

ah yes, the criteria of "top ranking movie"

Most of the actors in that picture were known.

And they were only able to shirk the normal requirements because it's one of the most famous nerd books of all time. People were going to see it regardless.

And they were all FUCKING WHITE MALES

>I was 3 when LOTR came out so I dont know who any of those actors were

literally r*ddit, the image

>most of the actors were known

Absolutely not. Only Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Hugo Weaving were household names at that point. Astin hadn't been in anything relevant since Toy Soldiers either.

No sex scenes or nudity.

99% sure OP pulled this off of the facebook of an old classmate from christian school

Sean Bean was famous
Ian McKellen too
And Gimli's actor whatshis name might not have been a star but had done plenty of work and was fairly well known actor

Sean Bean was more so famous in the U.K. than internationally. Same with Ian McKellen but Xmen the year before started to put him on people's radar.

>And Gimli's actor
back then I knew him from Sliders and Last Crusade

I was a pleb and had never heard of Ian McKellen

Sean Bean was that guy from Goldeneye

Sean Asting was the goonies guy and Elijah was that kid actor

And Viggo will remain unknown


oh so black people is diversity but hobbits and dwarves isn't ?

double standards

Most actors unknown is a huge stretch.

>"what would you like for dinner"

>sean bean
>ian mckellen

>unknown at the time

More like

"Most actors were basically unkown for the mass audience at the time"

what does it meeaaan

>Christopher Lee
>Sir Ian McKellen
>Hugo Weaving
>Elijah Wood
>Viggo Mortensen
>Sean Bean
>Sean Astin
>Cate Blanchett
>Orlando Bloom
>Billy Boyd
>Ian Holm
>Dominic Monaghan
>Liv Tyler
>John Rhys-Davis

You need to watch more movies, OP.

Don't forget Liv Tyler and Hugo Weaving. And really I don't think Elijah Wood counted as "unknown" then either.

>Hobbit, Hobbit, Hobbit, Hobbit

Looks pretty diverse to me, shithead.

Maia* that is

Did they intentionally choose child actors to play the two main hobbits because they knew it would make the illusion easier to pull off because most of the audience would already subconsciously associate them with being small?


I don't know why you think that's bait, it's not aggravating in any way whatsoever. I think it's a legitimate possibility.

And the son of JRR Tolkien hates it every day since announcement to now

Now it changed cinema.

Why does he hate it


Doesn't Star Wars meet this criteria as well? Original Star Wars


It won its awards for shit like the score, costumes, etc. Alec Guinness was the only actor nominated

gandalf, gimli, borormir, and frodo were plenty fucking known

No I mean it meets the criteria of being a "top ranking movie" that doesn't have sex scenes or nudity and where the hero doesn't do everything on his own.

I'm probably older than you faggot, still doesn't change the fact they were mostly unknowns apart from the ones I said. No big star power names at all. I would know I lived throughout the 90's unlike you who was probably still sucking on his mamas teet

No they weren't. Stop acting like you know shit kid

Don't forget Shogun and Indiana Jones 1.

They were almost all known actors you retard they just weren't A listers appearing in the kind of garbage you'd have been watching if you'd been born at the time.

>Xmen the year before
no way

XMen came out before LOTR?? What timeline is this?

>wizard (actually an angelic being)

How does this extremely multicultural Fellowship manage to be the antitheses of the (((multiculturalism))) we hear so much about?

Sean bean, Ian Mckellen, Sean Astin, and Elijah wood weren't well known? That's half the picture.

No they weren't except the ones I said. Oh and Chris Lee but only to the older generation. Don't act like you know what you're talking about because you're coming off as moronic my dude

They were known but obscure to most people except Ian Mckellan and maybe Sean Bean and Mortensen.

what are you shilling exactly

No big star power =/= literal unknowns. All those people were well established actors, most people recognized them all from something else, except for Merry and Pippen.

Sean Astin always was and will always be a two bit asshole.

That "diversity" in leftist speech is no white people

Hugo Weaving can make an role pure kino

>mfw everyone in lotr is white

Sean Bean, Ian McKellan, Elijah Wood, and Sean Astin were all "known"

What 'top ranking' movies have sex scenes or nudity?

>Hard mode: no Titanic

Blue velvet

Everything from the 80s and somewhat in the early 90s.

name 3 movies

terminator lethal weapon basic instinct

I agree, but wasn't this Orlando Blooms first movie? He was 18 in Fellowship i think

Lets be honest: sex and nudity, done in proper manner and tone (think opposite of GoT) would have only contributed to the films. Same for the books: if Tolkien had alaborated on, say, what captured elven females had to go through, and had no been such a prude throughout, they would've been better.

Directed by Jums Cumeron

He thinks that it focused too heavily on battle scenes, and he would've preferred a movie that was more faithful to the book. (Basically more walking around, much less fighting). Although I respect his opinion, his vision for the movies would've been significantly worse than Jackson's

who gives a fuck about a movie with a bunch a racist ass white crackers
aside from drumpf voters I mean

Most of those names weren't famous in 2001 idiot.

doesn't help that according to "Hollywood accounting" the movies didn't make any money so Tolkien's family basically got no money from them.

This post and everyone affirming this post are idiots.

Elijah Wood was a well-known child actor who had been in an adaptation of Huckleberry Finn, some flick called "the war" about kids in the south, and the awful "The Good Son" with Macaulay Culkin. Hint: Wood played the titular character Frankly Wood had been in some schlocky stuff and could easily have been forgotten, but his lead in the hobbit flicks secured him some legitimacy, I guess.

Hugo Weaving had of course just had his turn as Agent Smith.

Ian Holm had been in other nerd-adventury movies like Alien and Fifth Element. I even seem to remember Holm doing a turn as King Lear at some point, in a TV adaptation.

Astin was of course Rudy, and although not huge, was nevertheless noted and known to an informed segment of the public.

Christopher Lee had been in hammer flicks of course.

OP's central premise is clearly false ( a troll? ), but may appear true to young people who have no historical memory reaching further back than the hobbit flicks.

Whoops, my reading comprehension is horrible, and disregard my first sentence in the above post. I regret the error. I seem to have had in mind one of the other replying anons who had no idea about any of those people before the hobbit flicks.

To be clear, I reject the premise of the OP, and I agree that many people already knew certain of the cast from previous work, as I certainly did. I therefore agree with anyone who calls out OP's bullshit (whether as troll or no), and so I seem to have had a poor and confusing opening paragraph above. Hopefully the context of most of my above post makes clear who I agree with, but I've done the damage with the post that I can't be fucked to delete and redo.