Albums that become 10/10 with removal of one song

Praise You

Shit taste

wrong wrong wrong

that's a good jam though


>8 Million Stories


>not Fucking in Heaven

Man, Elton John really let himself go, didn't he?

No wonder he's retiring.

I don't even care that this is bait and I'm giving you what you want but you are fucking retarded

The Fucked Jam is retarded and I cannot believe that people on this board actually defend it.

The obvious one.

It's funny in the context of the album.


I had to look at the tracklist again but there is literally nothing to cut

The first or second one?

Maybe you ain’t looking close enough.

>hating on the best track on the album

The one that sounds like on-hold music

See You In My Nightmares

Girlfriend's Girlfriend brings this album down to a 7.

Objectively incorrect

What a pleb opinion.