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> Eventually, the MiG design was favoured for mass production. Designated MiG-15, the first production example flew on 31 December 1948. It entered Soviet Air Force service in 1949, and subsequently received the NATO reporting name "Fagot".

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please talk to me

why are people vegans/vegetarians? just makes no sense to me
can't believe people actually care about animals that much lmao


fucking leftypol

just dont like eating something i wouldnt be able to kill myself with my bare hands simple as

just bummed a cat again

want maisie to sit on my face after she's been camping for a weekend without showering desu


I only wank to the finest of Sonic the Hedgehog porns

13th for ireland is the greatest country

Totally fine with Japs, Turks, Caucasians and Tatars. My girlfriend having Jap and Turkish ex lovers is one the hottest things about her. Love licking her pussy while remembering how she fucked a nip before. Love seeing Russia qties dating and mating with Japanese men, thanks god we live in Vladivostok and it's a common thing to happen. When my second cousin married a Japanese guy and gave birth to a hapa, I had creamed my trousers from a soft cock

Saber > Mig

though I like the polished aluminum colour with that red star

arthur porn is better

she's a horrible little scrote

post fat bastard cat right now

hi ^w^

Had Really good wings yesterday.

saber has a very ugly muzzle

Hello. Thanks for talking to me. You're a real pal.

why does every weenie say this?
humans have never hunted with bare hands, and do you think punching a cow to death is more humane than shooting it with a bolt gun?
the cow would probably kill you if you even tried hitting it





better not be in that gay thread lads

Why do working class people always scream and shout and argue no matter where they are in public? Why do they have little to no self awareness?


no i just meant i dont like killing things
i wouldnt be able to kill anything, feel bad enough when i step on snails

just not very nice eating dead bodies and it's a bit mean init

Vultures can't kill food you know.
They just wait for other people to kill it for them.
Humans are like vultures.


thnx lad really cheering me up

haha look mum i did a anawoggi

Can you get aids from vag sexing lads?

so they've just abandoned the whole "refugee" gimmick then

>american intellectuals

Of course.

I like the wings better
and the Super Saber is sexy af


think meat eaters are just mad because they know they're morally wrong but are too lazy to do anything about it
fair enough though, none of us are perfect

Good boy. Now let mommy give you a kiss.
Turn around and bend over.

I wanna jerk a dick off

fat bastard

Post concords you no good limey homos

A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.

is he melting?

love it when they invent scenarios for you on islands with nothing to eat


Your foreskin should protect you

But only if there is some blood involved?

my favorite by its looks of the early jets it's shooting star

*appeals to nature*
veggies btfo!




is this for spanking, fucking, analingus, or what


Do they ship these guys back or what?

Why not all three?

Vaginal fluids can carry the virus just like semen does desu


they assess whether they're refugees or economic migrants then send back the economic migrants

me on the left in the gray jumper

Lana Rain

another mexican is posting here

*nonces you*

500,000 deportations from the eu in 2016 la

that is really cool
LOVE early jets, when everyone was just playing around with the technology
same with interwar aircraft and the crazy WWII stuff

What do I need to study at uni to be a nonce hunter lads?

Isn't it the other way round?
Me and the lads raided the rabbis house and freed them and got them back, this is a common thing over here as a coming of age passagehood into being an adult male you fucking mong

mine is the F-9 Cougar

>Me and the lads raided the rabbis house and freed them and got them back, this is a common thing over here as a coming of age passagehood into being an adult male you fucking mong
yank humor

plane autism needs to move to non-normie generals

the harrier is pretty nice

Why do mostly bummers have it then? What's the % chance like?

Eurasians are master race

I wish I was Chinese.

>LOVE early jets, when everyone was just playing around with the technology
me too
beyond the mid-1970s they all just sort of become the same

hungry :-s
11 pints yesterday and 1-2 pita breads

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" is a common riddle joke. The answer or punch line is: "To get to the other side." It is an example of anti-humor, in that the curious setup of the joke leads the listener to expect a traditional punchline, but they are instead given a simple statement of fact. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" has become iconic as an exemplary generic joke to which most people know the answer, and has been repeated and changed numerous times over the course of history.

bummers had more sexual partners on average and anal bumming was a more violent act likely to cause tears. parts of africa had higher heterosexual rates in the early days because of whores spreading it. just depended where the disease took hold.



autismo yank loves his fucking images

>Me and the lads raided the rabbis house and freed them and got them back, this is a common thing over here as a coming of age passagehood into being an adult male you fucking mong


are they extra fuel tanks on the wings?

i like MIG planes

Dad's just spaffed all over my tits

the maths 'fu has uploaded a new video


what a qtpi

what is the most powerful breakfast cereal?

have you ever licked a girl's arsehole

ready brek obvs

crunchy nut clusters

Funnier that lolsorandum monty python 'comedy'. Pickle ricks of the 60s.

yes and one licked mine. felt nice ngl.

weetabix with nana

late 20th century rotarycraft are pretty interesting
look at the Osprey and how influential that design has been in pop culture

yes. big fan ngl

Interesting. Do you ever think they'll cure it?