ITT: Albums Sup Forums tricked you into listening to.
ITT: Albums Sup Forums tricked you into listening to
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strong fuck you Sup Forums/10
Literally the best album of anyone what are you on
you're tricking yourself that you don't like it
And you enjoyed it.
This shit is amazing. Listen to it again in the future, itll click.
>he only listened to it once
that's true for literally any album you pleb
not the ones that aren't good retard
this but unironically
kill yourselves
if you can convince yourself to "get" bad music it's more rewarding than music that clicks right away b/c it's formulaic. any mature listener knows this..
I actually loved this album. The first time I only liked it because I thought it was pretty funny, but I really need to revisit it.
The album I was tricked in to hardest was the Nu-male Meme Hotel bullshit. You already know which one I'm talking about.
If I listen to, for example, a Lorde album and upon the first couple listens I find it extremely formulaic, monotonous and over-produced, it doesn't get better with more listens, it gets worse. I completely agree that the best music takes multiple listens to "click" because there's usually more to it and more to digest but it isn't the case with bad albums.
At least the last track was good
That one with the anime girl on the cover that was getting shilled a few months ago
ITAOTS is unironically a good album though; sure it's not the best album of all time but that doesn't mean it's bad.
truly good music is so improvisational is barely qualifies as music imo
I wasn’t ironic :(
it's bad because I don't like it because the singing sounds like shit and the songwriting is lethally boring
Sup Forums wanks ITAOTS because it's good. Not to say that everything Sup Forums loves is good, or that Sup Forums typically loves good things, but the answer there is pretty clear.
it's literally quintessential "entry level-core"
it's popular because any animefag from a random board can throw it on and suddenly live in the illusion they're actually a music fan.
You can't actually be this deluded
Reminder that "entry level" isn't a real thing and that you don't "level up" from one band to another because music isn't a video game. Someone trying to affect the illusion of taste in music by discussing ITAOTS would be as ridiculous as trying to affect taste in anime by discussing NGE.
Man, watching newfriends that don't "get" the album try to assure each other that their opinions are legitimate is a constant source of comedy.
except ITAOTS is the Naruto of music
it's a boring contrived representation of the hollow ideal of music bastardized and sold back to you by capitalism. it's dull creativity co-opted by the need for a mass-engulfing fiction about how and what art-music is. it's popular because literally any NEET in a basement could make something just as good or better with under 2 years of practice.
>it's popular because literally any NEET in a basement could make something just as good or better with under 2 years of practice.
and yet they haven't?
yeah they have. look at the folk and alternative tags on bandcamp. it's all the same shit
hey fuck you i like that album.
I do look at the folk tags on bandcamp a lot, and nothing is really quite the same as ITAOTS, certainly not the singing or the songwriting. Anyone can say "le distortion guitar strum" meme, but that's not why ITAOTS became what it is. That's why it's been critically acclaimed for years even before mu existed.
acclaim doesn't really mean anything... it's getting lucky.
if you're into the storytelling over guitar form maybe check this
>muh guitar noises
this album is fucking garbage
It’s not that bad but it’s nowhere near as good as people praise it to be. Look at any half decent shoegaze chart and wiggle your finger around and randomly point at something and you probably landed on a better shoegaze album