Theon edition
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First for Catelyn
>Prince. The man-sound came into his head suddenly, yet he could feel the rightness of it. Prince of the green, prince of the wolfswood. He was strong and swift and fierce, and all that lived in the good green world went in fear of him.
cumming at the mental image of reddit's face when bran takes his birthright and becomes king
they should have killed him off in S6
Oh look, it's Theon being abused again, will tumblr care ?
we know what mental image you're cumming to, degenerate gay faggot
>that time when she tricked Ned into killing her wolf
>that time when she tricked the Lannisters into executing Ned
>that time when she tricked Joffrey into abusing her
>that time when she tricked the Hound into almost raping her
>that time when she tricked Tywin, Roose and Walder into slaughtering her family
>that time when she tricked Lysa Tully-Arryn into almost throwing her out of the Moon Door
>that time when she tricked littlefinger into sending her to winterfell to marry Ramsay Snow
>that time when she tricked Ramsay Bolton into constantly raping and torturing her for months
>that time when she tricked Myranda into almost shooting her with an arrow
>that time when she tricked Theon into throwing her from an 80-foot wall
>that time when she tricked Bolton men and hounds into almost killing her and Theon
>that time when she tricked 90% of the northern lords into not supporting her
>that time when she tricked Edmure Tully into surrendering Riverrun
>that time when she tricked the Blackfish into an hero
>that time when she tricked jon into getting 90% of the northern loyalist army destroyed
Is there anything the Mindtrick Queen can't do?
describe it to me pls
Starting to think Maisie swings the other way. Sophie is the straight one.
>secret prince raised as bastard learns his true identity and hates it
How many cocks have been inside her snatch?
Would you put yours there?
I want Cersei to tie me down in a dungeon and keep fuck-torturing me for the rest of my life.
No I'd put my heart there
reminder that if you think "three eyed raven" is a title that gets passed down youre a fucking showfag and your opinion is worthless
Why do you hate her, user?
She's a strong and independent woman. She'll break the wheel.
None. She is a woman's woman.
What's worse the writing for her character or her acting?
>tfw no qt milf Catelyn stepmother to hatefuck you every night
Why even live?
Isnt this douchebag her current bf
desu the writing for her character is one of the least terrible on the show.
I mean she's an entitled retard who does everything wrong and wins anwyay, but that's pretty much who she is.
her character wasn't ruined, it was shit to begin with.
Daily reminder that the knights of the kingsguard will be dressed after a woman's gown.
Stop watching GOT and start reading non fiction
no he is her friend.
gay friend 100% who would never touch a girl in any way at all.
maisie is pure.
Theon is probably my favorite book character, but he's been reduced to a walking dick joke in the show. I hope they kill him so he can know peace from this suffering.
will you shut up youre so fucking annoying and are trying too hard to fit in
>Slavery is wrong
>Ooh I still get wet at remembering my former master rough-fucking me doggystyle.
Yeah I agree but the show has "Break the wheel" and Muh feminism.
Books weren't that bad.
hur hur...I posted it again!
>Theon is probably my favorite book character, but he's been reduced to a walking dick joke in the show. I hope they kill him so he can know peace from this suffering.
user, how excited are you for self righteous arsewipe mary sue jon snuh to grill and threaten Theon even though he knows Bran and rickon were alive since S4 and that he lets LF walk around uncontested even though he knows what he did and asked Sansa "do you trust him?"
What does "break the wheel" even mean when Daenerys wants to return House Targaryen to the throne?
Is she going to destroy the noble houses and institute a democracy?
But guys, he got over his castration and torture because his sister said "man up or kill yourself."
Nevermind in that same episode we had three minutes of Sansa demanding that Littlefinger acknowledge she got RAPED by Ramsay.
>likes and lusts after dangerous men like Daario and Drogon
>attracted to gormless "do the right thing" manlet Jon
What the fuck George? What the fuck D&D?
No, she'll give the monarchy absolute power and cut down on noble house powers
>How many cocks have been inside her snatch?
A lot I imagine. She has clearly been fucking for awhile and is a very liberated young woman living on her own and not believing in marriage.
>Would you put yours there
I would but I am old and my member is very average so I might disappoint her. I will take the SPH though as long as I get to orgasm inside her though, who cares at that point.
>But guys, he got over his castration and torture because his sister said "man up or kill yourself."
bbbbbbut guuuuuys the WF story was all about him and didnt focus on Sansa because they showed his face for five seconds when she got raped /s
nice freudian slip
Back in the day, wives literally couldn't be raped by their husbands according to law. And this was like as late as 1950s and shit.
I wonder why Westeros has such progressive laws on their books.
im not as retarded as Sup Forums and think spouses can rape each other but it is retarded and stupid to agree to a marriage and then not think you'll be expected to consummate your marriage on your wedding night. sansa could easily have said no to the marriage, dumbass
Remember Tyrion didn't rape her. She was willing to submit to him then. That experience probably was on her mind.
>She was willing to submit to him then. That experience probably was on her mind.
that was a show only thing. She goes on about how she will never want him after he stripped and groped her.
The Ramsey rape was also a show thing only..
Why is her hand firmly touching the inside of his thigh?
Phone autocorrected to be honest, i've written drogon more than drogo
that doesnt change the fact that genius lemindtrickqueen could have just said no to the marriage instead of agreeing to it without any idea of how she was going to mindtrick him into getting her home back
shes a dumb fuck
It's not about the law, everyone knew Ramsay was rough fucking her but that was his right.
It was WRONG, but he wasn't doing anything illegal.
This. Thats like thinking that Native American tribal names get passed down. Three Eyed Crow doesnt even make sense as a nickname for Bran because he was never in the Night's Watch. His tribal name is already The Winged Wolf. Holy fuck i hate david and dan so mcuh.
Well, I mean she got played. Littlefinger manipulated her into agreeing to it. I guess you could say every character who got played is a dumb fuck, but that would make almost every character a dumb fuck.
>Well, I mean she got played. Littlefinger manipulated her into agreeing to it.
lol, and what was littlefingers genius masterplan?
this is probably the biggest bookfag autism I've seen in these threads lol
No it bugs the shit out of me because showfags think 3 eyed raven is a big important position of power and its not
spoil me pls about next season
Crashing Westeros, with no survivors.
It'll be awful, cringey and badly written...
and the public will love it.
>Three Eyed Crow doesnt even make sense as a nickname for Bran because he was never in the Night's Watch.
Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... it just clicked
> played
Lol wot?
All he did was spout revenge shit about getting her home back but she was too retarded about what it would take. She should've thought about what happens while she's waiting for Stannis to come, how she might be treated, how she could possibly make Ramsay hers when she doesn't know how and he's crazy as fuck seeing what he did to Theon, how many years and what might happen in those years of making Ramsay hers, if the North will even want to follow her after she willingly marries the Boltons and has his child
Nobody knew Ramsay's nature at that point. It has always seemed like he was some rural hick nobody knew until House Bolton got yuge.
another retarded change by the show
so a character named euron who only appeared last season that nobody cares about is going to kill everyone?
>"At the end of Episode One, Dany and her fleet land at Dragonstone. Nobody says anything. She walks up the steps to the keep, and we follow her through the building until she reaches Stannis' old War Room. She looks out the window at the land ahead that used to belong to her family. She picks up one of the chess-like pieces on the table and looks at Tyrion, who has followed her up. She says one line: "Shall we begin?" End of Episode"
>Nobody knew Ramsay's nature at that point.
Anyone seeing Theon, like Sansa did during dinner when Walda announced her pregnancy, would know Ramsay's a sick fuck
>Stannis' old War Room.
pls, fucking stannis fags
Yeah the show did fail with Euron
Are there any morally grey characters left or are they all cartoons now?
They seem to have removed that aspect from Jon Snow and Dany. Stannis was the last character like that.
Bronn, Cersei
>Morally grey
Good joke
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
Cersei is one of Dabids favourite characters. Thats why they watered her down, throwing shit onto other characters and why Jaime is so utterly ruined. Also need I remind you that they go on a retarded suicide mission for her benefit when she barely has an army left and they have 10x what she does.
>Says no to marriage
>Has head chopped off and sent to Kings Landing while Ramsay fucks her body and then feeds it to his dogs.
I meant she could have said no to littlefinger, moron. the whole arc with poor pitiful martyred sansa was unnecessary anyway. why couldn't littlefinger have just used his vale army and taken out ramsay right away?
Jaqen H'ghar
Cersei has what, the ragged remnants of a force bereft of competent leadership? Ten thousand men?
Daenerys has the full might of Highgarden, the Dornish who are eager and untouched by the war, eight thousand Unsullied, tens of thousands of Dothraki screamers, and three large (and still growing, accelerated by Dragonstone) dragons.
Literally the only way Cersei could force Dany's hand on a suicide mission is if she threatens to burn King's Landing to the ground like Aerys.
Oh, and forgot to mention that Daenerys has Randyll Tarly, the greatest military mind in Westeros.
And yet we're supposedly going to see the Lannisters siege Highgarden.
>why couldn't littlefinger have just used his vale army and taken out ramsay right away?
Because he needed Cersei to name him Warden of the North and give him permission to attack the Boltons.
Pay attention.
what does that have to do with marrying sansa to ramsay
im not rewatching any scene that involves littlefingers shitty acting by the way
Forgive you becausw SHow killed him.
Leaks say Dany kills Randyll Tarly
She's quite the chad.
hell no
Because its Ramsay marrying Sansa that pisses off Cersei, making her name Little Finger Warden of the North and allowing him to attack without worrying about the Lannister Army siding with the Boltons.
She's a real Jack The Lad that one
>she'll break the wheel
yeah by sitting on it
You know what fucking sucks? Jon Snow is okay but the show tries to make you like him so much that it's impossible. Why would you bring him back to life? He should have died, at least then he'd be a bit more likable. This is proof even George R R Martin can't resist the opinions of normies. Has there ever been a show or movie that's popular that hasn't had to bend at least a little bit to normies? They ruin literally everything.
GRRM doesn't subvert tropes anymore, he ran out of characters to kill in surprising ways. Now Jon just has a generic as fuck hero's journey arc.
Tolkien... but he invented the tropes.
No he didn't.
dubs countered dubs we're at an impasse here folks
maybe that's why the show's ending with less episodes, I know budget and shit but maybe George saw his autistic baby suffering and wanted it's misery to end? Maybe he pulled some strings.
>Jaqen H'ghar spin-off when?
>im not as retarded as Sup Forums and think spouses can rape each other
It's not about Sup Forums being retarded. It's about different eras, different laws.
Yes today that would be rape. Even if she consent to the marriage, it's rape if she doesn't want it.
But not back then.
The same way that back then a lord forcing his peasant to work the fields then give him some % of everything they get, leaving them barely enough to eat, was perfectly fine. Today it would be slavery.
Eddard sending Beric Dondarrion to kill Gregor Clegane (on the words of some random peasant who didn't even identify clegane) would be conspiracy to commit murder.
Back then it was justice.
Laws change.
You can watch the sansa scene and think "Well today that'd be a rape even if she consented".
But the scene doesn't happen today. It happens in a era where that's how things work.
Ramsay was no more rapist than Beric Dondarrion was a hitman.
Or to put it another way, Ramsay was no more rapist than Eddard was rapist. Catelyn didn't want to marry eddard and have sex with him. Her father forced her to.
Hell, she had LESS say on the matter than Sansa. Eddard is even more of a rapist than Ramsay, if you for an unknown reason apply the US laws to westeros.
that's his hand.
He has 2 right hands.
>I guess you could say every character who got played is a dumb fuck, but that would make almost every character a dumb fuck.
well every single character on the show is a dumb fuck.
Not on purpose, just because D&D can't into writing.
And 90% of the characters in the books are dumbfucks. This time, on purpose. Or because they're honorable to the point of stupidity.
Tumblr loves him, he's a huge woobie for them