Is it kino?

I watch Taboo (starring Tom Hardy) last night on FX channel. Looks promising. What do you think Sup Forums ?

If you like Tom Hardy grunts yeah it's a kino.

>Is it kino?

It has been pretty great so far, I know it has only been 2 episodes but can't really find much to fault.
Pretty much everything is on point, hopefully the quality remains for the rest of the season

fuckin A.

Just goes to show yet again that some critics have fuck all idea what they're talking about. I have no idea how you can complain about it being slow from the first couple of episodes.

It's because there isn't muh action. They expected something like GoT

67% on metacritic what the fuck, are these critics retarded? This is Hardy kino.

I decided noty to watch it because of how many minorities have been shoed in by the BBC.

Yes, I know the man comes back from Africa, but it's the 1800's FFS.

>While I’m curious to see what happens to the grizzled Delany, there’s a frustration knowing so little about these characters after an hour’s viewing.
>The pace is slow and the payoff, which has barely been hinted at, could be minimal, leaving me to question whether the show is worth investing further Saturday nights into.

This was a review for the 1st episode, what a joke

I've almost finished the second episode, what minorities are you talking about? As far as I've seen there has been Winter, the servant and that's it.



Great show so far, very enjoyable to watch. It definitely has GoT vibes about the characters but doesn't have much action, it's more spooky drama.

I think it's like GoT meets Sleepy Hollow.

It's because Hardy's character is a nigger and a traitor and it offends our patriotic sensibilities.

is it just talking or does hardy also btfo some zulu guys ?

He does get naked on the spanish ship, you don't see his big guy tho


Taboo is slow, dark (visually as well as tonally) and unrelentingly humorless. Any of those three qualities on its own would be fine, but put together in service of what’s ultimately a trashy, if pretentious, revenge story, it’s an utter slog, and the biggest creative misstep FX has made in a while.

I was expecting a bit of gore on the ship, would have been better to show his more savage side there.

That ending scene though, that was pretty awesome.

It seems like it's trying to make out the east India company to be some evil monster

Yeah that is quite annoying, but it's easy to let it slide since it's just a work of fiction.

that review is bullshit

Yeah I'm enjoying it but it likes to rag on at them for little reason

Why would someone burn a man's ship before biting his neck?

*tips tiny rimmed tall hat

Is it me or did he totally bang his sister?

>unrelentingly humorless
I'd say there's some humour. Maybe not laugh out loud funny, but some of the dialogue is pretty humourous. Like the Prince Regent complaining about the colour of the crosses. Or a lot of the dialogue involving the prostitute.

yes he did
so did his father

Yeah it's kino but it suffers a bit too much from the Nolan "make everything mysterious and create hundreds of confusing subplots" formula.

Critics don't get dark humor. Fuck'em, fucking fags.

>oh look the midget quippy man said something funny on GoT

I didn't get who the ginger bitch was. Bane's cousin? half-sister? aunt? step mother?

>unrelentingly humorless

>the prostitute in the office scene
>the arsenic autopsy scene
>the reaction of the East Indian leaders when Hardy tells them to go fuck themselves

It's full of humor.

Some whore his father used to bang.
She has the right on land if Bane passes out

Which subplot is confusing to you?

This show triggers my OCD too much.

Why are all Brits so disgusting and inbred looking?

Big guys, big numbers.

its pretty up its own arse. entertaining but not as good as you faggots make out. the acting by tom hardy is well over the top.

That seems to be the most common complaint from critics. They say Hardy starts off as a compelling and interesting character, but there's a bit too much mystery surrounding him. I can see that. The murkier the characters get, the less interesting the plots become.

Holy shit dude.

It's not really just one subplot but the myriad of them that are just keep piling up. What was the point with burning the boat, since we discover that the silver-toothed guy wasn't actually on the boat? what's the point of the dead beer making guy? why the fuck did that guy stole his horse instead of fucking leave him a message (and revealed that he's connected with Delaney to everyone)?

The show is just full of those little "mysteries" that are either never gonna be answered, or aren't mysteries at all, and make no sense in hindsight. They just pile them up to create a false, artificial sense of mystery and intrigue, doing everything in the most convoluted way. HBO popularized this system and I fucking hate it.

You are so fucking stupid it's amazing. You can't follow a simple story and yet you bitch and moan like a fag. Maybe Loony Tunes is more up to your speed.

There's nothing simple about this story. It's purposefully contrived and constructed to be confusing. The fact that you didn't answer any of the questions only shows how much you talk shit.

Holy fuck its is disgusting and has no taste or actual style. Is that a tranny?

because they're brits?

If you can't follow a story this simple I'm not even gonna try explaining this shit to you.

If anything has confused you so far you must retarded. Stupid mother fucker.

People like you are too stupid to live. Please kill yourself in a slow and painful manner as soon as possible.

Post nightmarish Nootka masks lads.

I'll wait for whole series to be aired and marathon it in 8 weeks or more.

looking forward to Oona Chaplin sex scene

watch the show retard

Are you retarded user?

If you think this is simple than you are too stupid to even realize what the makers of this show are trying to do. They're creating endless subplots and mysteries to mask a very dull story. 75% of the shit in this series isn't relevant at all - it's just filler. It's not REALLY confusing me, I just point out how it would be confusing if you actually expected the show to follow up on these retarded plots.

Accept the fact that your confusion is due to you either not paying attention or being really fucking stupid.

>the makers of this show are trying to do
They aint trying anything.
Its just 8 series, you dip.
And all the mysteries you calling are already clear now

Don't give him more (you)s his brain might explode trying to count from 3 up.

>can't discuss the processes behind television making
>"y-you're just stupid"

You've got any other response?

Oh yeah, "it's just a series bro". "It's all laid out bro". Top kek, how simple-minded do you have to be not to understand that what you see is not what you get.

You have gotten beyond the moment when embarrassment should have gotten hold of you and told you to stop. Now you're in the 'I need not lose face on a Hawaiian Palm Tree Climbing Lodge' phase. Keep going, you might actually end up killing yourself and saving your dad a couple of rounds.

Asking questions and creating discussion is nothing embarrassing. Saying that everything is simple and there's nothing to discuss or explain is embarrassing. I hope you'd understand that sometimes in your empty life, bruv.

t. very stupid person

Holy shit I know this board has never been good but god damn.

Still around moron? Could you follow the plot of 101 dalmatians or was that too hard?

It tries way too hard to be hardcore.

For a better "I went to Africa and I've seen some shit" character from roughly the same time period look at Dalton's in Penny Dreadful.

Who the fuck wears dog? If she was hanging out with other rich people would they all be like "WOW that's a real nice dog jacket. Did you get it in Korea? NO? It's local? Wow, very nice"

Matched her hair mang

I didn't even watch the show you dumb dumb, I was just analyzing what the critics said.

Tom Hardy's overacting is part of what makes this show so funny though. He made a career of mumbling, grunting and staring at people like some autist/psycho. In this show he does all that and then some. He even wears a comically tall hat to make up for being a short guy. This role is pure Hardy and it's wonderful.

Tom Hardy has a small guy

Look man I haven't read any of your posts apart from the first one or 2. I just enjoyed the shitposting.

That anteater dingus doesn't help. The way the extra skin makes it taper off gives it the illusion of being even smaller.

No, its Superman!

My first post in the thread

Also I said that because you're being an unfunny faggot that 101 Dalmatian joke being a glowing example. keep trying though


>I was just s-shitposting

Obviously, doesn't make it any less cringeworthy to read.

It's funny how every single male character is taller than Hardy.

Except that one guy from Snatch. I bet they cast him on purpose so Hardy's taller than at least one of them.

this what the fuck, S1 of GoT was actually slower (some eps at least)

You're still stupid tho. I still haven't read your posts

Are you trying to imply that modern media attempts to portray 19th century Imperialism and its white inventors as evil?

Nah he's right m8, the whole show reeks of MUH INTRIGUE, JUST LIKE YOU SAW IN HBO'S "GAME OF THRONES"

It's a real shame it's a mini series, they have some great material here to go on an epic Black Sails style adventure but instead of the Caribbean it's America, Europe and Africa.

He might be a grower. My penis looks the same when flaccid but is just technically above average in length and girth while turgid.

Was there only one ghost or did I miss others? Same question for the first episode.

It's ok so far. Nothing to get to crazy over yet. It could go either way at this point. So far the only plot point they have is the East Indian Company wants his land, and will do what ever necessary to get it. Some interesting characters were introduced, such as the American spy who is a doctor and flag maker. He seems like he could move the plot into more interesting territory. I could care less about the incest relationship with his sister though. That just seems like a boring wasted of screen time that they're going to drag out over the course of the series. The period is a good choice though. Basically the changing of the guard from Royalty/nobles controlling things to merchants/bankers controlling things.

They're making a point to show that almost everyone besides the upper class had terrible health, which is largely done by making their teeth look like shit. I noticed it especially with the American spy guy; his teeth were noticably done up to look like shit.

it's pretty bad, like a slow tease with no real reward

tom hardy plays himself and the story is going nowhere

In the first episode there's a ghost when they're discussing the sale of the island with the E.I.C. people

I noticed though that the Delaney's old butler had immaculate perfectly white teeth.

A clue?


Thanks. Posting last ep one. Bit easier to notice.

the "muh african voodoo" magic ruins it

>in order to defeat an edgy manlet we'll send our special assassin guy to take care of him

>send an even small asian dude to knife him

I mean really.

Why not just get ... dunno ... three large guys with guns?

>not enjoying a bit of pulp with your middlebrow

>the premise of the show ruins it

>what's the point of the dead beer making guy?

The man was selling his father's butler arsenic poisoned beer on behalf of the EIC, after his father died they had the man killed and sent the wife away.

You seriously couldn't figure that out?

>responding to bait

But the king looks like a sack of potatoes topped with fried bacon user.

that's because he actually was very gluttenous

What the fuck was he pulling out between the floorboards on the ship? Beads?


This is the 1800's, the poor weren't that healthy.