Think these overpaid actress cunts will finally shut the fuck up?

>a woman
>ever shutting the fuck up

calm down, take an Autism pill, and rethink your life.

Been debunked a thousand times over. Such an intentionally misleading statistic. I stared at this piece of shit tweet with such great hatred, such vitriol for this talking-point regurgitating humpback fucktard. "NOTHING BUT"? really? "NOTHING BUT sexism"? it's not like women WILLFULLY choose other jobs, right? What a goddamn idiot. What an awfully-calculated statistic formulated for nothing but pandering to unthinking social-justice dunces. It's like he's shamelessly counting on votes from uninformed losers that think he'll pay off fannie&freddie for their failing asses. Disgusting

Roasty getting toasty.

Of course not. They're the victims user, can't you see that?

I donated $5 to Bernie last year. Biggest regret of my life.

>people legitimately wanted this cuck jew to be president

He doesn't even try to hide his jewness. Fucker staring you in the eye while reaching for your wallet and making his evil jew grin.

Oh god user, why? Yes his anti-corruption stuff was good, but he spouts racist shit against whites, sexist shit against men and gets bullied by a pair of ogres on stage.

A few positives don't outweight the mountain of negatives.


Spotted the Women's Studies major.

>Been debunked a thousand times over.

Wage gap still exists when adjusting for profession.

If only there was a law preventing this... Oh wait, there is. Problem solved.

Which reduces the number to a 5.4% difference.

Yet that still doesn't consider hours worked. On average a man works more hours than a woman.

Women are also liable to get pregnant, and have to take paid leave for a long period of time. That means they also have to pay temp staff to cover.

5.4% is more than fair when you consider those factors.

fpbp lmao

Oh honey...

>tfw making less money than neets on welfare and still dont give enough of a fuck to look for a better job

This planet is just another planet's hell. The less you care about anything is a good thing.

right you are, my friend

Not an argument.

You're not alone. Im doing a shit minimum wage job but all i do is shitpost on Sup Forums. Was literally paid to make this post

Hey me too. Security guard here, been posting for the last 6.5 hours and getting paid to do so. Feels good.

Lol same. Stuck in an empty warehouse getting paid £9.50 an hour to shitpost

easy, shit paying jobs are almost always the best you'll ever have in your life just due to them having the least amount of work and suffering

kek nice
>tfw get off work at 8am and reflect on all the people you BTFO on Sup Forums over the last 8 hours
All in a hard day's work

I'm gonna die a poor man in a piece of shit town where I struggle to get hours at my casual job I I've worked at least every day for the last 9 months. No other jobs going because all the attractive female backpackers come to my tourist town and take the jobs, and then go out at night and expect men to pay for their drinks while they keep their "sit/stand behind a desk money". I clean toilets to survive, my last job was hacking paths through rain forest with a machete, If a bitch ever brings up the "wage gap" around me I'd straight up tell her to shut the fuck up.

Sounds like the beginning of a slasher flick. What town?

Cairns, Australia

Terrible unemployment