda shaming and blaming whites for every issue in America, in the end multiculturalism doesn't work and everyone wants to go back to their people.



what does "race relations" even mean? black people are still nice to me, I'm nice to them

The Jews pitted whites and blacks against each other once again. When really its the fags and kikes ruining this country.

pathetic white bois cant get any white pussy so they gotta take out there anger on muh liberalzz!! xDD

natural consequence of multiculturalism
diversity has always produced conflict

So do you feel race relations getting better than past america?

there's more than one race

Oh stop being a fucking retarded memer. You aren't funny, and noone thinks you are funny. Honest opinions only.


A white male is President.

yeah, after losing its black president usa is not that progressive and tolerant any more

seems the same, it was never bad

this whole fiasco encompasses like less than 0.1% of the population. Your average person doesnt give a fuck about nazis or even know who antifa is. The media is a huge misrepresentation of how most people feel.

America surely is turning into a third world shithole.

This country let "diversity" destroy it. Mark my words, the fall of the United States is very very close, due to degeneracy.

Too many immigrants and letting women vote

Even your senpai thinks you're nothing more than a useful idiot.
>He dismissed the far right as irrelevant and sidestepped his own role in cultivating it: “Ethno-nationalism—it's losers. It's a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”
>“These guys are a collection of clowns,” he added.

Isn't Canada also pretty diverse too?
I don't hear about this kinda problem in Canada other than some Leafs complaining about Chinese invasions.

>too many immigrants
well America is 99% immigrants.

The media has spread a false narrative for too long. Even this case isn't fully reliable. Seems like they where smashing the car and he doesn't really seem to kill a person of color? The idea is to bring martial law so it doesn't really matters who supposedly wins. Just watch infowars.com/show if you want to know the truth or listen to the brainwashing media and shills. It's your choice.

>Isn't Canada also pretty diverse too?
Two key differences

1) The USA is MUCH more diverse than we are. When we're as diverse as the USA currently is, then we'll see.

2) Chinese and Indians aren't destructive to a country like blacks and Mexicans are.

Recent immigrants

Technically every country is full of immigrants

Stop mistaking hating race for hating fags. There is a clear difference. I also never voted for Rump, because I knew he was a turncoat zionist piece of shit.

That's such a lame comeback. There is such a thing as law and order.

hes literally right though. Both the left and right that are getting massive amounts of media attention are the very definition of fringe. The media is the most cancerous fucking thing in this country

I don't hate any race, infact I love all Races. I have a problem with fags, they lump fags in with races, and use collectivism to turn straights against each other. It really bothers me that there hasn't been a multinational, multiethnic anti-gay movement. This just goes to show this whole thing is puppeteered.

Rude desu
>lol we dindu nuffin le mainstream media is too blame for all of our problems

Blacks always have been in the US, but it seems that the tension between Blacks and Whites has been growing stronger in recent years.

It's my fault. I pretended to be white racist on the internet and made the blacks buttmad so they shooting whitey.

they have a president that has emboldened them. this is the closest they've gotten in years to being considered a legitimate movement.

I already told you and everyone in the thread has as well. The media has been forcing a narrative. Look if you don't believe that we can't help you. Just watch infowars.com/show or not but you're never going to be satisfied if you want a quick explanation. The quick explanation is a ruling elite manipulating you for their own benefit. Watch infowars.com/show

A literal Sup Forums poster

This is something i've pondered for a bit too. I'm an iranian born individual who came to america for my graduate degree and the people here seem to be a lot more nicer to me than your average black citizen despite whats going on in Europe right now. It appears that race relations between blacks and whites are at an all time low. It seems that the east asians, indians, and central/east asian dont cause too many problems here

Also, its probably because I ask them to refer to me as "Dr." instead of "Mr." that defers and rude remarks they might have for me

inforwars, the show where he legitimizes a theory where NASA is helping people send kids to mars as sex slaves.


if you legit think this is worse then you haven't seen the 50's and beyond

Bannon said that; not Trump.

It has more to do with the tension between different demographics of whites than anything else.

mainly because we bring in more educated immigrants and our immigration system is bit harder than usa's ones, we also dont think of our immigrants as a disposable labours

That is a complete lie you fucking piece of trash.

Tell me more please.

altright Sup Forums


Not an argument.

But hiroyuki love other race so much.

it's all going to shit tbqh


your a fucking retard paco its more like the mainstream media exacerbates all the countries problems



Not just race relations but political culture as well. Politics have become so polarized that there is increasingly fewer positions that both sides can agree on. I personally don't see the rift being mended anytime soon.

take your VPN off. everyone knows you're a proxy

>racist idiot drives in a protest full of people
>someone dies
>clearly the liberals are to blame
I want Pol to leave

hiroyuki live in Paris(one of most multicultural city in this world) with his wife(right now)

The confrontation is mostly between educated, urban whites and less educated, rural whites. Both have significantly different interests. Immigration and the advancement of other racial groups is almost lethal for the latter while it is either beneficial or inconsequential to the former.

No thanks burger

no, you


She should've burned down the house with everyone in it, though.

>if it's not infowars it's fake!!!

>and the advancement of other racial groups
Nobody wants black people not to get ahead you lying piece of shit.

Leave it up for the persons own opinion. It's about researching not echochambering the same opinion like a slave.

Thanks for explanation.

You people care too much. Let things follow their path, Darwinism will prevail in the end.

It's just my interpretation. I could be totally wrong, but I think this issue is more complex than just the deterioration of black-white race relations.

>all the wypipo get outbred

>"You can't ram counter-protesters if they aren't present on the scene"
>black guy taps head

Why do Japanese love France so much?

Like I give a shit. Races change and evolve, it has always been like that. All I care for is a living a decent life and trying not to fuck up the planet too much while I'm here.

As for the rest, let my descendants handle it. Which is exactly how the world came to be as we know it.

identity politics. its also the reason that the left lost the support of middle america. If they would just drop the whole demonizing whites bit people would be more likely to vote for their interests instead of "their team"


I seriously do not understand why they would ever thing this is a good idea. Seems like one of those false flag things in that it can in no way help them.
>b-but i'm le nazi either way!
I can see older white americans (the ones that make up a huge portion of trump's base and are certainly the most well off of his supporters as well as those most likely to vote) being completely putt of by the nazi rhetoric. I can think of few things less american than nazi flags.

Am emphasis on placing blame on the other race. Nothing is more hypocritical than groups like black lives matter, especially when they are campaigning for a smaller police presence. Nobody needs the police more than black people, go ask any educated black person and they will tell you that the overwhelming majority of violence is intraracial and its almost entirely ignored.

its a relatively small group of people stirring up shit because their shill nazi and commie leaders told them to stir up shit which then gets on the news which stirs the shit up even more and then all the normies panic on social media because they are easily influenced and stupid, at that point the shit stirring increases exponentially. If not for everything at play race relations would have been improving like they have been for the last few decades.

They're really not.

I'm a freelance writer and cover a lot of political and legal issues.

Charlottesville was a small news story up until Saturday afternoon. While the SPLC described the gathering as 'potentially the largest hate-gathering of its kind in decades in the United States,' the rally didn't pick up traction from the mainstream media until Friday evening. Must have been a slow news day.

Coverage only intensified after James Fields, Jr., rammed his Challenger into a crowd of people. The attack - and the failure of Trump to condemn it in any clear terms - led to the event becoming an out-sized national story.

>the failure of Trump to condemn it in any clear terms

Trump literally did nothing wrong. Communists are just mad he also included them in his condemnation. Trump could literally have said "Fuck nazis I hope they all die" on live TV and he would still be criticized for being too "soft"

no one told anyone to do anything

there is a definite psychological impact of being flooded with anti-federalism rhetoric on the poorer majority and it allows people on the political fringe to take advantage of that mistrust

this is all exceptionally organic because a true racial disharmony is not good for anyone
at the very core of this mess is greed, the attacks on established power was made by the deep wealthy pockets of some extreme industrialists while their political action might have produced an unexpected president their ideological rhetoric has a much larger impact

americans were never the champions of justice and fraternity, at any moment they would let the world know what they really think of their compatriots, beyond the smiling faces and the facade of small talk is a deep animosity towards each other, a people capable of the cruelest violence and terrible atrocities

His immediate response to the protests was vague and noncommittal.

Rather than placing the blame squarely upon white supremacists and neo-Nazis, he delivered a typical rambling, disjointed statement about 'many sides.' He also made sure to refer to himself in the third-person and clarify that bigotry existed during the Obama administration, too.

After facing political pressure from Democrats and Republicans alike - Cory Gardner and Orrin Hatch were particularly vehement - Trump issued a strong release the next day.

And then, less than 24 hours later, he again reversed his position.

He's an inarticulate and politically ignorant idiot.

>He's an inarticulate and politically ignorant idiot.
I agree with you on this, but the hostility towards his response amounts to nothing more than the political left trying to legitimize its violence. They want their roaming hordes of anarchists to move in on the state's monopoly.

They aren't, the media is just acting up so that they can get a cheap jab at Trump.
One obese girl died, who gives a shit. Racist incidents keep decreasing every year.

They think it's still 1899 there.

Short term police is needed long term the black population needs to be educated. Education lowers poverty and low poverty means a low amount of crime.

What kind of steps is the (regional) government taking in the US to get blacks & hispanics to go to school? Is it easy for them to get into a college/uni financially wise?

>getting worse

they've always been this way ya dumb nip

poverty and unemployment is on the rise

the distance between rich and poor is getting greater

shitty healthcare, high taxes, corrupt oligarch politicians

other than the fact that in some states it's easy to get guns (but that will also change drastically soon ).

USA is turning into russia 2.0

It's easier for them to get into school than whites, especially university.

its such a crazy shame that they will become llke the next russia and not as shitty as your country though

but theyre both shit

and youre joining the club

ya dumb american pinko bolshevik

whats there more to say, the international kike and his socialist experimentations has yet again destroyed another nation.

Rip in commie piss and shit american comrades

>youre joining the club
im south korean im only here to study electrical engineering at berkley and will mostly return when i get a degree in one more year

i dont think we have much to worry about you fucking SLAVe

>im south korean


go back home and practice your shitty socialism in your own homeland ya dumb gook

>moot/hiroyuki love other race and culture
>Sup Forums become white supremacy site

what the fuck.

But what if the state needs private prison slave labor?

Het ready to practice the Juche ideology when we can no longer protect your. It's probably better than whatever your last president was into.

>dumb gook

our national iq is at a higher level than yours
the retards in our country have a higher iq than the average pole
you also have a bad reputation for cleaning toilets so maybe the next time i should call for a polish hosemaid since you are SO GOOD at handling shit!
also we will handle that fat nom and reclaim our unified korea
if that is the case then we will stop supplying you with engineers and korean rooftop riot control!

>muh IQ

>muh statistical lies

nah youre just a dumb gook to me

now fuck off back to south korea and await glorious leader's liberation from the western imperialist like it should have long happened.

BBC is one of a few unbiased and honest news sources



White people literally can't handle the banter

>nah youre just a dumb gook to me

stop pretending like you share the history and pride of your superior western european siblings
you are the brainlets of the continent

also shouldnt you protest in warszawa stop your metally ill pm from fucking your people in the ass now that you retards voted in a fascist party?

Essentially, america has always been racist to a large degree and not just a little.
It's just that they managed to put a cover on it for a long while, until half the population forgot the racism was there.