What went oh so right?
What went oh so right?
action movie for 15-25 year olds
They tried to make a movie instead of trying to make money.
god himself gave a holy blessing upon the production team
>i'm always angry
2-3 years prep ensured proper looking scenes instead of cgi memefest.
The only thing I liked about that scene in front of the black gates is the extended part with the mouth of Sauron.
I disliked Aragorn's speech, both the delivery and the words. The "for frodo" feels underwhelming, especially after that Theoden speech and charge.
Dishonest filmmaking
t. chris tolkien
>kill the mouth of sauron
>his body is gone when they're riding away from the gate
what did the editors of the extended edition mean by this?
Which god?
Ride of the rohirrim was kino
I didn't understand this scene why would run into certain death?
It was the very epitome of a "lightning in a bottle" production. It was at a period in time where a big budget movie series could still feasibly get funding without being committee-driven to hell and back, where SFX was making huge strides in CGI but not yet over-reliant on it, and social media had not yet taken off so much that one political bloc (i.e-social justice warriors) could run a smear-piece on a production accusing it of bigotry for some imagined infraction and force the creators to kowtow to identity politics in the name of "diversity". It was about 17 years ago that the Lord of the Rings first started filming, but even in that narrow span of time society and the movie industry has changed so much that you could never make them today and still get the same movies, and the terribly mishandled Hobbit "trilogy" is testament to that.
I honestly can't imagine we're getting something like this: youtube.com
desu the industry needs a chemo session where said industry collapses like vidya did to usher in the new golden age.
>music stops when they start mowing down the orcs
the look of fear in the orcs' eyes when the arrows do nothing to the waves coming towards them is priceless.
Right white man vs leftist black man.
I dont even know how the jews allowed this.
Jews used to care about shekels above all else
>ywn be this intimidating
no PC bullshit and they were allowed to have a movie with all white people based on european history
well said, sir.
Then kiss me you rich boy(?)
No women
Watch the behind the scenes stuff on youtube. The amount of genuine care and love every single person had on the project is incredibly
>starts charging in by himself like a dumbass
>immediately gets 40 arrows to the chest and drops dead right there
I would've been perfectly fine if it ended this way.
Even as a fan of the movies, I felt like this scene was dumb.
Peter Jackson was actually trying
And the Weta Workshop was responsible for at least 35% of the reason the trilogy was good
Holy fuck that scene is still so good. This production was so wholehearted and genuine. The hobbit (and movies in general now) was so rife with winks and nods and tongue in cheek humor that there was no sincerity to it. Everything in these movies is played so straight and so sincerely you can't help but be swept up in the same emotions as the characters.
Weta workshop was incredible but I think the cast's chemistry and passion was the biggest reason the movies were such masterpieces. They all basically became best friends and really got into the source material.
fucking love the music and emotion.
>It's gone...It's done...
is there a movie with a single better song than the one that plays at 2:30? Literally a fucking angel singing.
not Sean Astin
>based on european history
It's something about tragic heroism, and the fact that I will never be a part of something so glorious and epic in scope, to die in glorious battle for the fate of the world. Such grandiose things aren't possible in our world
Tolkien was tradical. Implicit reactionary ideas are comfy and natural.
I was also actually surprised by the subtitles. I had no idea they were screaming "death". I thought it was just screaming, but now the scene is even more meaningful since they expected to literally die and gave not a single fuck.
it's so god damn good
Surely you meant, inspired by European culture and folklore?
>for frodo
>but i can carry you !
>you bow to no one!
>farewell my brave hobbits
It's a literal challenge for me everytime someone posts that scene. I prepare. I'm like ok, i've seen this movie at least 10 times and this scene even more, I can do this! Nope.
Hey that's cool. Any movies with scenes that make you emotional? Not trying to make fun of you, just curious what movies get you going.
No forced diversity
ending of lotr at the grey havens. that is the only place i will cry at
>I'm glad to be with you samwise gamgee, here at the end of all things
>And here at last, our journey comes to an end
Shits depressing.
I always like reading the translated lyrics to the music.
>you will never see that scene for the first time ever again
>It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo.
But that's what they were there for. They were never meant to win, their only purpose was to buy Frodo time by diverting Sauron's gaze.
would it be gay to get a replica of the ring and wear it around? thinking of getting the 100 $ one
Sure, but soldiers don't exactly know Frodo or what he's doing. Like if I were one the soldiers there I'd extremely fucking confused why am I dying there for. I assume no one except main characters even knows what's up because they'd risk this information leaking, and Sauron'd know that this diversion.
Case and point, a really shitty speech if you want your men to man the fuck up and buy you as much time as possible sacrificing their lives.
Despite not being on screen, you don't know if aragorn didn't tell them. And in the speech, Aragorn urge them to stand and fight. There was no fleeing, no escape for them. If sauron won, it was a matter of time till they would all die.
If you want to be really autistic about it, you should concentrate on the fact that maybe around 20-30 soldiers will actually hear any of the speech. With that Theoden one nobody would even hear the whole speech, only random words.
Eru Ilúvatar, would be my guess.
Yeah but if the soldiers weren't gonna fight there, what would be the alternative for them? Scatter and run? Might as well die a glorious death with your king (assuming they have zero knowledge of frodo or what they're truly doing).
Also, Aragorn pretty much just whispers to his friends "for frodo", instead of using it as a loud as fuck battle cry, so I think we can both agree the soldiers were just showed up to die because there was nowhere for them to run anyway.
Jackson actually gave a shit
You should be thankful, at least our generation got to have some nice movies pre 2005.
Your grandchildren will be watching only some lazy ass filmmaking.
>"Did he say blessed are the cheesemakers?"
>that detailed as fuck body armor
So what if only the first few rows of dudes heard him. They're the only ones who actually need to hear it. They'll be the ones doing the hard work
>our generation
Hate to break it to you, but most of Sup Forums were at best babies when LOTR came out.
>fellowship came out 15 years ago
>They'll be the ones doing the hard work
They'll be the ones that have a 99,99% chance of dying.
And that's all you need, everyone heard since everyone were screaming it. That's how hype your army up.
And they know it. That's why they're the ones who need inspirational speeches.
no they weren't, there's plenty of older people in here
>inb4 grandpa go to sleep
I was 15 when RotK came out. I remember watching this scene in theaters and it nearly made me cry. Epics/blockbusters/big budget movies died when Iron Man came out in 2008.
I can imagine some guy at the back saying "What? Did he say "death"? Yeaaah, death to the enemy? Wait, what? Death to us? I wish I was at Rohan fucking my horse? My horse's feet hurt."
I was 10 when it came out in the theatres. I had only gotten into LoTR a year prior so I didn't get to see the other movies on the bigscreen but I'll be forever thankful that I got to see RotK on it. Single most incredibly movie-going experience I've ever had.
Yeah I didn't see the other two in theaters either, I thought they looked gay as fuck. My best friend convinced me to start watching them and then his dad took us to see RotK when it came out. Probably the best movie-going experience I've had too, close behind being seeing The Dark Knight at midnight release and seeing Fury Road. I wish big budget movies would go back to being able to have some freedom instead of being made by committee and shilling to foreign countries for maximum profit.
I was 13 when RotK came out, cried like a bitch in the theatre.
so uh
why didnt they just fly the eagles to mordor?
>tfw 5:20
This right here is even better:
Gandalf brought three eagles because he assumed the best in Smeagol
Why didn't someone just fly to berlin and kill hitler?
mordor doesnt have 88cm flak guns
because Sauron has magic sight, flying monsters, and uncountably many archers, and the eagles couldn't be assed to go on a suicide mission
>you now remember this scene
>into the west starts playing
And Rivendell didn't have Spitfires
>magic sight
whats he gonna do look at you to death lmao
>flying monsters
that last battle in front of the gates of mordor shows the eagles could easily take on the naz'gul
fly out of the range of the archers
>a far green country
Fucking hell that made me cry
We got the original SW trilogy then the LOTR trilogy, when will the next LEGENDARY film trilogy come to pass?
fact: that shot of Merry and Pippin running first after Aragorn is one of the best moments in the series
prove me wrong
There will never be a movie better than the LotR trilogy. I'll fight anyone who disagrees
>when you realize Gandalf is holding a fake looking replica Merry doll when confronting the Mouth of Sauron with Aragorn, helmet and all
>on youtube
>not owning the extended editions with all glorious the behind the scene stuff
>they had to make a mediocre trilogy in order for plebs to appreciate a good trilogy
makes you ponder
but they have orcs with arrows and those dragon things the nazgul rode
3 and a half years of pre production, making armor, concept art, storyboard discussion.
jackson had to do the last hobbit movie without even a basic storyboard, poor bastard
post yfw
>I can’t do this, Sam.
>I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something.
>What are we holding on to, Sam?
>That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.