ITT: Anti-Kino of 2016

Now that the dust has settled, what were the worst films of 2016?

No memes allowed.

I'll start.

They were all bad !


Captain America: Civil War
Dr. Strange

OP here.


>he's trying to revert its kino status


pleb confirmed.

Suicide Squad

I haven't watched but the name is stupid


OP here again.

I saw Dr. Strange high and it struck me as the most recycled formulaic bullshit marvel experience I've ever sat through. So I could be wrong?

I like Civil War but calling it Kino just lacks perspective.

Protip: that's not Captain America: Civil War in your pic.

give me 5 reasons why "no" or someone you

>I haven't watched

Gobble some more knob then


OP here.


t. Shitskin

The pic in the OP is easily the worst movie of 2016, it doesn't even work properly.

Worst films this year:

Suicide Squad

Dawn of Justice is the definition of KINO

LOL Look at Superman and Batman being all scowly with each other. What a funny little poster. Surely this is a film that doesn't take itself very seriously.

>muh braindead emperor's new clothes meme
The OP said no memes you faggot.

That one movie about gun control, forgot it's name

This was the worst fucking movie of 2016

Hail, Caesar! was just mediocre. The musical number was fantastic.
2016 had:
>Assassin's Creed
>Batman v Superman
>Suicide Squad
>Gods of Egypt
>Fantastic Beasts

Very forgettable, but definitely not the worst.

Remove fantastic beasts you memelord. Medicore but not bad.

>Hollywood fellating itself for commie apologist movie "Trumbo"
>Cohens actually have a Trumbo-like character as one of the naive dumbasses pointlessly donating money to the USSR

>dat Brolin double bitch-slap

kys. HC is kino.

This. Definitely.

>AC didn't see
Not outright bad. Stale and cliche maybe, but different visually and in some story ways in others. I thought it was at least a 5-6/10.
>Suicide Squad
Actually insulting. Fucking terrible editing that I doubt even film students would manage.

Apparently Gods of Egypt was worse though so idk.

Captain America Civil War was boring and formulaic
Deadpool wasn't funny but MUH OVEN!
Apocalypse was a mess and the 2 other horsemen were underused
Suicide Squad MESS
Ghostbusters kinda
Bad Moms is fun
Gods of Egypt had no point

It is bad. It's the Harry Potters Hobbit series.
It was totally reliant on awful CGI and the final act turns into, like every other action blockbuster, boring and pointless destruction porn.
Those points mightn't have mattered as much if there were good performances but the ditzy blonde and the fat guy were the only two characters who were any fun at all to watch.
Yates is an abysmal director.


>newfag OP doesn't know the HAHAHAetc thing is for ridiculous screencaps, as in...

>pic related


>kino means good

It's about spectacle

The OP said no memes.

>awful CGI
>not fun to watch
>Yates is somehow bad now but he was fine for HP 5-8 (the better movies in the franchise)

ok what was so bad about it that it's the worst movie of the year? you probably didn't even see it

>user doesn't know it's also for hilariously bad CGI, such as..

>Webm related



Yates was always lackluster. He hasn't changed.


It barely works as a movie, it's a toy catalogue filled with references to superior works of art in hopes of elevating itself through them.
It fails and it's the audience that loses having to see through three hours of Snyder jerking off.

Those are easily the worst Harry Potter movies of the franchise. They are a chore to watch.

>not 4
Nice try memelord.

I liked it a lot
You're going to be more specific about how it "barely works as a movie"

Poor Evans :(

Were the rumors about him having stds true?

real OP here.

Did see it. It's horrible. Laughably bad. And the damage done to superman's character is irreversible. Snyder makes films like he still plays with action figures and makes explosion noises with his mouth

Characters know things that are shown to the audience, their powers and common sense stop working when the script requires it, all for a trashy fight that doesn't even last for 10 minutes and is interrupted by a character that shouldn't be there answering a question she didn't hear.

Pretty much.

I saw many films this year, but this is the only one I can call a complete and utter waste of time. Every other film in this thread has some kind of payoff for at least one group of people, but this failed cash-grab had nothing to offer to fans of the original or newcomers.

I took two friends to an early showing (BWP is one of my favorite horror movies; one friend had seen both prior films, one hadn't seen any) and we were the ONLY people in the entire theater, which is usually pretty crowded. We all agreed it was the emptiest, most soulless horror film any of us had seen and we watch a lot of crappy horror movies.

Everyone whining about capeshit and """""""humor"""""" needs to consider that those films at least had some level of substance, even if it's a microscopic amount of substance to keep the normies fed. I would take any other mainstream film released between 1/1/2016 and 12/31/2016 over pic related.

He got 'em from Bucky.