How come all the actors are so ripped now?

How come all the actors are so ripped now?

Isn't having a nice body their only job?

to give the illusion of widespread societal emasculation being fake

Eye candy and being at least able to act on a satisfatory level

Shame he Colby is such a terrible bottom, his ass is godlike

How would someone like to fuck that muscle ass is beyond me
faggots are ill

actors are just models these days

>stop liking what I don't like

I don't think someone with autism should be allowed to diagnose illnesses.

>not animated

it is though

it's pretty weird
some women love men with big muscled asses and some find it not just "Not attractive", but repulsive.

there's no inbetween. they either go crazy or they're repulsed

homo detected

Dunno lol.

Compulsively stating the obvious as if you believe it is meaningful is another sign of autism.

American actors are so ripped it's becoming ridiculous.

Europeans seem more normal, but I feel like the working out culture isn't as big here as it is in the USA


i want to eat that hiney

not gal gadot

It's easy to be a fat ass in the USA.

I've always had a six pack and been in good shape, naturally ectomorphic. I tried a few years ago to get into that weird roidy hulk mode that most guys seem to want to be these days, ate a fuck load of McDonalds and other greased up deep fried crap, drunk protein shakes and ate ungodly amouns of spinnach, all while doing deadlifts/shoulder presses/bench presses.

I put on maybe half a stone after what I consider ungodly amounts of food. But it's European food. It's different.

Go look up the amount of ingredients in USA McDonalds fries versus the amount in European McDondalds fries.

It's like they want to make themselves into gorillas.

Because capeshit. Can't play a super hero if you're not super ripped. You hear about media creating unrealistic beauty standards for girls all the time, and how bad that is. But I feel it's at least as bad for boys as well nowadays.

Oh yeah totally. I grew up in a generation of men who would perhaps play a bit of rugby on the weekends and we would all get on pretty well with each other.

The problem nowadays is that all men hate each other - you're all competing over feminine bullshit stuff like bicep size or clothing or whatever. It's faggoty. No man should be that into their appearance, it doesn't just affect them, it affects the bar that men have as a whole to reach.

Make it easier on your fellow man and stay reasonably shaped.

Not being a fatass isn't unrealistic, faggot.

couldn't be arsed to affect/effect properly. Not sure if fucked up here.

I liked it better in the 90s where not being fat and having a pleasant face is all you needed

people who went to the gym then were seen as meatheads or homosexuals

Are you guys faggots?

literally the gayest thing i've ever seen

Not the guy you're talking to but I'm 155 lbs and 6'1". This is a perfectly reasonable BMI, yet I feel shorter and skinnier than perhaps I ever have before in my life due to this weird culture going on right now.

I understand that's my own insecurities and my feelings matter less than what sells, I really get it.

I just think it's another sign of gluttony and excess in our culture. I dislike fat people for the same reason I dislike body builders and ape-mode guys. You're eating more than your portion.

Be rich, be successful, do whatever. Just don't be a glutton on a planet with this many people starving.

what did they mean by this?


>muh starving infants in africa
stop being such a gay
stop believing in symbols

mods leave up gay porn but delete more on topic shit


What was this expression meant to convey?

>yet I feel shorter and skinnier than perhaps I ever have before in my life
Stop being a pathetic faggot, then.

>Just don't be a glutton on a planet with this many people starving.

Holy cringe.

Must be nice being so edgy.

Calm down friend. No need to virtue signal your toxic masculinity.

t. fat ass

fuck my butt

>Calm down friend. No need to virtue signal your toxic masculinity.

Oh I get it now. Hey faggot, Sup Forumsmblr is back the way you came.

>Calm down friend
This is being calm. Crying that you feel short when you're objectively above average height is pathetic, emotional bullshit.

I just used the words I knew would upset you most.

You guys are just as fucking easy to read and provoke as the SJW's.

Go drink your own cum you fat fuck. Perhaps a girl will touch you once you show your superior testosterone-driven dominance.

We don't live in a vacuum. We share this planet with other people in a society that constantly evolves what is considered short/tall, fat/thin handsome/ugly.

I'm mostly worried about how far the rabbit hole goes. Am I going to be having to buy a weight set for my son's 13th birthday so he can get a girlfriend in middle school?

Goddamn, I'd lick his asshole

FUARK yassss dude. Chyah brah I got some loaded protein za the other day doin my glute radial workouts. Uh im so shredded, It's awesome and comfy as hell senpaitchi

Fuck dude im so ripped and shredded and popular and get so much pussy! Hellz yea! That's why I spend all my time here!

>We share this planet with other people in a society that constantly evolves what is considered short/tall, fat/thin handsome/ugly.
No we don't. Stop being a faggot.

>Am I going to be having to buy a weight set for my son's 13th birthday so he can get a girlfriend in middle school

no you dummy, get him a gym membership, home gymming is for retards

...But we objectively do.

Black guys these days are seen as some sort of fetishised, masculine choice for a certain type of girl.

50 years ago fucking a black guy was considered a social death sentence.

There are a fucking million factors that influence these things, look outside for christ sakes.

Culture fetishises and then makes that fetish the mainstream. See bodybuilding.

Are you a thick American? Are you dense?



But that's so fucking gay.

Is that Tom Hardy?

No, but he's still a big guy.

>Black guys these days are seen as some sort of fetishised, masculine choice for a certain type of girl.
Of course, it must be true. No one ever fetishized exotic, outside cultures until faggots started spamming Sup Forums with BLACKED pictures. Thank you for enlightening me.

Are you literally thick? You're fucking agreeing with me.

It's a constantly changing, multi-faceted phenomenon. I picked one example and now you're debating the nature of how that particular example changed over time.

In you


That's not Tom Hardy.
Close this thread.

Nice job babysitting this thread like you did with the child porn a few weeks ago swaglord.

Am I missing something?

>You're fucking agreeing with me.
Are you thick? Do you not understand sarcasm? You actually believe that attraction to the exotic is novel and a recent development and that this has any meaningful impact on your success at romance.

You're a pathetic faggot. You don't need to worry about your hypothetical faggot kid because you're clearly too much of a pussy to ever have one.

>Caught up on the exotic part of my argument and then makes the point that people over millennia have been attracted to things that aren't the mainstream, only for that non-mainstream fetish to become normalised

You're no good at this. It's hilarious.

what do you expect from a meme hustler that helped destroy Sup Forums? this forced meme was usually babysat when posted here. one of many such cases!


>6'1" 155lbs
>reasonable bmi

More like skeleton mode

Get over yourself you fat fuck.

Please, post yours. Although don't use an American one. I hear they're rigged to make fat fucks feel better about themselves.

Take your meme BMW website and shove it

I'm 6'1" 185lbs, I'm not fat but I'm also not a holocaust mode beta faggot who's never worked a hard day in his life like you.

Get off this board, you're embarrassing yourself.

>being this chubby fella
>projecting this hard

It's okay buddy. You're big boned. Just a little bit of cardio and you won't have a muffin top.

>6'1" 155

Hello spooky skeleton

t. ham and cheese thighs

Hollywood actors love HGH.

What's the best homokino?

>I'm an idiot who doesn't understand that BMI is useless.

Pic is Frank Zane. He's 5'9", 200 lb, which gives him a BMI of 29.5. Guess that makes him a fatass.


BMI is not for bodybuilders.

Why have you got pictures of big oiled up men on your computer?

You gay friend?


pick one dweeb

Why are you in a gay thread friend?

>widespread societal emasculation
speak for yourself mister virgin orbiter

You fellas are actually gay? Oh that legit explains it.

You guys and your weird chubby oiled up bear culture.

BMI is not for anyone who has some muscle, bodybuilder or otherwise. BMI is indifferent to body composition, which is really what matters.

When you actually compare BMI to body composition readings you get all sorts of mismatches. People with a "normal" BMI who are actually obese, people with an "obese" BMI who are actually normal, etc.

Pretty much the only reason BMI is used at all is because it's easy to divide one number by another and call it a day.

It's great and efficient for normal people. I trust my NHS doctor over /fit/ because I'm not a moron.

Bodybuilders aren't normal people.

>It's great and efficient for normal people

Except it isn't.

>Among the study participants, about half of women who were not classified as obese according to their BMI actually were obese when their body fat percentage was taken into account. Among the men, in contrast, about a quarter of obese men had been missed by BMI. Further, a quarter who were categorized as obese by BMI were not considered obese based on their body fat percentage. Overall, about 39% of participants who were classified as overweight by their BMI were actually obese, according to their percent body fat.

we believe you m8

your son is going to want dicks up his asshole because his dad is such a little bitch.

i'll do it

It's why I said earlier not to use an American BMI calculator. They're rigged to make Americans feel less fat.

>over 6 feet
>185 pounds



I find this funny coming from a guy who's own mother takes it up the arse like a champ. She bit the pillow the dirty girl.

Don't have to believe me. It's fact.

Looks like the kids from reddit who self-hate fat people are here, must be remnants of that subreddit.

Why are fatasses so insecure?

Like, fat guys used to be like "I'm a fat fuck". Now you're all like Cartman. Bloody women.

muscles are fashionable

>this is the state of trolling on Sup Forums


I dunno mang, you keep going on about them. Self hatred is only for the Jew.

my biggest turn on are straight guys bicurious for the first time...looking at that and getting confused by it moving

Hating fat people is a civic duty. We're on a dying planet and they're taking our resources. They're slow enough to take out en masse as well.

You should have seen her at the end. Filled her up like a big wobbly spunk bubble.

not true btw