ITT: Proof critics have no idea what they're doing
ITT: Proof critics have no idea what they're doing
Literally how
I know it's giving a numerical value to a piece of art, but still, the critics are retards as this is easily the best show of this year.
IMO it's the best show since Twin Peaks.
Well post a user review, what are you waiting for
The OA is just 8 points lower than The Young Pope.
The OA is shit.
Nocturnal animals and strange are both shit. As is la la land. And arrival
>And arrival
Fucking this show is pure christkino, these ass slurping critics should stick to watching game of thrones and pleb shit like that. FFS this is a masterpiece. KOTY.
69 is way way WAY too high. The show is utter garbage.
are this the same guys that rlm have been making fun off for rogue wan?
The OA is a million times better than the Young Pope. TYP is unwatchable trash.
american plebs.
>this guy doesn't like homozex but is potrayed as handsome and smart
>there are no explosions REEE
>ugh why people who are not minorities are talking in a foreign language?
This movie was absolute shit.
By the way, reviewers only got 5 episodes. So they literally don't get it yet. This is a show that needs to be seen entirely before you can talk about it.
>that sentence structure
That literally does not mean anything jesus fucking christ. It also seemed like he stopped watching after 2 or 3 episodes, which he most likely did.
We've got a pleb here
It's more Christfags getting offended.
Both my atheist and catholic friends thought this show was fantastic.
So I don't know.
If anything TYP is both irreverent and loving when it comes to the Holy See.
>literally too dumb to understand a sentence
I was calling it hollow and empty criticism user, which it is
Is this word the ultimate pleb filter?
only thing wrong with that sentence is that it is too long.
>that finally most clearly
What's the matter -- too dumb to understand English?
That's between 3 and 4 stars, not a bad score
What a fucking tasteless cretin.
the duffer hipsters must have sucked a ton of hipster critic cock to get the ratings on this 80's hipster
>It doesn't push their agenda so they shit on it.
>The media
Do you think before you write? That shitting documentary about church scandals got rave reviews.
imdb score takes into account user reviews I think. Every new popular show gets at least a 9 on there.
No it wasn't holy pleb. Go watch Arrival or La La Land plebbit.
Those are good movies too you sperg
Christfags hate TYP because the first few episodes give a false impression that the show could be anti religious counter culture and are too lazy to keep watching or properly interpret things.
The media hates TYP for not being a cynical liberal propaganda machine that's shitting all over the church.
Atheistfags hate TYP because it implies God could be real and belief can do good.
If any of these groups had independent thought they'd probably end up liking it.
Gone Girl is good though.
Chris Cabin? The only cab he should be in is a cabinTOHELL.
Is it really good, or it's Sup Forumss Bvs-was-good good? I have good expectations for this as Sorrentino is involved
Do you realize Gone Girl has the highest average right?
>you will never keep posting the same stupid image over and over seeking validation
Goddamn you're pathetic.
CW has more positive scores and less negative scores than Gone Girl.
Really makes you think
Those are flicks and they are so mediocre its embarassing. Enjoy watching flicks
Well I haven't seen the two you mentioned but they can't believe they are more garbage than that shit.
Gone girl was good.
I feel sorry for your parents user. I've read a lot of shit here but this... this is probably the worst post I've ever read.
Thanks meta critic, now I'll never watch this
>that CNN review on RT
ignore metacritic, The Young Pope is pure kino
You guys have to realise that Americans are morons and politics have consumed their film industry. Critics no longer objectively judge a film or show on its own merit - they're ticking boxes to check if said show or film or art meets the standards of their dogma. In the same way a teacher marks a student's paper to see how accurate and correct it is. These critics and organisations believe their world views and practices are absolute and beyond reproach. If a show/film doesn't meet their standards of "accuracy", then it's "incorrect" and therefore bad. It's the reason so much fucking (inoffensive) schlock is celebrated in Hollywood these days as being great. You read the reviews of recent schlock and think you must be going crazy because this kind of stuff is completely undeserving of universal praise. But if you see who made said schlock, you'll see that they subscribe to the same doctrine as critics and that's enough for them to give a show/film glowing review.
It really isn't tho
>If Sorrentino’s goal is to critique the dire falseness and pomposity of popularized religion and suggest an unpleasant future for the Catholic church, he has set out upon his duty with seemingly little understanding of how personal and messy faith can become and how that effects not only major events but tremendously intimate ones.
>L I T E R A L L Y confirmed for not understanding a fucking thing about the show
They are considerably
>person writing this bullshit calls himself a 'critic'
Is like to know this too. It definitely looks nice.
Just watch it. ~9 hours of kino
BvS is shit btw
Do you want to see some webms from it?
It's amazing
that series is boring
the pope is whiny and obnoxious (muh real parents)
>BvS is shit btw
I like BvS
Fucking hell
Which are based on the average score
Well this I can understand, we all know Disney buys reviews and all, but the young pope?? wtf??
It reminds me of a thing that I wanted to comment on but always forget: while Jude Law does amazing job playing the pope, and Silvio Orlando is fan favorite as Voiello, I was impressed by Diane Keaton as Sister Mary. It's such a stark contrast between her acting and the acting of Geena Davis in The Exorcist (I watched those two shows at the same time).
>I can control this kangaroo, maybe I can control my life
>That webm
Does anyone actually bother with metacritics ratings?
I'm not even Christian but it truly was kino
And I was expecting something like the Borgias but boy was I wrong
It's way too easy to be a critic these days. Pretty much every TV blog website critic didn't get Westworld and gave it a C. These websites should only consider major newspapers and magazines
No, I simply cannot believe TV reviewers and bloggers have bad opinions! There's no way it could be true!
Well, to be fair, Westworld was fucking terrible
Wrong. I guess you could say it underachieved but it shot pretty high and was much smarter and more ambitious than most anything else on TV
How can you give a movie 13%.
Like the visuals and sound would make 20%
It wasn't smart, it was smug.
It wasn't ambitious, it was arrogant.
The same story was much better told by Ex Machina last year, without all the obnoxious HBO edginess.
>muh Marvel conspiracy
BvS was shit, deal with it
So basically you didn't get it and you're butthurt. We know the type, don't worry.
>The same story
It really wasnt
>I can't into statistics
but it wasn't though
Kys you peasant.
It was bad.
Compare it to Bane and Joker .
>people take these opinions seriously