>is acknowledged as a sentient and free-willed individual
>literally regarded as a person
>joke tends to go "har har we could just shut you OFF?' (eyebrows raise, musical cue for joke)
>crew laughs
>joke is quite seriously about taking away his life and rebirthing him in some sick twisted loop of life and death
>everyone forgets about that Measure of a Man episode apparently
Why is this behavior allowed on this ship?
Is acknowledged as a sentient and free-willed individual
Other urls found in this thread:
Voyager had really inconsistent writing, its the shows biggest flaw.
because Janeway is a one man apocalypse
because he was a faggot that put the ship in danger multiple times and always got away with it
not when he was the emergency command hologram, aka "Mr Steal yo Ship"
I just watched that episode where those Hirogen holograms become sentient and start liberating holograms to start their own world. That episode was pretty fucked up. I used to think Janeway playing God in the Delta Quadrant was just a meme but jeez, she facilitated the creation and damnation of those poor holograms. I couldn't even bring myself to blame that Bajoran dude for going nuts after the hell he was forced to live through.
What are you talking about? Name ONE time the Doctor did anything remotely dangerous to the crew. He's the most sane fucker on that ship.
>>everyone forgets about that Measure of a Man episode apparently
that's why they had the same plot in the episode with the rights of the holonovel where they had to prove that the EMH was sentient
the episode where he joins the rebel holograms, he reveals a Voyager weakness to them to let them escape and almost gets the ship blown up and Belana hurt.
>he freed hologram slaves and someone got a boo boo
Fuck off, name me one REAL time
He's aware that everything they telephone the same happens to them. The original version of them died the first time they couldn't be bothered to pick a designated driver
>reveals a structural weakness to the enemy
>the enemy could have used it to blow the entire ship and didn't do it because we can't have the main characters die
>name me one REAL time
he made Janeway beam up a sentient bomb and put the entire ship in danger
>that one episode where the Doctor was marooned on some planet going through a race war 700 years later
>implies that he's still flying around space, lost in the Delta Quadrant
I guess we are never going to bring this up...
Gee, extreme measures to free literal slaves...how horrible of him.
That is one event in 7 years that had good intentions and freed people from bondage.
>everyone forgets about that Measure of a Man episode apparently
He's not an android, just a computer program intended to preform a limited function.
Who is sentient and thinks, feels and has a will...
Because he's a hard light projection with no soul and a really great program that perfectly mimics humanity. He's still a fucking machine you twat. Data was just a robot too, you silly bitch.
>I believe in a soul
Get out of here you retarded christfaggot
>I never watched DS9
You clearly haven't either
that fuckin episode if an oddity. I dont think it is canon. how was there 2 mobile emitters? There are episodes after that one that show the Doctor is on the ship still.
Because he wasn't actually a living being and therefore had no rights
I think they say something about the doctor in the future being a copy of the original program.
Always one of you in these threads
ok his program could be copied that is not a problem. for me. what is the problem is his mobile emitter. they only had one of those and it was from the 29th century earth.
They probably had some bullshit excuse for that too. I vaguely recall something like that
Or they might have just ignored it, I don't know.
Give me an episode of VOY to watch tonight that isn't Threshold or the EMH Beowulf episode.
they just ignored it im pretty sure. that episode was so god damn hamfisted. they really wanted to make the point that propaganda and lies keep the cycle of hate going. that with the issues with continuity makes me think that episode is a one off non canon.
Remember that episode where Janeway decided to murder Tuvix and he ran around the bridge begging people to help but everyone just looked away awkwardly like he was a bum asking for change?
And the Doctor refuse to do it because it was objectively immoral?
Janeway was a good captain
Caretaker 1&2.
Watch and disrepair, the wasted potential is enough to make a man sick.
The one where Harry Kim falls in love with a hologram
Or the one where Janeway tells a story about her ancestor who looks just like her
You mean the episode where Kim is cucked by Tuvoc?
Anyone who thinks she didn't make the right decision is literally retarded.
The Thaw
He was better at being Security Chief than Tuvok
And who gives a shit that Neelix' functions would be unperformed
It wasn't the loss of two crew.
It was the upgrade of Tuvok with the loss of Neelix.
Legit like this episode
Janeway works best when she's a coldhearted bitchqueen.
How exactly is that message hamfisted?
no you got it backwards
He was alot better at Neelix's job.
mediocre at Tuvoc's.
You could either have 1 person who is good at one(unimportant job cooking) and not as good as he used to be at a very important job.
have 2 people good at their jobs. Neelix may have been a shit cook but as a guide he is great and a hustler as well. Tuvoc being Vulcan is alone makes him better at everything than being a hybrid.
Is Harry Kim getting cucked or is his replacement that cucked him getting cucked?
Did you watch the episode?
Tuvix had all of Tuvok's intellect and logic, but also knew when to follow his gut
There's a scene where he literally does Tuvok's 6 hour job in an hour because he knew that it'd be autistic to do it one by one when he can use intuition to go straight to the problem
And Tuvix still had all of Neelix's memories, so he could be just as good at his guide job
Matter of internal doubles... the age-old cry of the shitposter.
How would you as Picard deal with Wesley Crusher in picture related situation?
because it does not fit in to the rest of the show. they could not get the episode to work with the canon so they handwaved that part. every time the aliens showed up on screen together it was to remind us the cycle is a thing.
Is English not your first language?
Ask him how the fuck he got a holo-snowball out of the holodeck
still just a sophisticated program
>the message of "propaganda and revisionist history is bad" does not fit a series that explores various types of philosophical and psychological questions about the self, brainwashing, history, morality and other such themes
I am convinced you are a retard
>that episode where Chakotay is brainwashed into being a space-American soldier on space-Vietnam and the episode ends with him saying "The war is over but I still can't stop thinking about killing those gooks"
I think it was legitimately the only good Chipotle episode
Then a human is just a bag of meat that occasionally shits. This argument has always been silly
Don't forget that he also died and got sent to an alien afterlife (that was just another planet)
Or that his waifu was killed and turned into an alien zombie
Or that he was turned into an alien by a bunch of space-sirens who wanted to fuck him
Or the time he was being digested by Species 8472 and needed Seven's Borg spunk to safe him
This actually sounds plausible
Was everyone on Voyager literally fucking insane?
>that episode where Janeway has a near death experience but it turns out it was just alien parasites that feed on dying people
Lt. Carey wasn't
but would have to be doing one job. instead of the 2 he did has 2 people. also you know the crew could not just replace them.
he could not be cooking.
doing his security duties
helping set the course for supplies
negotiate deals
>that episode where Neelix becomes an atheist because he dies and is resurrected by being Borgified
>that episode where Neelix confronts the man who Hiroshima'd his planet
Was Neelix secretly a good character?
the idea of the episode is fine. the problem is they did not make it work within the show. they hamfisted it in and ignored the continuity of the show.
Then just have him do Tuvok's old duties and pitch in when he can
Neelix wasn't a permanent member of their crew and never was meant to be
I would throw him out of an airlock and tell Bev its okay we can make another one.
but he became a integral part of the crew. you could argue his roll of guide became outdated once Seven came on board but that was not until years after Tuvix. Having a cook on a ship with very "limited"(as the episode needed) rations for replicators was an important part of the crew.
Tell Keiko that she's going on a mission to covertly plant a Kriosian Electric Ivy in a flowbed near a particular window in the Starfleet Academy grounds or her eligibility for Federation citizenship may come under question
How did they get away with this?
It was a different time
>the need of the many
>the captain's duty toward the crewmen
>starfleet regulations
and the doctor was a retard, he even wanted to erase all data on a subject and a sentient hologram because the original was a cardassian war criminal
He was a character like the Doctor or Tom Paris. Most of the crew were walking memes.
Can't be acknowledging holograms as sentient life, because that means you've been raping your way through space in the holodeck.
>when in doubt, everything I don't like is a meme!!!
And I half expected to see a "desu"/hmmmm
If a Dax host retains the memories of all previous hosts why is Ezri Dax only an ensign? She already has the experience of someone with higher rank.
Because Ezri sucks.
every Dax should be admiral then by now
I guess by starfleet logic they treat all of them as separate entities.
Also on more practical side, do you remember doing something years and years ago, as a kid, but you're not sure you could just sit down and start doing it again just like that? Learning a language in school to never touch it again for decade(s)?
I think accessing memories from other lifetimes it may be similar. They'll learn shit much easier because they have memories of them, but it may not be instant knowledge ready to use.
Just look on how confused and lost Ezri is.
because Ezri needs to prove her self. also im pretty sure the federation would not like Ranks being passed down to joined Trills.
>The captain of the enterprise has been this Trill though multiple hosts for the last 500 years
Hell Dax would be the leader of the Trill people still if title was passed down to each host.
>That time Seven demanded he remove his clothes and have sex with her in the mess hall and he ran away
Yes, I didn't know the right word when writing, but now I got it, stereotype.
>Oh look a skeleton! clearly a predator from the cave killed it, Lt. Carey pick up those chewed up bones with your back to the cave
>LOL OK Neelix, You're the boss!
Ezri Dax is the kind of woman who would let a dude come on her face because she wants to please them and feel needed.
Jadzia Dax is the kind of woman who would let a dude come on her face because she likes it and that shit is good for your skin.
Jadzia is an actual woman where as Ezri is made for degenerate waifufags who want nothing more than a warm fleshlight.
Dont forget you can lay back with Jadzia and let her rock your dick off.
While Ezri is a dead fish.
>computer, lock holodeck
>computer create a simulation of 100 worgs in mating season
>disengage safety measures
Please explain how Neelix is a stereotype
nobody ever said she's the oldest trill or anything
the worms are immortal theoretically they still have living worms that go back to the first host that slipped and fell in their pool
>actual woman
>most likley to cheat on you
cuck detected
Is Garak a stereotype? He is a gay dude who designs and makes clothes.
The only gay person on DS9 is clearly Dr. Bashir
yes garek was pansexual
check your pronouns shitlord..
Ezri is more likely to cheat.
Jadzia never cheated on Worf, but Ezri slept with Worf when she and Bashir were forming their relationship.
u wot, Jadzia slept with that Hawaiian guy at her bachelorette party
He was Samoan, and he slept with Morn.
>I'm afraid
>I knowwwww
christ I hate bajorans
Remember how the episode that introduced the trill was almost entirely about how their personality stays exactly the same, with the fused Riker expecting to continue with relationship without a hitch?
Remember how DS9 gave every host a new personality and stated that romantic relationships don't continue past the death of one host?
Remember how the writers of DS9 just didn't give a shit?
This. Morn is a huge slut. Also, Jadzia would also never cheat on Worf. Meanwhile Ezri sleeps with two main characters in one season. Ezri is a slut with low self esteem who puts out so she can fill the void in her heart by filling the void in her vagina.
they should've made her a psycho killer like in that episode when some fags think Voyager is a warship
DS9 improved their aliens, be they Trill or Ferengi or Cardassians or even Bajorans.
Beverly raped Riker.
perfect captains don't exi-
He's The Hobo King
Reminder that Neelix had good reason to hate Paris.
DS9 writers had mostly contempt for the other series, they tried their hardest to prove they were super different and to make jabs at the other series. It got pretty embarrassing but this contrarian board loves DS9.