Synder ruined watchmen.
Synder ruined watchmen
The original still exist in its original published state so no be did not retard fucker.
Here is a serious question for all of you:
Who could've done Watchmen better?
Articulate how.
Gareth Edwards, Rogue One was incredible.
I almost fell asleep on Watchmen desu.
Nicolas Windings Refn
Alex Proyas.
coen brothers
I would love to see this
Terry Gilliam, and he was wise enough to realize that it was a moot project in the first place, as he deemed it unfilmable.
oh god
How would marvel handle watchmen?
Ever since MoS came out every Snyder film has been retroactively deemed the "worst thing ever that we certainly hated from the beginning". I don't understand Sup Forums sometimes.
No, he translated it perfectly.
Terry Gilliam
I enjoy Watchmen. I think its a bit more suited to Snyder's style than DC.
I can't stand anything he's made since.
I fucking like Snyder's Watchmen. Anywho that Smashing Pumpkins song from the Watchmen trailer really tickles me.
What qualities of Monsters, Godzilla, or Rogue One makes you think Gareth Edwards would be better suited for Watchmen than Zack Snyder?
Watchmen did not live up to the source material as an adaptation, but I think he actually did the best job of anyone in the pool of directors likely to have taken the job at the time.
That being said, it definitely falls way short of great for anyone who's read and understood the comic.
Also MoS was ambitious and terrible because Goyer/Snyder's style is not appropriate for making a good Superman movie. Also BvS was terrible because of rampant mischaracterization and forced edginess.
Also 300 was great. And Sucker Punch was shit, but who cares?
Literally anybody
>That being said, it definitely falls way short of great for anyone who's read and understood the comic.
But I read and understood the comic. I still love the movie.
If you mean the movie then probably yes
It was so fucking awful
I did the best job possible for an unfilmable thing.
Not a huge fan of Snyder but if you want to bash him, Watchmen is not a good start.
unironically, Edgar Wright
What is better, the comic or the movie?
What would you choose between only ever having had the chance to watch the movie or read the comic?
This, to be honest. I think it's one of his best movies, although it needed some work in several areas
>I enjoy Watchmen. I think its a bit more suited to Snyder's style than DC.
>than DC
your waste of quads sickens me
Unironically this. The source can't be properly traslated to film (for instance all the pirate stuff wouldn't make it to a movie and it's one of the best parts of the comic) but Snyder made a damn good job with this movie.
Kind of Inherent Vice being almost impossible to adapt and yet PTA managed to make a really good movie nonetheless
the comic obviously. No one with sense picks the movie, not even the die hard snyder fans..
fucking kek
>you can't criticize him cause he directed a piece of shit BUT NO ONE WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER JOB
If watchmen is snyder's best I'm glad I haven't watched the recent DC capeshits
Whatever faults Snyder may have, he did do some things right in Watchmen. He made the studio take an R-rated cut set back in the 80s (Hayter's script was set in modern times) and cut a lot of bullshit from the script (like Manhattan giving Laurie superpowers.) Then he added some bullshit of his own and the changes he made were not for the best... and that's really the worst thing about Watchmen, that it's not a bad movie per se but feels like a wasted oportunity.
the movie, it has a better and realistic ending
don't listen to marvel fags like these
I just mean that DC's source material are more upbeat and i don't think the more serious tone that he brought to it fits it as well as it did Watchmen.
erm, no
since you think so, you probably didn't understand the comic and why a literal translation would have been a profound mistake
You aren't criticizing it though, you're just triggering all over the thread saying it was bad and holding back the tears when we remind you that Watchmen is a better capeshit movie than anything in your meme cinematic universe.
There's a difference
no you.
Watchem was one of the first worst super hero movie i seen as a kid.
But when I grew up it was one of the best super hero movie I have ever seen
Ridley Scott. He hates capeshit. Watchmen needs to be made by somebody who hates the gen,re not a fanboy like Snyder
I riked it but i have to investment in the comic.
Snyder obviously missed the point, because he tried to make them cool.
But all things considered (unfilmable source), he did OK.
watchmen apologists are the true cancer killing this board
This is only true because the Watchmen movie is Snyder's style and nothing more
The novel is nothing like the movie tonally
TFW i will get to see Wally West speed force this fucker into his own nightmarish hell he can never escape.
He did not. This thread should be meme by now. Alan Moore wanted it to be an amateur looking film. He hates polished hollywood movies, and Terry Gilliam would have made it incomprehensible.
So, Snyder did quite well with this, and this is still regarded as his best work.
Why such absolutes in Sup Forums? Either everything a director does is either great, or terrible? That is the mentality of a child.
Itt: moviebob opinions.