eh not really imo
more like only telling one half of the story
what's pretentious about it?
It assumes the audience is clueless about finances/loans. Its target audience was redditors who don't know what a mortgage is.
What false pretenses does it have?
I liked it but it's because I'm really interested in the 2008 crisis.
Fuck off pleb, fantastic movie that handled the subject matter in a way that was appeasing to anybody with 2 brain cells, but also with a lot of space for multiple viewings once you've researched all of the elements that were in the whole collapse
>It assumes the audience is clueless about finances/loans
That's a pretty safe fucking assumption, you pretentious dickbag.
Because the general audience is clueless and disinterested in mortgage/loans, these are subjects that your average person finds boring, and this is an entertainment piece, not a documentary.
Don't be so insecure, reddit.
>movie is marketed as a true story
>It assumes the audience is clueless about finances/loans
You mean the overwhelming majority of America? The people who bought into subprime mortgages in the first place?
You're pretentious. Give the american people some credit.
>hurr durr reddit
And the mouthbreathing retard exposes himself once again.
Stop shitposting if you can't handle the heat of getting your idiotic opinions called out.
utter garbage
So pretentious.
its very up its own ass about how hip and savvy and witty and smart it is. I enjoyed it but that aspect left me feeling kind of guilty for it. especially when you realize that the guys in real life are actually just as greedy and selfish as any le evil banker. They saw a way to make a killing, none of this morality/outrage shit we see in the film.
I mean one of the guys went on letterman and flat out admitted he did the same sketchy shit with selling shitty loans and everyone claps and laughs and forgives him because haha hes the guy from the movie he can't be all bad
Also the really intentionally shitty editing they do some times with youtube videos and shit? I mean it just reeks of out of touch people thinking they have a clue what the kids are into these days and failing completely. Like they saw youtube poop was popular and thought thats how its done. Also the celebrity explanation scenes should have been axed completely, they're awful in both concept and execution
>hurr durr more shitposting and buzzwords I sure got them since they're calling out my stupidity :^)
Die already
>Give the american people some credit
Exactly what the realtors said & did.
All these poor haunted protagonists making millions.
>give the American people some credit
But people did give them credit, subprime loans, and then the market collapsed.
Get over yourself, reddit.
It's literally just "we want the wolf of wall street audience".
>if I never drop the retard act I win :^)
Kill yourself
So cynical and jaded. KYS, oooh.
I'm not the one hating on a good movie because it explains itself to dumbfuck clapistanis
you're an idiot
Not really. In fact, it's pretty much pleb-central
you have to go back
Get your dictionary out my friend, because you have the definition of this word wrong. This movie tried to dumb down tough economic stuff for an ignorant audience, it's the opposite of pretentious in tone and execution.
was so forgettable i cant remember what happened at the end or if i even finished it
Margin Call is so much better it's not even comparable.
it's not pretentious, it's just a flavor-of-the-month oscar bait drama that will be virtually forgotten in three years.
>it's a good movie
go die reddit srs