protip: you cannot
Name a better sci-fi since The Matrix (1999)
i cannot
did blomfkomf just get lucky with this one?
There isn't any.
Children of Men
i can't
Yes. He's made nothing but garbage ever since.
Hey, the first half of Elysium was good.
>The Martian
>Fury Road
>Fury Road
>sci fi
stopped reading right there
What, at the end of the list? Good, one cunt.
Equilibrium (2002)
is it even possible to have such a shit taste? i don't think so, probably a troll.
these movies range from 1/10 to 4/10
>The Martian
Confirmed plebeian
Predestination. Now shhhh
Unless he makes another good film, then yeah it seem like he just got lucky
This isn't actually a bad list. Fury Road isn't scifi though.
do like the protagonist there and fuck yourself
timeparadoxed shit
this movie seriously got me thinking, what if that happened to me? the look of his wife and child when they saw him, it's scary
it has some dumb moves, though, it isn't flawless at all.
he fucking never said he had been set up, and he didn't fuckd an alien and the news are lieing, and it is just an infection. Why? He truely was a retard.
Who's gonna believe that though?
10 cloverfield lane
at least his wife should've
>stopped reading at the end of the list.
Moon or Contagion
fucking retard
Primer is not only the best sonce the matrix, it is the best of all time.
read Kafka's The Metamorphosis
it's just a mumbo jumbo
I liked Elysium and aspects of Chappie. Do I have shit taste?
Twelve Monkeys
Elysium is underrated.
>he didn't fuckd an alien and the news are lieing, and it is just an infection. Why?
because it's funny
The Lobster
Under the Skin
Cloud Atlas
I can't OP
but here's a good one
>>>>>>>>> The Martian
your bad taste is incredible user
District 9 is top tier kino.
But Source Code was also great.
But The Matrix sucks big time. The concept was good and interesting but they messed ut up.
oh totally forgot about this little gem
>Fury Road isn't scifi though.
Yes it is. Future/alternate history is a sub genre of sci fi.
The fountain
Or this
It this the one where it's a serious horror movie at first but then they start fighting the monsters with fucking kung fu?
Children of men
Attack the Block
Also, the manchildren of Sup Forums will have a freakout but.
Edge of Tomorrow
Ex Machina
The Martian
are also better
yup, that's the one
still managed to tell a great story
>Went through the whole list.
>Stopped reading right there.
Good job user! You know how to read!
Under the skin
Its the people wake up in a sleeper ship and people waking up to get eaten.
Tough to be a God
District 9 is overrated drivel, even looper was better than this crap
>Children of men
I fucking love this movie, but how is this sci fi?
>Attack the Block
another good choice, but not quite sci fi either?
Also forgot moon
Agree with everything except the Martian.
Yeah, I lost all interest once they started kickboxing with the things that were chasing them.
Minority Report
MOON was predictable trash. why did Sup Forums ever recommend this?
>>Children of men
>I fucking love this movie, but how is this sci fi?
the whole premise of everyone suddenly losing the ability to have children.
>>Attack the Block
>another good choice, but not quite sci fi either?
alien invaders - it is science fiction/Horror
Science fiction is not just spaceships and pew pew guns.
Because David Bowie's son directed it
>Science fiction is not just spaceships and pew pew guns.
so, would you qualify Alien as sci fi?
stopped reading right there myself
why is this a valid criticism? is the measure of a good film how many unexpected twists it has?
i'd hate to see your ideal film.
Fair enough, I know Sup Forums has a hate of that movie as much as they have a crush on Drive.
Who was kickboxing, they where mostly hitting them with knives, swords, and pipes.
Alien is very much Science Fiction.
Are you fucking shitting me?
This cringey apartheid """metaphore""", where aliens behave like humans and humans behave like not humans?
Motherfucking Matrix sequels were better than this. Chappie was better. Looper was one tier higher and Looper was utter shit.
How could anyone not classify it as sci fi?
>Yeah, I lost all interest once they started kickboxing with the things that were chasing them.
it was a bit disappointing, I concur.
luckily, by the time they got to that point, the focus of the movie shifted to other things already, and monsters became a sub-plot, so it kinda worked.
but I'm glad you saw it at all, user
learn the difference between setting and genre, and we will talk again.
wait, let me guess, Star Wars is sci fi too?
It's sci-fi m8
i forget to add it was boring. it added to my boredom that i predicted every major thing that happened minutes in. then you tell an ok story and unremarkable performances and you get trash.
Can i name a worse sci-fi movie? Probably, but district 9 was a huge turd. Pseudo-intellectual dummies love it though.
I know moon is considered good because
>muh sam rockwell performance
but don't despair user, you are not alone.
boring movie, OK to watch once
>The concept was good and interesting but they messed ut up
the concept has been seen countless times in book and movie form. all the matrix had was style and special fxs. it was a visually stunning movie, nothing else.
okay, learning that I am speaking to some sort of autist or baitmaster.
Star wars is Sci-fi (A subtype called Space Opera). Have a good day.
"Is 2001 sci-fi?" might be his next question.
now THAT makes sense
Everything you mentioned is science fiction. Have a (You), maybe you can exchange it for a library card.
Evil Gubment: "How can we use this.. AS A WEAPON?" - the movie.
I got you senpai!
Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind
Children of Men
About Time
Minority Report
The Prestige
Source Code
District 9
Star Trek I
Wall. E
The Incredibles
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Patema Inverted
The Place Promised In Our Early Years
Steins Gate
>Arthouse & Esoteric
Tree of Life
Under the Skin
Hard to be A God
lol that was a proper piece of shit. also that makeup. fuck that movie was bad.
The martian is here but where is interstellar
I'm not sure if you guys are baiting or serious.
please learn the difference between genre and setting, though
>"Is 2001 sci-fi?" might be his next question.
nah, 2001 is obviously sci-fi
better question would be Gravity.
No man, you are baiting.
All the films are listed as science fiction for a good reason.
Look up the definition of science fiction, and get back to us.
>Star Trek I
Kessler syndrome will make it science fiction mate.
Ghost in the Shell 2
Under the Skin
What do I win?
alright, I'll just post what I think and you be the judge
horror/slasher (set on a space ship)
>Children of Men
thriller (there's some civil unrest, for whatever reason)
>Star Wars
fantasy (with space ships instead of dragons)
disaster movie (set in space)
actually sci-fi
"Science fiction film (or sci-fi) is a genre that uses speculative, fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial lifeforms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel, along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots"
Here is you (you).
These anons are being correct.
>Children of men
No fertility - Science fiction
>Attack the block
>Star Wars
Aliens, space ships, FTL, and so on.
Its a fucking alien
>you be the judge
You are a idiot or baiting.
That the last (you)
>Science fiction film is a film genre which emphasizes actual, extrapolative, or speculative science and the empirical method, interacting in a social context with the lesser emphasized, but still present, transcendentalism of magic and religion, in an attempt to reconcile man with the unknown
there are as many definitions as there are pages on the internet
>it has robots
is the most narrow minded one of them all
but you got some (You)s in return, so congrats
here, only non-retarded responses ITT
You know sci-fi is a dead genre in mainstream cinema when people have to pretend this is good.
Battle Royale
Hunger Games I
Resident Evil
Dawn of the Dead
The Cornetto trilogy
Big Hero 6
fuck you, it was alright. 12 monkeys esque.
>fuck you, it was alright. 1
it was anything, but alright.
>movie starts
>plot gets going
>I know, let's hide on this farm!
>90 minutes of guys sitting on a farm with some woman
>phew, we're almost done, let's do a shitty action scene
boring movie is boring
>tfw there are no people in this thread being old enough to watch Minority Report in the movies
I feel so old
Pleb detected.
>it was a visually stunning movie, nothing else.
for its time
I seen it, just not old enough to see this gem in the movies :(
>watching anything in theatre when you've internet