i wanna see her take 17lb of dick desu

Skeletons don't have vaginas


>Same size chest

Gadot fell for the "I dont wanna lift, I might get too bulky" meme all female DYELs fall into

Loving domination/submission when?

If only Natasha had trained her

Are you honestly defending Gal Gadot.

She has absolutely no striations, vascularity or mass. Not even a high %BF which takes no effort. You can't expect all the male heroes to train riducluously hard and the females to just get away with it cos of MUH UNRAELISTIC IDEELS. It doesn't help that Gal is a shit actress only known for Fast and Furious which a normie film.

DC is doomed.


Literally no one itt is defending the sticc.

What? I didn't say a goddamn fucking thing about Gal Gadot.

>What is lighting



dem pelvic bones sticking out of her body

>those shoulders
and now I feel gay
thanks brehs guess its time to start crossposting on fit

Buying for something without paying it


>went to mcdonalds for a month and gained a few kg
>intentionally ruined posture to create the appearance of a decent butt

She can't act for shit and aesthetically not right for the role. Snyder is a hack.

It's called having a wide clavicle even if she didnt lift it would look like that she hardly has any shoulder mass accept it


Her shoulders look fine.

Quads are a bit much imo. I have no idea why I'm so attracted to Rin instead of any other muscle grill though.

Does she think she has an ass?
The director think she has an ass?

>Snyder enlisted trainer Mark Twight to transform Gadot’s thin, model body into one that could physically hold her own onscreen with the boys. That meant gaining weight and adding serious muscle.

>“Her wrist — went all the way up. Her elbow was the thickest part of her arm,”

>Gadot, 30, was equally anxious, telling Twight, “I don’t want to be big and bulky… I don’t want to look like a bodybuilder.”



what did you just say about me?

Why are you posting a cocaine addict?

You heard me, you auschwitz escapee.

all this others actress are more professional


>“Her wrist — went all the way up. Her elbow was the thickest part of her arm,”




I'm gonna bite your foreskin off


>people unironically liked Gal Gadot as WW

Welp thats all future films with WW completely fucking ruined by normies

This is 10/10 for Ben Affleck

So it would seem.

Be honest, it's the same with you and the rest of Sup Forums.

I get boners when looking at average girls in the street, but I would legit not go near that jew witch with my dick. My foreskin is safe.


Miscast of the century?

I can't think of a recent capeshit flick that has actually had bad casting until this one desu. They make so much money generally that selection is heavily micromanaged.

Except for WW apparently.


she did

Tsujihara also had praise for the upcoming Wonder Woman film.

“The thing that really makes me confident is that I’ve seen Wonder Woman, and it’s great.”

Impeachment when?

What you think?

>She gained 17 pounds of muscle

It shows

The fact that Guy Godot was cast for this role while those more fit (forgive the pun) were overlooked, doesn't help to discourage the idea that Jewish people run Hollywood.
It enforces that idea...

I'm here for the Natasha Aughey webms/img

>we've been doing this thread 1 week straight

is that a complaint or an observation?

>I can't think of a recent capeshit flick that has actually had bad casting
you mean other than all of them for now encroaching on a decade?


I want her to carry me off.

Jeff pls go

Roids overdose when?

Cameron Diaz looks like Iggy Pop there

Yes yes its all garbage.


But most actors that are chosen fit the look, voice, and demeanor. Except for Gadot.

She is literally a goddess. I swear you T H I C C tards don't love a woman until she's diabetic.

if you are going to have a flat ass, at least don't have cellulite with it

She looks unhealthy thin. THICC is not a requirement but fuck that skellington.

Only fit girls are allowed that low bodyfat.

Natasha has been posted multiple times yet you want a T H I C C diabetic wut learn the differences

I can't stand women with arms and forearms with the same width, like parallel lines

I blame fit

I love how they added the middle part to hide her lack of cleavage crack

your measurement doesn't even make sense

So how do you guys think she was casted?
Did the people responsible for that sat down, looked at the requirements and said "yes, this thin supermodel is exactly right to represent a powerful amazon warrior princess".

i noticed that too lol

LOOOL look at her right ass cheek, this old bitch already has flaps hahahahaha

Why did they have to waste Antje as Faora? She would have been perfect.

No. The people responsible crawled across broken glass to the Chamber of The Elders of Zion to receive their wisdom.


>she looks perfect, is she jewi- nah
>jewish? youve got the role

Now THIS is negative ass.

wait is she really a jew?

>shitty tat

>german accent
>can't act

but then again Gadot has a weird accent and can't act, too

might as well have gone with Antje, yes

>flat ass
>still got cellulite

No, this is a 10/10 for Afflicki. Based Big Ben likes titties, not skeletors.

It comes down to looks, and Antje definitely wins that one.

Most of the Marvel heroes fit there casting pretty well. DC only gets it halfway since Flash, WW, and Lex Luthor are all shitty casting choices.

would tongue

As jewish as it gets.

>I'm 12.

Ezra Miller may not have the right hair color but he is a decent actor.


muscle girl best girl

as a vintagefu guy I don't mind the flat ass
it's her attitude towards it and having nothing else to make up for it that turns me off

>Israeli jew
>Close descendant of holocaust survivors

As jewish as it gets

I agree with you. I should've said that the way they make him act (at least seen from the comic-con trailer) is unfitting to the actual Flash. Flash is cocky and upbeat, not some Rick and Morty watching NEET living in a dark lair in what looks like under a bridge or an abandoned grain storage.

Because she's asian and you're a weeaboo.

So why Affleck did not choose Emily Ratajkowski to be the Wonder Woman?
Why did he prefer Gadot?

because he had already fucked her

her ass is fucking gigantic
id' rather have a more petite butt

Snyder cast Momoa, Ezra and Eisenberg without auditioning

Gadot was offered the role of Faora too so there was a previous connection

>without auditioning
Why is this allowed?

I can understand the direction of Momoa as Aquaman since the dude already looks like a sea-God anyway and the whole Oceania-ocean thing is just whatever. I can even excuse Ezra since he's actually a good actor. But stuff like Gadot and Lex Shitter are just horrible choices.

Snyder actually wanted Eisenberg as Jimmy Olsen. He didn't accept so he offered Lex.

Apparently Ezra auditioned for Lex, and Adam Driver did too. But Snyder simply called Eisenberg to be Lex and then used Ezra as Barry.

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole WW auditioning was just a cover up and he wanted Gadot all along. Snyder is the type of director that just picks his favorite or acquainted actors.

How can white women compete

>Snyder actually wanted Eisenberg as Jimmy Olsen. He didn't accept so he offered Lex.
I don't even know which direction to approach this from.
Is this why Jimmy gets killed off as a CIA agent?
How is it that he was just "offered" the role of Lex? Didn't they have any ideas on what to do with it?
>Apparently Ezra auditioned for Lex, and Adam Driver did too. But Snyder simply called Eisenberg to be Lex and then used Ezra as Barry
I give up. Fuck the DCEU.

>Is this why Jimmy gets killed off as a CIA agent?

Apparently no. He wanted to cast a known actor in a minor role that would be killed at the beggining of the movie just for shock value.

>How is it that he was just "offered" the role of Lex? Didn't they have any ideas on what to do with it?

Snyder let Einsenberg basically create the character the way he wanted
