Was this really considered attractive in the 70s?
Was this really considered attractive in the 70s?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a different time
>implying that's not perfect husbando material
Is Eddie Redmayne more up your alley?
Bored already, cloister?
Just posting cock pics for the attention, eh?
No wonder you are bored. You might be the most boring cunt on earth. You have no life and no friends.
Now I see where InCase finds his referencces.
Back when men were men.
yes. once hormonal birth control took hold after that, women stopped being attracted to men.
Too manly for you?
That shot is iconic, and has been parodied countless times. Most recently by Deadpool, which is probably where the faggot you're talking about got his reference.
there's no cock in the picture
Still is, faggot,
>Most recently by Deadpool, which is probably where the faggot you're talking about got his reference.
I didn't even watch Deadpool, redditor
It increased the number of gays and made gender problems come about right at this time period.
>copying a phrase
>pedo image he's used before
Yeah that's cloister. An actual mong.
cloister and cats are tripfags in the /who/ general subreddit.
There is a schizophrenic shitposter who for a period of time constantly derailed the threads by calling every user in the thread one of those two tripfags
For reasons which I cannot explain, he's taken his shitposting to completely unrelated threads on Sup Forums including ones started by a bot. Only people who go on /who/ have any idea what he's talking about.
I wonder what's going to be attractive in the next decade.
same goes for you retard
>in the 70s
OP here
I don't even know what you're talking about
>"Uhh d-dad can I use the power drill?"
>"Which one son?"
What do?
talking about this faggot
>knowing what's reddit
You shouldn't blow your cover like that next time. You can escort yourself out.
He's not bad.
But every time I see him it only reminds me that Tom Selleck was way fucking hotter.
Are you talking about me buddy?
I'd hit it.
why don't actors do gay shit like this anymore?
Is this shopped? Jesus I had no idea he had a body like that. wtf am I gay now?
Of course it's shopped you retard.
Magnum never took roids.
He should have
Yes. I regularly hook up with an older woman who was a kid around this time and she loves that my physique and personal grooming are pretty much 1:1
>tfw I could have been a sex symbol in the 70s
P-Patrick? is this really you?
I loved your performance in Step-by-Step
Thread theme, enjoy
I guarantee we'll be looking back at guys from now in twenty years time equally as confused.