Why do they let racists like Steve Harvey have their own TV shows?
r/asianmasculinity please go. Harvey is based.
Good luck finding a non racist black person
The same reason they let Trump have a presidency.
Asians are too busy making moolah to care/whine about this stuff.
>asians btfo yet again
lmao kill yourselves yellow cucks
>Good luck finding a non racist black person
Your pic states where to find them tho.
Link to that discussion?
>atheist don't have a moral thermometer!
>*cheats on wife*
>black person here
>visited and spoke to Drumpf aka Russian Puppet and not really president
But yeah, fuck that Mr. Potato head looking ass
We can only have so many Wayne Bradys
>Atheists don't have an ethical calorimeter!
>Atheists don't have an empathetic compass!
>Atheists don't have an ideological Geiger counter!
My respect levels have increased tenfold.
>"I will never understand what black people have against Trump"
Trump literally equates black people with poverty, violence and crime. Every time he refers to black areas or black people he talks about "urban areas in chaos" despite the specific areas he refers to (i.e. john lewis district) being the opposite. He retweets fabricated, false, statistics about black people from literal white supremacist twitter accounts. Trump is literally a racist. Literally. As in, the literal dictionary definition of a racist.
He's also denied housing to black people solely due to their race. Even if they had money and income to afford housing, they would be marked on their application as "black" and denied.
>a principled multimeter!
does trump hire black loonies to attend his building every week or something?
Poor girl, we're not gonna see her in the next Guardians of the Galaxy.
>Trump literally equates black people with poverty, violence and crime
>because these aren't facts
The world doesn't run to cater to your feelings, you have to face reality at some point.
> denied housing to black people solely due to their race
nope never been proven. Stop believing lies.
Stop acting like insecure tools
You will never have white skin.
Actually, I'm jewish.
You jus don goofed
Those are all facts, sorry. You are confused. Evidence that contradicts your worldview are still facts. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Nice source. Trump's properties not renting to blacks had nothing to do with him. Do you have any idea how many buildings and businesses are run with his name on them? You think he's going around to each one and making manager level decisions such as who to rent to? Do you also think he is in charge of picking what is in the vending machines at Trump towers? Trump has been in the public eye for 30+ years, the fact that he never was, but is all of a sudden a racist isn't hard to see through.
There is nothing wrong with being Jewish.