ITT: shit movies you truly can't conceive why they are praised
ITT: shit movies you truly can't conceive why they are praised
The chase scene is the GOAT though
Oscar bait: The movie
The Martian
All of Wes Anderson's trash
to be fair i only watched the first one. Id say it was a bad movie but thats giving it too much credit, its hardly even a movie
at least My Diner With Andre had an interesting conversation
>it's another "Leo ruins every scene with his mentally challenged overacting" movie
it would be easy to say "all the MCU" flicks but despite their RT score they generally get middling reviews (6/10) which i'd say is pretty fair.
basically C.
None of them really fail as far as filmmaking goes.
So I'll just say "Civil War" was legitimately awful. It was a poorly made and uneven film from start to finish.
You can see RDJ dying a little in every scene as he realized his monkey paw wish to get on the A list has turned into a twilight zone episode and he's stuck doing the voice over for a cartoon character every few years.
also the plot was crap
Black Panther and spiderman just randomly show up (at least we were expected to have some knowledge of SPidey from his previous films I guess)
the airport fight was awful
the cgi was awful
Zemo was awful
its 2 hours and 30 minutes long for a fucking toy commercial
le samourai or whatever
>it's another "my childish tryhard sensibilities warrant these posts" thread
it manages to make me mad
>its """"childish""" to dislike immature juvenile Cinema
>Gene Hackman shaking down perps and doing car chases
what is there to dislike?
first one is edgelords intellectual college kids. (trash)
second one are people stuck in their shit lives thinking that they missed the opportunity at true love (best one imo).
third one is a little bit of more edginess and regret and doubt in the relationship, plus feminism. (trash)
if you watch the second one definitely dont watch the third, is not worth it
It must suck being so immature.
Im guessing you have never picked your feet in Poughkeepsie?
this is a better chit chat movie, and it was shot with an iphone in an afternoon using improv-style
The force awakens
Jurassic world
El Topo
what's immature about what I said?
I hate this fucking movie
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
so fucking boring and overrated
could not even watch ten minutes of this garbo.
pic related
Dark City and Drive? GTFO trolls, those are excellent kino. Whether you like them or not, there are a lot worse films for this thread so GTFO.
It was so edgy and not even in an entertaining way.
I agree, that is the last time I take a Roger Ebert review into consideration. I thought, "man, he's seen 100x more movies than I have, I'll pick this up" and it was just the most standard, by the book, hit each beat that every other movie hits movie.
It wasn't even GOOD bad where I'd want to watch it again, it was just so average and mediocre it's not worth existing
Wasn't this widely disliked?
The Lobster
Dark City
Holy Motors
Because you're young and you don't understand the context of the time it came out and why it was important and good then. Now go back to your cave to watch Drive.
>Holy Motors
Absolute garbage. Thank you for calling it out. Boring and completely self indulgent
Repo Man
Lawnmower Man
Superman II
Literally every Kubrick film
>repo man
this and big trouble for little china, fucking reddit tier movies
the only good bit in Heavy Metal was the first one with the taxi driver.
I like it but for whatever reason the last 15 minutes of it go really dark.
I enjoyed it when it was two silly train robbers.
PTA movies and Breathless.
Is breathless the kind of widely praised mostly because of its influence film? At least Citizen Kane is enjoyable, this was almost frustrating .
I understand his confusion since diehard Mann fans defend it and call it his best film all the time. It was a failure.
Those rural people are so wacky xD
Reservoir Dogs
I thought it was a horror movie?
That guy who just kills everybody he meets, that's terrifying. Like that jewish mafia, they walk into an establishment and just shoot everybody in the head, no sparing lives
did you watch the show tho? if not, do it
delete this
this. also I fucking hate pic related with a passion
>they got tricked into watching godart
I don't know, I only post films I like, regardless of the ostensible thread subject.
i really liked this a lot though
Mean Streets
I love mafia, I read actual books from fiction to non-fiction, from stories from the inside to the police who were after them.
Mean Streets is just awful, it's boring, I'd rather watch Casino (next shit movie everybody loves)
People praise Battle Royale? I found it to be a shit movie with a good concept. Something you laugh at while drinking with your buddies.
I'm serious, the show is even worse, turned it off half way through the 3rd epsiode when i realised nothing happened
Me too. My favourite Mann (tied with Public Enemies). Really both of those are the best examples of his late, mature style (so far).
user you can't post that, all the Plebbit shills will converge on you!
no is not, To live and die in LA has the GOAT chase escene
Heck off somewhere else.
fair enough, although it fails even as just an entertaining b movie
(only seen the first)
I loved all of these movies
Why do you proud of shit taste?
This, utterly boring pretentious drivel. I like the memes tho.
This. The seventies was the decade for Hackman and it sad no one give him enough credit.
Its childish to think any cinema you don't like is juvenile
It was just boring. If it was made in the 60s it would be exciting, but it was made 50 years later where we have different standards and movies aren't judged on a case-by-case basis
It's juvenile to think that cinema can't be enjoyed unless you're a child
see how much sense that makes? that's you
enjoying kids entertainment is a flaw
how has no one stood up for french connection yet? That movie is fucking goat.
most of these movies are disliked... you guys are normies lmao
the force awakens
>being a full pleb
why do you proud of shit grammar
Great movie and Great play too
Try writing in complete coherent sentences and try again.
Rocco and His Brothers
The Graduate
Bonnie and Clyde
Breathless left me actually angry, overhyped piece of trash about two vapid cunts.
>muh god
jesus christ, I couldn't pass the first scene in the cafeteria
everything is so terrible and engagingly bad, the acting, the dialogues, the color alternation, the camera movements... i felt insulted
i don't think this movie is "shit" but i don't think it's very good. it has the worst dramatic pacing i've ever seen. (aguirre is next worst) I loved stroszek though.
>feminism edgelord I'm so superior
>the third isn't worth it
i agree. no emotional investment or tension at all. the end is so unsatisfying and abrupt it's almost absurdist. like a prank being played on the audiance.
I thought by Dial M for Murder was pretty average and nowhere near as good as Rear Window or Psycho
It's an ok film but i don't see whats so special about it.
Why do so many people consider it to be the greatest film?
Even Dr Strangelove ?
This and Pulp Fiction
And no, I'm not a stormfag.
It Follows
The Babadook
Silver Linings Playbook
this, i seriously dont understand it, like every normalfag ive met says its the fucking best lol
>no name director
>no name main character
>le リラクスする voice black man
literally every single one of the .. ahem.. "classics" shot before my birth year
Thanks for triggering me, dickhead.
because everyone like a alpha white male that abuses minorities and women. and kills people without repercussions.
they shot with a sony f35, over the course of weeks, and stuck to every word of the play...
Pic related. IMO completely average romcom with seriously unlikeable lead duo.
One of my all time favorites
Liked this one too.