Strategically, would this matter? Does someone on a higher level of ground have a better advantage then someone on the low ground?
I have the high ground
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Generally speaking?
From Obi's One point of view?
Yes, it's a technique he mastered, he virtually can beat everyone when he's on a high ground.
they actually did a myth busters on this and apparently high ground is better
They aren't jedi though. Why didn anakin just fucking jump higher? I could of swore he made a rather large force jump earlier in the movie
Yes, high ground gives you a huge attack bonus.
Obviously he was referring to the moral high ground
Shut up dumb faggot
If the high ground is a horse or the elevated one is high enough and has a ranged weapon, yes.
Doesn't have to be someone on higher level ground. But as long as they're on uneven ground, Obi Wan always has the advantage. This is evidenced by the Grievous fight as well.
Fuck off you retard
This, to be precise Obi One mastered the uneven ground technique, he can beat any Jedi/Sithlord if he's on a uneven ground
oh my god, darth maul fight was on uneven ground! he truly mastered it.
Why do you think the phrase "fighting an uphill battle" exists?
Not only that, but had Darth Maul known it, he would've easily beaten Obi Wan, just like Obi Wan beat Anakin.
Anakin jumps clean over Obi.
He was talking about Anakin trying to jump on the cliff. It wouldn't work because Obi Wan is alredy there and could deliver fatal strike. Which he did.
It matters
Meanwhile at Union HQ
>We're going to sweep them down the hill as they come up
What happens when you don't have the high ground.
he was talking about the moral high ground
looks like Lucas symbolism flew over your head
>he was talking about the moral high ground
If moral high ground was the decisive factor then the Jedi order wouldn't be getting it's ass kicked by Sheev and Friends.
Why couldn't Obi have jump just as high, though? And because Obi always had the higher ground, his jump would always been higher.
> Anakin jumps 1000 yards straight up
> Obi-wan jumps 1002 yards
They're referencing the Duel of Fates. After defeating Maul with an overhead force jump that was frankly a long shot, Obi-Wan learned the proper defense against this maneuver. When he says 'it's over, I have the high ground' he warns Anakin not to try the same jump. When Anakin says 'you underestimate my power' he announces he will try anyway. He tries and gets his ass handed to him. It's beautiful really.
Not clean
Better question:
Is Ashoka a virgin?
I smiled
OP. I know what you're thinking and I have one thing to say to you.
Don't try it.
It would matter strategically, as in major battles like the people are posting ITT, but 1 on 1 combat?
Have you ever tried parrying a blow that's coming from below? It's a bitch!
Is Obi Wan with high ground the strongest character in Star wars?
That look in her eyes, you KNOW they banged.
Obi-wan didn't talk about the physical high ground. He was talking about the moral high ground.
Or why do you think Sheev was able to kill those Jedi who had the physical high ground? He told them they are commiting treason, thus establishing his moral high ground.
She's not canon so who cares?
user, I...
No. Sheev can nullify the high ground by spinning , thereby reversing the ground polarity.
Being a giant, Snoke has inherent high ground
That works against standard high ground, but Obi Wan can use his certain point of view to regain lost High Ground.
Really, Yoda sealed him doom by not bringing Kenobi along.
>not canon
Are you mentally challenged?
Just swing and hope for the best?
Fuck off you fucking retard, your stupid cartoons are not canon
>should have nailed that while I had the chance...
Stop having a cry, they are regrettably
>I have no legs because of this
Dude! The prequels are EPIC xD what's your favorite light saber-fight? The original films are slow and boring.
Wow, Ep7 really made me think. The original trilogy is better than the prequel trilogy, "muh pottery", heh heh, but Ep7 is better than the prequels, both rip off the originals so who cares?
I love the originals, and these characters seem archetypal in some way... I really like what Lucas tried to achieve in the prequel trilogy but the execution was poor. He had a team of yes men and sycophants, whereas in the original trilogy, he was the visionary and superior technical staff executed his vision. I liked Ep7.
Lucas is a genius, the scale of his vision is breathtaking. The prequels and the original trilogy are no better or worse than the other conceptually. All six films are part of an epic ring cycle that draws its influence from epics ranging from the Icelandic Sagas to the Upanishads. He is clearly a deeply religious man, and his good friendship with Joseph Campbell obviously affected his work. He clearly understands Jung, and all six films are rich with occultist, psychological, and perennial symbolism. These characters are so iconic because they are archetypes, and they connect with people because they dwell in the collective unconscious. He has truly succeeded in writing an epic myth that defines the close of the millennium. Bravo. Oh, what was that? Episode 7? I torrented it a year after release. Stock consumerist sci-fi, I could barely make it half way through.
It's up to debate wether Sheev's spin attack or Darth Bane's for you punch could match it
Why didnt Anakin just jump in front of Obi-wan instead of above him?
You could say overconfidence was his weakness.
>I'm gonna force orgasm you, you fucking togruta little slut
He would've been slashed hortogonally
I unironically believe that
>tfw Enlightened
No. The reason high ground is an advantage in a sword fight is because gravity assists your strikes, but the blade of a lightsaber has no weight and thus this advantage is completely nullified.
>but the blade of a lightsaber has no weight
source: your ass
at the start of phantom menace the two jedis are seen running in bullet time when the big droids show up. Yet they never run this fast again ever, even when it would help.
Have fun, retard.
Strategically high ground only matters if you have long range missiles weapons to rain down upon your enemies. Also it is easier to defend because enemies have to waste stamina to climb that hill while you're raining arrows/bombs/bullets/books on them while it's a lot harder for them to hit you with similar weaponry.
In a 1v1 melee sword fight, higher ground most likely is a disadvantage because it is easier to parry and attack upwards.
Nigga when you have the force
>ywn force all her midicolorforms to come splashing out