Is this show any good?

Is this show any good?
I mean, it's written by a woman and got liberals, women and blacks as a lead, chances that it's some liberal propaganda are pretty high.

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Alec Baldwin saves the show with his portrayal of Conservative Jack Donaghy.

30 Rock is great, a few episodes are pretty shit but overall it's funny.

Has the same sort of humour as The Simpsons did before it went to garbage.

This, I've watched the entire series of 30 Rock numerous times and it remains one of the funniest shows ever. Don't get fooled into thinking this is some show about muh feminism because it really isn't.


>I mean, it's written by a woman and got liberals, women and blacks as a lead, chances that it's some liberal propaganda are pretty high.
You would love this show, but don't watch it because you don't deserve anything good in your life since you're a dumb fucking child that lets shitty internet politics dictate your life.

Are you kidding? 30 Rock 100% would not be made today, with some of the shit it says. Not only is Tina Fey able to completely eviscerate herself, but the show sneaks some redpilled shit every now and then.

God, you sound like the cringiest keyboard warrior

>Implying this show isn't one of the best shows in terms of taking the piss outta anybody
Your bait needs work mate


there is no redpill in this show. tina is a just a feminist who tries the self deprecation and fails.

this may sound crazy, but I have instructions that will ensure that you enjoy 30 Rock

go straight to the beginning of season 7, and watch to the end of the series. there will be some references to story arcs from the previous season, but it will not diminish your enjoyment

then go to the beginning of season 6, and watch to the end of that season

then go to the beginning of season 5, and watch to the end of that season

then season 4

then season 3

then season 2

then Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

there is no reason to watch 30 Rock season 1

Woah, all these triggered libturds.

Let me guess, the show makes fun of conservatives all the time. Then dropped

protip: feel free to skip the two live episodes and the two Queen of Jordan (reality show parody) episodes

and if, by the time you get to season 3 or 2, you find yourself not enjoying the show anymore, feel free to bail.

30 Rock got ridiculously good in the last two seasons, and Kimmy Schmidt is the exact same style of jokes delivered by different characters

I consider 30 Rock s6-7 & Kimmy to be more similar than 30 Rock s6-7 are to the first five seasons.

But the Queen of Jordan episodes were great!

I did watch them once, just to 100% the series

they are not as bad as I feared.

but they do recreate what those shows are like. and I cannot stand that shit at all, even if it's a parody

it's like "parodying" a loud screeching sound by making a loud screeching sound and "making the joke" that it's so loud and annoying. I just don't want to hear a loud screeching sound. know what I mean?

That's funny because you got that completely wrong. The show is pretty redpilled.

To answer OP's question, yes it's actually an amazing show. You can't find a better late 00s sitcom.

It should go without saying but here it is just in case: ignore this shitty post/advice. Watch S01E01 and stick with it at least until the Conan episode. Personally I liked it from the pilot but like most show it could take a while to be comfortable with itself.

>protip: feel free to skip the two live episodes
What the fuck, those are some of the best episodes.

>it's like "parodying" a loud screeching sound by making a loud screeching sound and "making the joke" that it's so loud and annoying. I just don't want to hear a loud screeching sound. know what I mean?
But that was the best part of Dumb & Dumber.

Which episode has the spider? I want to rewatch, but that shit triggers me.

What spider? I assume that means something else, and I have no idea what.

another protip: feel free to skip any episode with Chloe Moretz. she was just awful

I'm not crazy about Will Arnett's character either. he's good in other stuff, but his 30 Rock character contributes no entertainment.

Rock got ridiculously good in the last two seasons
holy shit no. 30 rock is ok until s4, then super shitty

>not liking Will Arnett's character

Pleb. Personally I wouldn't have minded an entire season with him instead of Jack.

I liked the episode in which he and Jack were trying to show off each other's heart problems/homosexuality to their boss to steal the promotion.


It's a pleb filter. It gets kino so the plebs bail. It was all good though.


She's being ironic. Only people who watched 30 Rock can get it.

This is generally how it treats politics and political issues.

>this whole entire post


Who was the best Liz's boyfriend and why was Dennis?
I mean, he was a terrible boyfriend but he was the funniest.

Dennis was the best written character imo

>I'm not crazy about Will Arnett's character either. he's good in other stuff, but his 30 Rock character contributes no entertainment.

He was great, retard


There was a joke in one episode with a big spider crawling on that black guy's head. It triggers me.

>Liz meets her true love off screen and it's literally prince charming

Biggest fuck up this show made, easily

season 1 is kinda shit, seasons 2-4 are the GOAT ones, season 5 is not much worse, drops off a bit from there then picks up at the end of season 7

They wanted a happy ending but they didn't want a big romance story. Understandable.

Then why not go with someone more flawed?

Serious answer to a troll thread, it's not that funny. Especially that black guy, 0 comedic charisma. Tina Fey and Baldwin try to save the show but there are few jokes worth chuckling and their relationship gets tiring after a season or two.

I guess they wanted a really happy ending. Also, he was stupid and too young for her. Not really big flaws, but not a perfect match either.


How many times do you fap to fakes of tina fey ?

Thanks to him we had some great moments

>family guy

Is rural juror kino?

I enjoyed the first three seasons but stopped after finishing season 4, because I found it lacking compared to earlier seasons. Are the later seasons any better?

Fun fact: in season two Colleen (Jack's mum) is seen reading 'Urban Fervor'

It's a subtle sight gag.

>opinions I don't like are propaganda


>it's written by a woman and got liberals, women and blacks as a lead, chances that it's some liberal propaganda are pretty high.
i cant imagine going through life seeing everything through this filter. it seems truly miserable


Katrina Bowden is reason enough to watch it, but Alec Baldwin mock conservative Jack Donaghy is the man I want to be.

Why are you hating on the Chris ?

James Marsden is only three years younger than Tina Fey and Criss is never said to be young - he's just a dumb failure. But not as dumb as Jon Hamm or as much of a failure as Dennis so he's fine

Problem is, these days it's mostly correct. 30 Rock is a slightly older show though, it really had no political message. I don't think Tina would do something like this now.

she is really ugly now

no the guy is jsut as shitty as liz. even dennis is better than him.

>I don't think Tina would do something like this now.
Yes, she chooses to do kimmy schtick

>skipping the best episodes...
You're a fucking idiot.
If you wanna see Jon Hamm in blackface don't skip the episodes.

Well she wasn't back then.

Kimmy is making fun of women, gay and blacks.
One of the main characters is a goldigger that got pregnant only for money.