How's that vinyl colection coming?

how's that vinyl colection coming?

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I didn't bite into the trendy meme format, soz OP.

t. some one who discovers music via spotify or youtube
try crate digging. It's cheap and a great way to find music.

Teach me how to be cool like you

Both are good for discovering. No difference really.

Half of those aren't even that old you fucking soybean

It really is the saddest fucking thing, isn't it? At the end of the day they just crave extreme attention.

>Both are good for discovering. No difference really.
Except limitations from the medium that affect your judgement, sure

As some one who only used spotify and youtube for years, they're scamming you. They push what record labels want you to hear so hard and it's getting worse every year. It's why people like Clairo are even getting mentioned.

what the fuck is wrong with autists?

what's wrong with discovering music via youtube or spotify exactly?

>Whiteknight calling someone else soy

>t. some one who discovers music via spotify or youtube

>White Stripes

What a shame, almost thought it was a good collection for a second there.

i've been able to find hundreds of new artists in the last few years through spotify. How can they be forcing what they want you to hear? Just choose not to listen to it? I find a lot of shit with

refer to
it's why after you play any "indie" album on spotify, they spam you the same 3 or 4 songs directly after. They're limiting you hard.

>they spam you the same 3 or 4 songs directly after.
Just don't listen to it you dummy

I hear what you're saying, and I would've agreed a year ago because spotify helped me find a ton aswell, but it's the tip of the iceberg of what's out there.
I still use spotify and youtube, I just also pick up vinyl. And not like these dumb cunts who buy new $30 releases of mumford and sons because that's a fucking waste.
If you can find a record player for cheap and a record store in your area with a listening station, it's fun as fuck to just spend a few hours discovering shit that's one hundred percent "organic" with how I found it.
I guess it would depend on what you're into, as well.
I'm not saying don't stop using youtube and spotify, but I think a lot of music listeners would find a lot more cool stuff if they opened themselves up to used vinyl. New vinyl is a shill.

Is Out to Lunch! shopped in?


This is true on both sides. But that's the point, all art is in a particular media that will define the art to some extent. All artists should be aware of this, cd, vinyl, digital, or otherwise.

The discussion was about discovering new music. He explained why it's not as good of a way to discover new things
>just skip the things being recommended to you for discovery!
kinda defeats the point, don't you think. brainlet.

Life Is...

How do you find new music?

>buying an album first is a good way to discover new music

fuck no, I'll spend my money when I know I like it.

>it’s cheap
Maybe 40 years ago

I would listen every one of those horrible selections for a dolphin shorts babe gf

She's probably about 13.

I use, spotify, rym, recommendations from friends and read recent reviews from reviewers whose opinions I generally trust. But, none of these are good by themselves, you kind of have to do your own research alongside it to figure out what is worth your time. Sometimes I'll just go off of album covers. All of these have mixed results, but when you find something great it's amazing.

>I use, spotify, rym, recommendations from friends and read recent reviews from reviewers whose opinions I generally trust
Wow who's the brainlet?

Cherry picking my response. Nice. Work on your reading comprehension.

>Cherry picking my response
Irrelevant because none of them were organic, and show you don't really deserve any of the music you've discovered

Nice try though.

Alright, I was calling out your recommendation for avoiding the problems of spotify and other sources of recommendations. Your response was dumb as fuck. Sorry, I don't "deserve" the music by your arbitrary standards of who deserves to discover what. It's not irrelevant, you're just trying to look hot on the internet to cover up your poor comprehension skills that you showed that other user and myself.

>I don't "deserve" the music
>you're just trying to look hot on the internet to cover up your poor comprehension skills that you showed that other user and myself.
You are right on both accounts

She's old.

>imagine actually thinking you're cool because you refuse to progress beyond 1990
Literal definition of hipster faggot

My only vinyl is ITAOTS I bough on a charity auction, should I continue?

I would fuck that till my dick turns into a bread stick

lots of old odd bands on vinyl not on spotify, and visa versa. wouldnt count either out. plus vinyls deff different experience on a decent set up. even without one it kinda pushes you to listen to albums alone instead of jumping around which is worth doing and just kinda fun.

haha whats wrong with stripes?

>trendy meme format
>existed for over a century

also like checking out interviews with artist i like to see what they dig or who they tour with. also nardwuar interviews honestly. he brings up so much your bound to find something youll bob your head to and youll learn some cool crap.

Peak mombod.

imagine the milk

It’s going great. I have over 500.
I see a lot of good ones in OP too.

Read further in the thread. I explain that it can be worth if your record store has a listening station. also I'm talking about cheap used vinyl. Not new shit
See my above reply.

you have shit taste

That McDonald and Giles album on the right is really underrated. King Crimson fans should check it out.

ew her feet are dirty

u dont stack them like that do you..?

turn your head, that's a bookshelf.

No. I don’t. The picture just posted wrong.

>if i quote some of his post every time i reply to him, that means i will win this argument
sad man, just sad

fine, thanks

Why would I buy music without knowing if I like it first?

what the fuck are you on, most of those albums are great

Because usually records are cheap (in the right places) so there's not much to lose.

I've found some of my favorite albums through record buying.

>another one doesn't read further in the thread
>poorfags can't even afford 99 cent used records.

I’m not going to invest in a fucking non-digital medium.
I read the whole thread, friend. It’s still a valid question. You pick new music to listen to online exactly the same way you can from a record store, except for free. It’s the better option 100% of the time. Not to mention that you don’t even have to pay for it unless you want to. Misic costing money is absolute nonsense and being a “professional musician” shouldn’t be a thing. It’s a hobby.

I've been buying records since the mid-80s, and what you wrote here is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.
Your desire to be some kind of gatekeeping elitist has apparently rendered you retarded.

Good, I have a couple hundred
I just started working on logging them all on Discogs and RYM. I've gotten through T-Z so far.

>spotify has problems because it doesn't let you discover music so you should randomly pick records out of used bins for ultimate music discovery

trendy doesn't mean it was just invented, crumbum
