What sport makes you think the most?

What sport makes you think the most?

Other urls found in this thread:


American football. I'm still trying to get used to all the terminology. I get lost between blitzes, slots, pockets, audibles, plays and all the thousand different penalties.

Where does he film his vids anyway?

In his mom's basement?

The mainstream meteor.

Competitive PJW posting



For me its chess.Need to memorize so many patterns and openings.

> regular chess
> sport
Pick one

the answer OP is chessboxing

Cricket. I've been watching it for seven years already and I still haven't figured who the fuck is the wicket.

For me, it's perro caca



IMAGINE MY SHOCK when the "alt-right" can't even find where I film my videos.
Post #78427673 is A COMPLETE IDIOT

A blitz is when the defense sends any additional defensive players after the quarterback that are not the regular defensive linemen. The "slot" receiver is any receiver that lines up inside of an outside receiver. The pocket is just the area inside the right and left tackle that the quarterback operates inside of. And audibles are just alterations players can make before the play occurs.

Can someone explain why Sup Forums hates this guy, I thought he was the posterboy for online alt-righters.


Because he's not a full blown nazi and he talks funny

Because 4chantony Sup Forumsantano told me he is a pleb

because he's gay and a jew lover

because he loves Prague's vibrant gay scene

Because he sold out to Alex Jones and is now a member of Jones' braindead Infowars army.

because he became famous among redditors

Sup Forums hates everybody.

americnn football. because I am thinking about buying all the products in the many commercial breaks.

he says nothing that we don't already know

i'm going to battle and need your strongest potions, potion-seller.

And why the coach is always fat and has such a big headset.

Average salary in the NHL is higher than the NFL, but the NBA makes more than either, oddly.
Lowest pay would be UFC, by far. lol.