Any other smegheads in today?
Drop a quote you love.
>"We attack under cover of daylight!"
Any other smegheads in today?
Drop a quote you love.
>"We attack under cover of daylight!"
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I better make myself look big!
smoke me a kipper... i'll be back for breakfast.
what a guy
No silicon heaven? Where would all the calculators go?
Is the latest series good? I'm too scared to watch it.
A small, off-duty Czechoslovakian traffic warden.
It's okay. A few solid laughs, but a lot of mediocrity.
OK, let's knock on the door and ask for Ronnie
So what is it?
Stoke me a clipper! I'll be back for Christmas.
What was with RD using yankisms like "garbage", "elevator", "trash" etc? Were they doing the Thunderbirds having burger accents to appeal to the clap market sort of thing?
It's set in the future, things are already Americanized a lot, is it really beyond the realms of imagination (particularly in a reality with curry monsters) that society just got completely enveloped by American culture
I'll never join you.
Kids today say "zee" and call their trousers "pants".
They didn't always do it. They kept some of the weirder Bongisms like "noughts and crosses" instead of tic-tac-toe and "draughts"' instead of checkers
>You watch what you say about my mummy, I'm a grown man and I won't stand for it!
Me 2 is easily one of my favorites.
It's ehh, even as big a fanboy I am over RD (watch an episode almost every day), I can't really get into it.
It has a few interesting ideas but honestly I think only one episode was really enjoyable. Heck, I think series 10 was better.
I can't wait to play the stereotypical Mexican on a show partnered with a stereotypical Irish partner working for a cock tease who married a douche bag.
given the profusion of Esperanto in the series ( "LEVEL NIVELO"), it may just supposed to be part of a big language mashup, a la Firefly's Mandarin swearing.
I bet he's more excited about the career-derailing rape charges.
"It's a... small, off-duty Czeckslovakian traffic warden!"
So what is it?
howdy doodly doo
I'm not sure, I've never seen one before, no one has, but I think it's a white hole
So what is it?
Fuck you I liked the most recent series's. I only disliked the later ones with Kochanski. Seasons 1-2 GOAT.
>Step up to red alert.
>Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.
one of my favourites
Britfag here.
I used to come home to watch during lunch time from school..13 years ago.
I had time for about one episode on dvd. It was /comfy/
also for a quote
Cat: How am I looking? *looks in personal hand mirror* weow!
skip episode 1 it's fucking terrible episode 2 is poor, episode is alright, episodes 4, 5, 6 are decent with some solid laughs.
It's acually OK overall, not a disaster like the new Xfiles series.
The Cat was one of the best parts of the show.
my favourite from rimmer when his own self is annoying him
New X Files at least gave us Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster
>burger accents
I don't think you could get further from a yank accent than a brummy, even the chinks sound more burgerstan
He's the most consistent out of all the cast as well. Even in the shittier episodes he's still funny.
>that poorly little beige/grey set
Ah classic Dwarf alright
You are baiting right? It's not even an original monster for the series, they where always going out after generic hairy beast-man/woman creatures.
I want a vindaloo and lager now.
>There! Shoot him! Shoot him!
>What? In the back?
>Yes in the back. It's a pity he isn't asleep.
I fucking love Rimmer
Only joking!
If you're in trouble he will save the day
He's brave and he's fearless come what may
Without him the mission would go astray
He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
Without him life would be much grimmer
He's handsome, trim, and no-one slimmer
He will never need a zimmer
He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
More reliable than a garden trimmer
He's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner
He's not bald, and his head doesn't glimmer
Master of the wit and the repartee
His command of space directives is uncanny
How come he's such a genius? Don't ask me!
Ask Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
He's also a fantastic swimmer
And if you play your cards right
Then he just might come round for dinner
He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
No rhymes left now apart from quimmer
He'd better fade us out before we get to schlimmer
Fade out you stupid plimmer
The stories aren't great but there's some good laughs. It's leagues ahead of Back To Earth so if you've seen that you have nothing to worry about.
Today's fish is Trout á la créme, enjoy your meal
He's a scouser my man.
>Ye've gotta tell 'im!
>What, tell him I've just nuked his ship? I can't do that.
>Why not?
>He won't like me
The Rimmer ep was alright
I always thought that bit was weird, I can definitely see Lister shooting a simulant in the back but I guess the writers had to construct a way to not shoot himself.
Remember the simulant was also pleading that he was unarmed and not to shoot him. It's still a little weird, but they tried portraying Lister as someone with good morals fairly often.
It's fucking terrible.
One episode was okay, the one about the Karma drive, everything else is pure shit
You mean that thing is spitting time, back into the universe?
>mfw I remember I used to unironically say smeg in primary school
He was great in Robot Wars
>Pic related.
Also "Be careful with that. It's Lister's mind."
I preferred Jeremy Clarkson desu. The show was a lot better in general back then because I thought things like The Gauntlet were more fun to watch than just 30 minutes of robots pushing each other into the pit.
He was great in this rare super mario bros UK only vhs tape no one but me remembers.
That's one of my faves.
Also the final half of Quarantine is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
"If there's one thing I can't stand... it's crazy people...THROOOAAAAAEEEEWWWWW!!"
It is a slightly more international show, yeah.
It worked, though. Red Dwarf is pretty popular all around (as popular as a cult show can get, anyway).
>They hate ALL forms of humanoid life. They believe you to be the vermin of the universe, sir!
>... I didn't know they'd met him.
Oh baby your in for a treat
Coked off his tits, I'd bet.
Probably was.
Hopefully he doesn't die soon.
Female Holly was cute.
he's arnold arnold arnold rimmer