Was high school the best time of your life user?

Was high school the best time of your life user?

childhood is missing highschool

adulthood is realizing you dont miss it anymore

I don't believe that yet, but that's because I'm really banking on my 30's being kick ass

Naw for me it was college

lol no

nothing was..

Elementary > high school >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> college

I swear so many people get depressed in college what a shitty time

Not really Canadabro, It was an innocent time with no responsibilities, but I was 20 kilos fatter and couldn't grow facial hair to save my life. I'm now getting a good supply of hookups but at the same time, can't really find anything that motivates me as much as high school did, so it's kind of a double edged sword.

no, probably the worst.

>be me in middle school
>short and ugly but have a shit ton of friends
>be "president" of the school
>have many relationships
>get my dick sucked
>cousin was one of the most popular dudes so I was too
>talk with girls of all ages
>suddenly i get bored of them and just play video games
>they start to distance themselves from me
>high school starts
>have a few friends
>most of the weekends I stay home because every one of my friends is part of a group of people that I don't belong to
>only clique that likes me is some fucking nerd retard losers that probably browse places like Sup Forums

university is better in every single way

jr high was worse, but hs was still pretty shitty.

fortunately in spite of having been a social retard i was a book genius and only had to go for 2 years.

i'm 36 now, and i have to say my 30s have been my best age.

Yeah. The feeling of no responsibilities, the football games after class, the first love, organised summer trips with the school... so many fond memories.

stay strong pinnapple :(

No because I was youngest of the year and hit puberty really late on top of that.

everything was pretty much the same
probably my favourite high school memory is playing world of warcraft in the summer without showering for a week and sleeping in the day so i don't have to speak with anyone
great times

It was alright, I guess.

for me its university

Best time was when I was 5-6 and stayed at my grandparents house, comfiest warmest house i've ever been, i've never felt so protected and without worries.
All went downhill after that, really really really really hard.

university was the best time of my life
pretty much down hill since then

hell yes. last year of high school is where things went right

then i became a Sup Forums poster

The last year there was. The rest was fine I guess...

It was pretty fucking shit

Yes but not exactly. People being autistic in this generation and how idealistic and naïve I was made me feel like a social butterfly and really enjoy those two years of bachillerato, so it wasn't completely "high school". Played basketball, for a band for a couple of months and football in recess thrashing smaller kids with a friend. We even got in a tournament and competed with other bachillerato classes, touched boobs, had a girl caress me while pretending to be asleep on class... , They were frenzy, fun times, some of the teachers even had passion and didn't want to kill themselves, and you had hope for the future. Definitely the best time of my life, I understand japanese people even if their highschool shows are fucking shit.

Then I went to the soul sucking device known as university, ended repulsed of people and cynical of everything for four years. I'm preparing for different things now, the current generation is still autistic but things aren't that bad since I'm on a place where while people are still stupid, they are expected to put a minimum amount effort and I can sympathize with them to a certain degree, and it's absolutely better than any shitty degree

Middle school probably was because of the girl I was dating

good trips

were people in your university real madrid fans or what?

>acne, no gf, skinny fat, virgin, getting fucked with by white trash

Ya what a great time

for me, between the age of 19 and 21 (im 21 now and its still going good)

lol nerd

the only people that will say high school was the best time of their life are people that made shitty life decisions after high school. mainly the ultra chads/stacys and the ultra virgins will say this.

Middleschool: 7/10
Highschool: 10/10
College: 7/10
Since: 4.5/10

Second semester of my senior year i'd go downtown with my friends for lunch since we all had early release and smoke weed afterwards. I don't especially miss it but it's gonna be a long time before I'm ever that carefree again

Yeah, seems like late twenties are EXTREMELY overrated, like worst than teenage years, and every day that goes by I look forward to just being comfy 30's and settling down

t. bullied fatty

If you peaked in high school i feel bad for you desu



late high school/early college for this guy. unfortunately, those days have long since passed

>tfw peaked at age six

Unironically yes. In high school I was on the football team and a genius but then it turned out that I was living in the middle of fucking nowhere so I just seemed smart by comparison and I'm barely scraping by 5 years into college.



>smoking weed

12-16ish was the best time because i was too young to be >redpilled. didnt have to care about work or any other responsibilities. could just chill with friends and watch the world go by.

HS is only bad if you were one of the biggest losers in the class. Even if you were average chances are that the chads promoted you to honorary chad and had a fun time.

I was really concerned with what other people thought of me.
I still am concerned but I have a lot more confidence now at 24 than back then. Also my convictions are stronger and I'm a lot less desperate for girls. Also having free reign over your life seems scary but it's really freeing once you get it together

>a fucking leaf getting hot and bothered over a fucking leaf

My high school self was the biggest tool. I'd act like retard and do whatever the cool kids told me to do to get them to like me

this, but replace cool kids with marching band upperclassmen

It was ok i guess. Sports and the friends I made through them were the only things worthwhile

i bet you were one of those faggots that would scratch at set

it was pretty good. i made a few good friends there and we are still friends today.

kek, when i was a freshman at camp, i actually pissed myself rather than break attention

while it's sad that i thought that was cool, what's sadder is that it earned me serious points with my section leader. it got me off of cabin bitch duty for the rest of the week

Not everything in life is related to sports, customer

t. numale

Elementary>high school>uni

all were pretty chill desu, I became somewhat of a loner at uni because I could avoid talking to people without it being weird.

doing my masters now and can't be bothered to make new friends

pretty much all of my friends are from high school though, gonna hang out with my friend tomorrow instead of going to a postgrad welcome party

>tfw one time some of the cool upperclassmen were smoking a cigarette in the bathroom
>i was a freshman at the time
>a teacher walked in
>before he turned the corridor to where we were I told them to give it to me and I'd take the blame to be cool
>they give it to me and run into the stall
>i get suspended for a week
>dad makes me do yard work every day for my neighbors
>never hear from those kids again

Yes but it was still miserable.

>can't grow a beard, not even like, half a beard. it's fucking terrible. not even a mustache
>turning 24 next month

hell on earth

best was first years after college graduation before i got indebted

Pretty carefree,

But Im about to graduate Uni, so hopefully I can find a fulfilling career. Uni has been kind of lame as I stayed at home and worked a lot throughout it. I found it much harder to make friends in Uni as well.

>hopefully I can find a fulfilling career

no i don't watch college football

High school is shit, college is amazing

>college football every saturday, nfl every sunday
>free home games with sports pass
>fresh pussy EVERYWHERE
>even tough degrees are easy if you've already had a full time job and know what actual work is like
>grants cover the entirety of the tuition plus an additional $1500 direct deposit
>daddy's money takes care of everything else

I'm literally getting paid to get my STEM degree, watch football, fuck girls, and drink Fireball.


>daddy's money

fuck off WASP

if you dont have a job lined up by the time you leave university, or at least have networked with some professionals, you have literally just wasted 4+ years of your life there. congratulations on your piece of paper.

American school confuses the fuck out of me, what is the difference between elementary school, middle school, junior high, high school.

In the UK we just have Primary School (4-11) and Secondary school (11-18).

Elementary school: 2/10
Middle school: 8/10
High school: 5/10
College: 3/10
Since: 10/10

Who was on the path to stardom here but blew out their knee and is now working at the local Sonic or Jiffy Lube?

Grade school is Kindergarten-grade 6.
Middle School (Jr High) is grade 7 and 8
High School is 9 thru 12

Primary school is elementary school, secondary school is middle and high school for us, middle being 11-14 and high school 14-18.

Elementary school, primary school, grade school all mean the same thing.

Middle school is the same as Jr High School

there was no middle school here.
elementary school: k-7
highschool: 8-12

Where are you from? In Ontario we have middle school

it goes montessori, tertiary academy, finery school, masonry training, basic training, character development camp, then high school

>tfw was held back a grade because masrony was too hard and all my friends kept going without me

hongcouver. some of the suburbs have middle schools.

I have 3 months to go, and have had a few interviews, having coffee with a "professional in a week". Not worried about finding a job, more worried about finding a job that motivates me.

Also, if all else fails ill go to law school.

Is High School where you learn Musicals?

yall are weird about how different provinces approach education. everybody in ON says "grade x" and everybody in AB and BC says "xth grade"

I'm so sorry man

The individual laws of the various American states vary so widely, this shouldn't surprise you that much. We're basically you but a worse version

elementary school for me. I had lots of friends and was good at sports. been downhill ever since

oh, nothing re:childhood education is a surprise to me after working in private sector education for five years. fuck your dumbass french immersion parents

I'm Ontarian bro, I hate the French and French-immersion too.

literally a quarter of our ontario math students are enrolled because their fucking idiot parents decided to put them in french speaking school before they could follow directions in french

and then they wonder why their little special ones can't do fucking math

Seventh grade. Was decent at basketball. Hugged a girl for the first (and only) time. All downhill from there.

Probably, i had friends and no worries and had not experienced love

Now each night I hope to die in my sleep


Game on uno momento brother I'm trying to understand your situation. You peaked romantically at age 11/12 ? And that "peak" was a (possibly platonic) hug ? Am I understand this properly or is there missing information ?

hang on*

Lol no, late puberty. I'm 22 and finally starting to look like a goddamn man. Also I've been 6'2" since I was 14, so I looked like an even more pathetic lanklet.

Apparently she also had a crush on me, multiple people confirmed it to me. I was too pussy to do anything though and some older high school chad stole her the next year. Perhaps I dodged a bullet there.


now is only nightmare

>not peaking in elementary
Literally how?

Sure but now you're in a Mongolian basket weaving consortium posting pictures of Chinese little girl cartoons so did you really dodge a bullet ?

No one seemed to explain it yet so I will, there are some exceptions depending on your school district to all of these but in general

>elementary school: kindergarten (optional some places, think of it as zeroth grade) - 5th grade
>middle school: 6-8 (awkward horrible preteen years, everyone agrees middle school was awful)
>high school 9-12 (most people think freshmen year was awful but are nostalgic about senior year)

Then you're done

Yes, it was, and unlike most of the people in this thread, I am relatively successful in my adult life, so it's not just me being mad that I didn't pan out.

the whole freshman sophmore junior senior thing is so stupid, just like your measurement system. literally makes no sense. just say 9 10 11 12

elementary>>>>>>college>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>high school>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wagecucking

Fuck yes.....

Stop trying to be the rest of the world. You are Americans in everything but name, even "LE QUEBECOIS!!!" are just french Americans. Come home, snow man