What exactly was his fucking problem?
What exactly was his fucking problem?
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Tell me about Snoke! Why does he have the gash!?
Luke rekt him.
ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong
It'll be explained in a book who he actually is and what his deal is. The movies will never take the time to stop and explain what his deal is because it was already explained in the book.
Screencap this post. Same shit happened with Rogue One.
He's the first dark side user ever that remained alive in the shadows waiting for his moment to strike.
The First Order gets its name from Snoke literally being the first dark side user.
The lightsaber Kylo Ren used is not an unfinished unstable one but rather a design that the first dark force users used.
Books are for story, movies are for pew pew.
wow, such deep lore
thank you jj
>Same shit happened with Rogue One
I guess you'll just have to buy the Road To Episode 8 book trilogy, get the comic series, and play the tie-in video game find out.
>Books are for story
>stars wars
Im still running with the theory that snoke is plagueis. I hate this whole ancient darkside evil lying in wait thing. Sounds gay as fuck.
There was a book released before the release of Rogue One that explains Krennic and Galen's backstory.
I haven't read Catalsyt bus apparently Galen and Krennic went to school together.
Gay lovers eh? So he killed his wife out of jealousy?
Progressive. Most progressive.
jedi fucking shits
Oh vey, if you'd like to know what the fuck is happening in our movies, who are those characters, just be a good goy and give us more money for the books!
He's le evil villain man. His motives are probably power or hatred and the power of friendship and love will defeat him. It's the same damn thing from episode 6, "your faith in your friends is yours." Star Wars exists in a black and white universe without nuance, and when it attempted nuance everyone wanted to neck themselves in the theater.
Wouldn't Plageus count as an ancient Dark side evil lying in wait, though?
I don't get it. Their "backstories" are so simple that they shouldn't need a book. Krennic is an ambitious Imperial officer who wants to impress the Emperor with a superweapon, and Galen is who he believes to be the only person capable of making that superweapon. Even without the flashback scenes in the movie, it's not like that was supposed to be hard to understand.
You have to wait until VIII, because TFA doesn't bother with giving the story any context
But The Force Awakens is still the best star wars movie because JJ, quips, and diversity. Only nerds think a story is important in a movie
>ever purchasing any kind of media
It doesn't take a Jew to fool you, dumbass
The book are just merchandise to cash in on the brand name bro, of course it's not important to the movie. Star Wars has a long tradition of people being all sorts of dumb merchandise, Disney is just collecting the shekels here.
Kill yourself faggot
A couple of hundred years isn't really ancient
It would be no different to the audience. Generic ancient evil form the past.
Yeah you're probably right seeing as the audience is now memeing faggots and retards.
im so glad they didn't make him look like that piece of shit
he looks horrible but at least he doesnt look like his head is a penis
>He's the first dark side user ever that remained alive in the shadows waiting for his moment to strike.
Who's ass did you pull that nonsense out of? The movie didn't imply that at all.
What happened to make your dick so deformed user?
Plagueis is too obscure for most people to know or care about him.
one unforgettable night with a belt-sander
i drank too much and she invited me over to her shop the rest is history
painful scared history
Nucanon is hinting at it.
Disney star wars isn't canon.
No, nuucanon is hinting that Snoke is Gallius Rax m8.
So, I've been noticing more and more people defending episodes I-III lately.
Is it all children? Are they really that fucking stupid? I-III are so trash compared to IV-VI. And VII sucked even more than those.
>And VII sucked even more than those.
There it is. People have realized the prequels weren't as bad when compared to TFA.
Nah, it's hinting he is from beyond the outter rim and the source of darkside.
>So, I've been noticing more and more people defending episodes I-III lately.
Nigga where have you been?
We have been dealing with prequel defenders for years now. Like at least since 2012.
And yes, it's those fuckers that saw the movies as kids and now can't let go of their nostalgia but sadly they are old enough to post on Sup Forums.
Stay away from Sup Forums, those fuckers are rabid prequel fans. Too bad they can't stay away from Sup Forums
Revenge Of The Sith is the best Star Wars movie.
Why do you think so?
>And VII sucked even more than those.
Anyway, Snoke is Plagueis, Darth Sidious's Master. He impregnated Shmi by force-raping her after Palpatine "killed" him in his sleep, so that Anakin would become Palpatine's apprentice and kill him, as Sith usually do
This makes plagueis Luke's granddaddy and Kylo's great-grandpa and ties it all nicely together as an intergalactic family drama.
ITT: Villains who did nothing
>Anyway, Snoke is Plagueis, Darth Sidious's Master.
>He impregnated Shmi by force-raping
lol, I can't wait to laugh at your kind of people when 8 comes out
dat fan fiction headcanon shit, lol, get me erry tiem
Gimme a source
t. JJ
are you new?
oh, and now in the new trilogy, that the emperor is dead and darth vader he is picking up the pieces of his empire. He also realized he can avoid being killed by his apprentice by only communicating with him through hologram.
No Sith remains. And the lone Jedi that exists--the son of Anakin Skywalker--possesses an untouchable soul. At least for now. We must instead move towards the dark side. Palpatine felt that the universe beyond the edges of our map was where his power came from. Over the many years he, with our aid, sent men and women beyond known space. They built labs and communication stations on distant moons, asteroids, out there in the wilds. We must follow them. Retreat from the Galaxy. Go out beyond the veil of stars. We must seek the source of the dark side like a man looking for a wellspring of water.
the plagueis/snoke thing is fanfic but the shmi force-rape by plagueis was canon until disney fucked the entire EU
OT or bust, prequel nigger
JJ's copy and paste is just bad as your prequel.
Good news though, no one cares about the prequels and they will die out in a decade or so as Disney swarms the franchise with their own films.
What user said.
Also, Snoke has been hiding in the shadows for a long time, and only came back because the Sith are on the ropes.
This is what will set up the apocalyptic battles in the final two films. Each side is finally fighting for all the goods.
Name ONE named character more likely to be Snoke.
If Snoke is a completely new character that would be some retarded bullshit and ruin the new trilogy. Note that named character =/= appeared in the movies
It has the best space battle in movie in cinematic history. It has Sheev at his best and Mustafar is the best lightsaber battle in the movies. Not the best lighstaber fight period tho. The best saber fights are in the SWTOR cinematics.
>hmi force-rape by plagueis was canon
No, that was never canon either.
More, it wasn't even EU. Even the EU stated that Anakin was created by the Force, as a form of retaliation to the Sith (which is dumb, but not as bad). George also stated he was created by the force in an interview.
The "Plagues created Anakin" is the most retarded headcanon to ever grace star wars.
The books have never been used as supplements for the movies, even during the EU's most popular era (the 90's, god I miss being a kid and reading trashy scifi novels). The movies always come first.
Yoda mentions in V that there is an Other. Snoke is this Other, and the First Order is derived from a corruption of his title as the First Other.
>Name ONE named character more likely to be Snoke.
Snoke is snoke, OC character.
>If Snoke is a completely new character that would be some retarded bullshit and ruin the new trilogy.
It saves the trilogy for me. Thank you based Disney for ignoring shitty prequel and EU lore.
But knowing Snokes backstory isn't essential information. They'll do the same thing they did with Catalyst and Rogue One.
I always thought Sheev made Anakin, since he was Plageus' apprentice and the latter learned how to create life.
This adds some true pottery to Vader killing him in RotJ.
Yea, but disney is doing the "it's all canon and connected" thing. I mean it's not really true, but that's the official story.
mfw he's training his great grandson
The other he was talking about was Leia, you ninny hammer. Another SKYWALKER.
>Good news though, no one cares about the prequels and they will die out in a decade or so
That was George's initial idea in the early RotS drafts, but he didn't go through it. He thought that "I am your Father, Anakin," was too much.
He was probably right.
The implications are that Sheev and Plageus manipulated the force to impregnate a random person in the galaxy (Anakins mom) with a Jesus allegory super force baby.
I'm overjoyed too.
The only way this would ever work is if he's a jedi who survived order 66 and fell to the dark side for some reason. Still doesn't make sense...
Eeeh, it's better left as a subtle hint. A lot of things are that way.
It would be funny if they'd retcon it as Shmi being a super slut and sleeping with half of Mos Eisley.
what a reddit post
>Eeeh, it's better left as a subtle hint.
That's what he did. He left a hint in relation to Anakin's origins, but he said that in the end it's irrelevant to the story and does not need to explained.
Too bad you're wrong
Rince repeat
Homer niggerson
Wow, one of the rare moments of clarity from Lucas then.
>The only way this would ever work is if he's a jedi who survived order 66 and fell to the dark side for some reason. Still doesn't make sense..
Why are you so dead set on it being a returning character?
Snoke doesn't have to be a returning character, nor did the movie even hint that he is.
Disney's action are already proving me right.
Based Disney, will probably run the franchise into the ground, but at least it will belittle the prequels for the generations to come.
>Still doesn't make sense...
disney has already shown they don't give a fuck about anything fitting together or making sense.
I know. The one time he decided subtlety is a good thing.
Then of course EU took it and made a whole novel about Plagueis that did not need to be made anyway.
Sheev explained to Anakin who Plagueis is.
I didn't say it had to be a jedi from the prequels. Just one that existed. It's the only thing that explains how he is trained in the force, and probably lightsabers too. Unless there is some dark side sect hidden on a planet, that for some reason completely isolated themselves and were not known of despite the republic/jedi order's massive database of planets
No where in the movie is it clarified if that is anything more than a lie. The EU turned him into a real character, something Lucas had no interest in doing himself.
>Disney, will probably run the franchise into the ground,
This is true. It'll be marvel soon enough if it isn't already. This is why the prequels will always stand out, it doesn't matter if you love them or hate them. Disney will never have the balls to make something that isn't generic shit aimed at the lowest common denominator.
Well I'm sure we'll be disappointed either way whatever they come up with.
>that look
George "if shes breathing shes good for heaving" Lucas
Except the MCU is successful. People like it. SWCU has to fail for the prequels to stand out.
As it is, kids have no real reason to see it (not to mention they aged like shit), and Disney is not doing anything to elevate them either. And as more SWCU comes out, the prequels will just be more irrelevant to the story. The OT is safe since it's a classic and the starting point for the franchise, the prequels are going to become a footnote.
I didn't know Anthony Hopkins was in the prequels.
>Lucas had no interest in doing himself.
The character was long dead, what did you expect him to do? I don't know why you retards always think sheev was lying.
>you will live to see prequels being regarded as Christmas Special
mixed feels, some of the prequel-based vidya games were great
The EU and the prequels aren't being ignored. Part of Star Wars: Catalyst takes place during the clone wars and Admiral Thrawn is in Star Wars Rebels.
I think you're wrong user but I guess only time will tell.
>The character was long dead, what did you expect him to do?
That's not what I meant. He had no interest in decided if the story is real or not, and he said so himself.
> I don't know why you retards always think sheev was lying.
>Anakin I can save your wife
>Anakin, now that you joined me, I must say, I don't know how to save your wife and I was bullshitting, go kill younglings
>yes master
Well aside from George plainly stating the veracity of the Plagueis is story is irrelevant, the movie shows us Sheev was bullshitting Anakin.
And I don't care about EU novels anymore than George did, when it comes to the movies.
Except even though Disney will run Star Wars into the ground, all the movies will still hold value. Because with every movie they have the opportunity to world-build the galaxy even deeper.Despite the prequels being bad they had amazing worldbuilding. Also Kennedy has said each Star Wars EU movie will be a different genre (Rogue One was a spy thriller/war movie, Han Solo will be a western)
>every movie is a different genre
>every movie gives new interesting worldbuilding
>every movie is a superhero movie
>every movie is set on modern-day earth
>Good luck Anakin!
>takes off glasses
>The EU and the prequels aren't being ignored.
That's a whole another argument, but prequels are. I don't care about nuEU since it's just filler for the most part.
There is no prequel centric movie, there is no Obi-Wan movie, and the only callbacks to the prequels have been minor in the films, just to satisfy the people who grew up with them.
Same with the nuEU, mostly minor callbacks. Almost no PT era nuEU exists, but some comics and like a book or two, and everything else is centered on the OT. They even canceled the PT cartoon to make one closer to the OT.
It's pretty clear to me that Disney is phasing the PT out, while appeasing those who grew up with them, with no major plans for PT centric films.
There's more variety between "superhero movies" and "SW movies", apparently. I mean, MCU even managed to do an R rated movie there. Do you think Disney will ever do an R SW story?
Regardless, Guardians of Galaxy weren't set on Earth, so here's that.
>all the movies will still hold value.
That's already wrong
>Kennedy has said
She's a a retarded cunt.
>Rogue One was a spy thriller/war movie, Han Solo will be a western
Rogue one was shit and Han Solo is shaping up to be the worst star wars movie of all time.
Those aren't the best battles at all, because the story and characters suck. Obi Wan vs. Vader in IV, Luke fighting Vader in both V and VI are far more intense. The attack on the Death Star in IV is way more interesting.
Battles are just half of Star Wars. The other half is the story, the characterization and the lore. I-III may have fancier effects, but they lack depth and they exaggerate small character traits to the point of satirizing the entire script.