So i just watched pic related, what's Sup Forums's final opinion ?

So i just watched pic related, what's Sup Forums's final opinion ?

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Boring crap with a shitty ending. Also, why did his sister have to marry a black guy?

It's good.
Sup Forums is fucktarded beyond belief.

great movie

very jazzy man like whoa

it's not really Sup Forums

probably 2-3 upset virgins buttmad about everything.

Emma stone can't act or sing. Its a shitshow. This board is full of plebs who like this trash and other trash.

whoa *toot* *toot* my man

it's great, you're not gonna get much of a genuine reaction here. Most people who like it don't really care for these threads since it'll be flooded with some virg spergs spamming soon enough.

Good goy!

Uhhh no. Sounds like a jumbled hodge-podge of carelessly-flung boilerplate boogeyman zingers. No one who has a modicum of insight into the creative process is swayed by this kneejerk pseudo-intellectual outrage. 'the fuck up.

Dishonest filmmaking, and I immediately distrust anyone who likes it.

Lol. Jews brought you your movies. Stay mad.

reminder Sup Forums is full of shilling stonefags, she's jlaw 2.0 and they are reddit incaranate.

Same-ass spamming loser. What a pathetic sunday you must've had, you poor lonely failure.

what do you mean by dishonest filmaking ?

Not entirely my cup of tea, but good. Definitely pushes the right buttons to get the sap-filled neohollywoods cooing its praises, which is irritating. But, I dunno, fair play. Cute film.

Emma Stone was great. Perfect superficial performance, in the sense that it would have damaged her character if she had played her with a lot of internal depth. Her performance was expressive without being affected. Very good.

Gosling was fine. More commendably brave than skillful, as his singing and dancing were somewhat laughable. He carried it off, which is enough.

>he is a sucker for everything hollywood shoves down his throat
>he's a sucker for a terribly written acted numbered and sung flick

he doesn't know. he just heard someone say it once and thought it sounded good so he uses it to describe movies he doesn't like

too white

Na shes actually likeable and is herself. and not a try hard

Emma Stone was bad and the film is mediocre. FROGPOSTERS

I mean it insists upon itself.


said it before:
m--lmao bro--like, wow, OK, so you studied film, you set up your review, you spent long hard nights fighting against the prevailing internet sentiment. You got shouted down, you got yelled at, you went thru hell & high water to make your voice heard. & u have concluded: MOVY BAD. Wow. bro this isn't about Stone. I would've given the same post no matter what actor. lol fuckstupid Sup Forums memes shaped your view on cinema while you were too naive to think for yourself & now you get PTSD flashbacks when someone makes the slightest indication that they are a fan of the newest critically acclaimed feature. Damn shame, really.

how do you manage to not kill yourself living such a sad life?

kinda astounded tbhfamalam

It was okay. Pretty predictable and the songs were not very memorable but overall enjoyable.
A good throwback to the classic dancing singing movies of ole but nothing like critics are saying it is.

yeah you better be stunned in silents, bitch.

In addition:

Not really able to judge the quality of the songs, at least not against other comparable material. I'm just not familiar enough with these musical numbers.However, the recurring motifs in the scoring were pretty.

The plot was sufficient, was it not? I can't really call it. Can people argue the thing was shallow? I mean, is that not what its supposed to be?

As for the set design and colouring and cinematography, etc., again, not my cup of tea, but nonetheless I was able to warm to it because it looked well rendered and handled with some care.


Massively overrated
shouldn't have been a musical
good plot
great acting

It's really bad.

>Sup Forums's final opinion


>Definitely pushes the right buttons to get the sap-filled neohollywoods cooing its praises, which is irritating.

Exactly why Sup Forums hates it, but I can't blame them. Remember the last time Hollywood wrote a love letter to itself?

just downloaded this for the wife, will probably get stuck watching it with her. will i like this movie if i dont like musicals?

Good comparison.

Sup Forums is right to hate. They just hate too much.

Maybe a little. Give into it and get some good nookie afterward.

I love jazz, I like the actors, I fucking hate musicals. Every. Single. One.

Me too, generally. I actually think there's a sociological factum to be found in this divide across society. Those who like musicals and those who don't. More hinges on this that meets the eye.

I just marathoned the first 30 seconds of this movie too, tell me what I think about it Sup Forums

Oh look everyone, it's the memester.

If you aren't a fag you didn't like it.

I love that poster

I quite enjoyed it. The beginning was a little rough, but once the leads met it was fantastic - especially the tap dancing and ending sequences.

It was fun

is goose /ourguy/?