DAW thread

DAW thread.

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Isn't that just /prod/?

No. /prod/ discusses the creation of music and methods and good sounds and shit.

This is a thread dedicated to DAWs only. Best plugins for DAWs, arguing over which DAW is better, shit like that. General DAW shit, not the process of making music in them.

Ableton 10 is juicy, loving that shit
Also use Logic, good workflow

>inb4 people use 5-10 year old arguments about what daws can and can't do like every thread

Ableton Live 10 is great so far. For once, I am not disappointed with the release of a new version of a DAW.

every daw gets u to the same place
but ableton gets u there faster with all ur hair intact


best DAW for amateurs?

>best daw for __


My nigga.

>not rewired every daw at once
total trash producer confirmed

oh, so is this thread just one big fucking ableton jerk circle

>trying to bait us with retarded stipulations that make no sense
I could literally say that you aren't a real producer if you don't use a mixing board that cost you a couple thousand dollars. It doesn't make it any more true.

>not even knowing what rewired is
the faggotry runs deeper than first assumed

Reaper. Works great on Linux with VSTs under wine.

How to migrate from fl to ableton? Any main things i need to keep in mind?

I don't fucking care what Rewired is, stipulations that don't make sense go into the trash.

why do people spend thousands on a mixing board? you're mixing the same frequencies, just add more buttons to the the ranges you want to mix like 8-9k instead of 8-16k or w.e. or does throwing out thousands of dollars make u feel special or something lol

wow you're fuckin retarded

You have provided no reasons as to why your belief is correct, so am I the retarded one?

fuck clip view that shit confused me when i first started learning ableton

It's easy.

I should start making these threads professional. We need a // acronym. Let's see. Digital Audio Workstation General - /dawg/?

What's up /dawg/? I dunno, just pitchin' ideas.

incredibly so i'm afraid

>still dancing around explaining himself so he doesnt have to admit he is wrong
Just leave. Stop embarassing yourself.

Is Pure Data a DAW?

The true question, are DAWs pure data?

i'm not wrong you really are an incredible imbecile i think you might be mentally handicapped and i'm not sure you know this so i'm informing you

Holy shit, do you know how fucking disabled you sound right now? You are such an obvious fucking 13 year old.

>i know you are but what am i?
how are you not seeing this

What the fuck are you getting at here grasping at straws like this.


13 year old reverts back to 13 year old behavior and stops trying to act grown up.

i've used logic for the past few years, pretty good daw. if i were to try another which one should i use

Wow so edgy dude.



Your reaction image is so stale that even Saltines seem like steak in comparison.
Quit being edgy and get out of my thread.

sick randem image broski xDDDDDD

I am going to repost the thread in a professional manor to attract more people.

saltines are salty tho

plz dont report me

is ableton 10 a good intro DAW? The Intro is 100 and it looks pretty tempting.

this is my thread now

Fuck off, I want to talk about DAWs you little faggot.

this basically all you need to know about music productions

this is u

this is your brain on feminism

New thread.

this is statistically proven to be the premier fetish amongst ableton users

anthony fantano said it doesnt matter what type of daw you use

>all the ableton shilling ITT

say that to my face watch what happens pussy

>tfw not blue eyes blonde hair masterrace