Which living musician has the highest IQ?
Which living musician has the highest IQ?
your're mama lol
Definitely me
Kanye West
Tom Green
Unironically MC Ride.
Waka Flocka
ok ill start this thread
probably that guys that knows a lot about music theory but makes boring elevator music
Lil pump
who is this has been lmao
KFC mascot does not have high iq (intelligent question)
yes because he is a ching chang chong
waka waka waka xd
he's black and homeless so no
sounds white and smart ill ake it
no but he is autist not savant tho :-(
probably not annon
haha :^)
stop judging and talking abut me on internets
i dont think so because he seems retarded
>did the man who invented college go to college
unironically grimes
ben and andrew from mgmt
>high IQ
what the fuck is your problem??
I can’t speak for his IQ but I can think of no other musician who could so truly be described as a genius.
Nacho Picasso