This fucker

This fucker
I can't watch a single video of his without rustling my jimmies
just jesus christ how can he be so annoying

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is this Neil Cicierega


i dare you to watch a whole video
any video

He's /ourguy/

easy thing
am i supposed to cringe? I don't know how it feels, I have never felt it in my life.

His whole shtick is being annoying m8. He's a decent player but yeah the vids are cringey, he's better technically than dines tho

Jared Dines reminds me of a kid who would have bullied me in high school.

fuck dines too, he acts exactly like a cool high school douche

fuck all those mong guitar youtubers

>sp*nish subtitles

You have to go back.

All youtube e-celebs that play guitar are absolute subhumans stuck in their 16yrs old "LOOK HOW FUCKING FAST IM SHREDDING" phase, infact that's also exactly their target demographic


Wow, it's almost as if these people have an online persona or a whole shtick. Amazing, I never would've thought of that.

Guitarists are all immature. That's why they picked guitar instead of an instrument that requires skill to master.

>it's all just a ruuuuuse
even you don't believe it

unironically don't watch the videos then.

Why's he always got to pull faces as he's playing

I can't from looking at the thumbnails alone

dios mio... el nigger de las Américas..

The fucking thing he does with his mouth is what really rustles the shit out of my jimmies

Looks like the kind of guy that would say "objectively"

Rabea, Danish Pete and the guys of That Pedal Shows are pretty good tho

Jen Larson is actually good though

Bea's a good player, leagues above chapman, he's got that bettencourt feel. That pedal show is too longwinded, I prefer Andy formerly of proguitarshop for pedal videos. Is Danish Pete pete thorn or a different guy?

Pete Honorè, also from Andertons


i saw a few seconds of this one and it pissed me off so hard
he has zero understanding of what pop music means, goes on for 8mins about how easy it would be to make catchy pop music

and then what he came up with, its complete garbage

like it pissed me off in such a way where I genuinely think about it often, that there are actually people out there who judge the quality of music on a note per minute basis

This guy is some next level gay.

4th rate Jazz player
Steve was cringey-er when he took himself serious. He a dorky Canadian into dorky metal, he has to make faces to and be goofy to escape criticism. You cant mock if I mock myself first sorta thing. He is anti-musical. He has no depth.

every time he makes that stupid fucking face i feel a genuine urge welling up inside me to put him into a coma

see these old videos are charming, they feel like they were made by a real person

>rustles your jimmies
Would insert tarberry frog meme but I really can't be bothered

seriously. This is the snottiest little kid, if he was my child I would become an alcoholic / opiate addict

Glenn fricker is worse than him and Jared
He's not only a trash producer, but his opinions are trash and the memes he forces aren't all
Metal YouTubers only give ammo to people who say metal is children's music

>duhhhh he's an annoying faggot on purpose
Still an annoying faggot

Literally this

I liked him when I was still into metalcore in high school. He's super annoying now. I'd rather watch Jared Dines, but I too get that douchebag vibe.